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Running php code script


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I have a php script for fantasy football what it does is it grabs a teams fantasy info (from yahoo) and then the stats from NFL.com and calculates fantasy points. In order to do that i have a php script that is run by going to a page clicking a grab fantasy button and then a start tracking button. once the start tracking button is clicked every 3 seconds or so it regrabs the stats and calculates but in order to do this a browser window needs to be up to continue to load the php script. I was wondering if I could set a time that the php script would run (automatically) with out having a browser window open. so pretty much run the script during (sleep time) if you so call it so that i dont have to go threw the hassel of running the script and making sure the window stays up.



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1)  Serious web development?  MySpace is hosted on Windows.  //end


You could use a scheduled task instead of cron if you're on Windows.


Are you serious?  Wow, what losers. o_O  I don't know how they manage to host that site on Windows.


In my book such comments make you stand out as a fanboy looser. Just sayin'

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1)  Serious web development?  MySpace is hosted on Windows.  //end


You could use a scheduled task instead of cron if you're on Windows.


Are you serious?  Wow, what losers. o_O  I don't know how they manage to host that site on Windows.


In my book such comments make you stand out as a fanboy looser. Just sayin'


I've tried hosting sites on Windows, and I've given it a fair shot, but it just really wasn't fit for hosting sites and stuff.  It's great for people who just need to use a computer to check e-mails and create the occasional Word document, but that's about it these days.  Not kidding.  My dad's company actually has their internal company server on Windows and it's down all the time, be it for restarts or general errors. >_<

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telnet myspace.com 80


Host: myspace.com



Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0



IIS is always on Windows, so it would either be lying or on Windows.  Also, with a site like MySpace, it would obviously be one of the server flavors, and Server 03 would be most likely with IIS 6 since 08 carries 7 or 8 ;p.





My response to the Windows comments:  Perhaps it wasn't the OS lacking in ability?  (I mean that as a joke just for the record.  Not trying to insult you seriously ;p)



I would agree that in most situation, I would prefer linux based hosting for web stuff, but don't knock something entirely like that, especially without initially providing reasons.  Also, the reason you did provide was not conclusive.  One bad experience proves nothing.  I've seen horribly configured *nix servers too ;p.

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.NET requires Windows to work, correct?  If so, then look at Ektron.  They're a local company that sells a CMS written in ASP.  Their clients include NASA, PlayStation, and others (http://www.ektron.com/customers.aspx).


I'm not a fan of Windows or .NET (although I am enjoying my C# experience so far), but to claim that serious development is only done on a *nix platform is just false.  In my area of the world, .NET skills are in far greater demand than PHP.  So, I'm learning it in order to move away from freelancing.  I figure my resume will look better with proficiency in both Microsoft and open-source technology on it, too.

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If Microsoft products really were conclusively as horrible as people make them out to be, they'd be out of business.  But they aren't, so they must be doing something right.  And claiming it's because most people are ignorant is not a valid argument.  If anything, I give Microsoft major credit for not only being able to stay afloat, but consistently dominating their markets, despite consistent trash talking from people who TBH I think just spout off whatever heard from their friend who heard from their friend who heard from some dude, having not actually done any real research for themselves on the matter.  I echo Dan's sentiments. 

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I don't really care what software people use as long as they keep it updated. Personally I don't care if they use Internet Exploder as long as they keep it updated. In that way we'll only have to support one version. There are also differences between Gecko's, Presto's, and Webkit's rendering so I don't think it's a big deal that Trident's rendering differs as well.


In fact, if you try too hard to make me change my choice of software then I'll like that piece of software even less. I'll use whatever I want and I'm quite sure most other people have that opinion as well.


If people can present valid reasons why something is better than what I use and I don't see any major drawbacks then I might change, but I don't change just because someone says "omg u r using <insert software> lol..!!11one! u is noob wtflol!!".

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And if I hear somebody moan about Internet Explorer one more ******* time I'm going to write them an email without using "Dear" or "Yours sincerely."


I'm so mad I could rip a napkin.


Whoa careful there buddy, that's serious business.  Make sure you do your stretches first.


Great advice.

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If Microsoft products really were conclusively as horrible as people make them out to be, they'd be out of business.  But they aren't, so they must be doing something right.   And claiming it's because most people are ignorant is not a valid argument.  If anything, I give Microsoft major credit for not only being able to stay afloat, but consistently dominating their markets, despite consistent trash talking from people who TBH I think just spout off whatever heard from their friend who heard from their friend who heard from some dude, having not actually done any real research for themselves on the matter.   I echo Dan's sentiments. 






(Yeah, werd.)

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9/10 (<-- made up) on this thread are using windows, including me!


Linux, lets face it, is really only good for hacking, and hosting.

Apple's O\S is based on Unix.

Windows, is wildly know and has tons of software support.


They all have theirs ups and downs.


I have also seen a window's website run on a Linux server. I do not remember which one.

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