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Favorite Fast Food


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I'm sitting here eating Whataburger and am suddenly curious what you guys eat when you get fast food.  If you don't eat fast food, what do you eat when you have a short timeframe to do it in.  (So Ruby Tuesday is out of the question, so good though). 


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KFC abuses chickens, so I don't eat there (although it is pretty good).  I used to eat sonic all the time because I had some card the high school were selling that had buy 1 get 1 free anytime for a whole year.  After eating probably like 300 burgers I got sick of it. 

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KFC abuses chickens, so I don't eat there (although it is pretty good).



Lol. I'm with waynewex on this one, I pretty much I agree with him fully except for the Chinese part. If its just casual, Hungry Jacks... Actually, Hungry Jacks pretty much all round. Best burgers... EVER!

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I eat less...


Because food is toxic.


I prefer seafoods or vegetables and fruits.


as the toxicologist suggest (everything we eat is poison).


If there is an option not to eat, i'm not going to eat.


but since our body is designed to eat to survive thus i need to eat.


i hate fast foods they are unhealthy foods.



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Favorite fast food seems too oxymoronic for me to even answer.  I cringe everytime I realize I"m gonna have to order at a place like mcdonalds or wendy's.  But if I really had to choose, I'd pick Arby's, just because I like their subs.


Chinese food is ...da bomb... if it isn't buffet style....especially japanese food.  But when it comes down to a choice of General Tso's chicken and/or a bunch of other assorted meats mixed with obscure vegetables...I guess it's good, but it's not as good as a special order

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I eat less...


Because food is toxic.


I prefer seafoods or vegetables and fruits.


as the toxicologist suggest (everything we eat is poison).


If there is an option not to eat, i'm not going to eat.


but since our body is designed to eat to survive thus i need to eat.


i hate fast foods they are unhealthy foods.


Seafood ftw! But if there is an option not to eat it, I think I'd still eat it. Depending on what "it" is.

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ok, do you want to explain to me how food is toxic?


Toxic does not necessarily mean lethal.  It means harmful in general.  All the chemicals (preservatives, synthesized fats/sugars, food colorings, etc...) are not good for your body.  And yet, that's what makes it so yummy.  It's kind of like moths to flames, lol. 


Anyways... I'm down for eating pretty much anywhere, but if I had a choice I'd go for a good sandwich.  But that usually involves me making it myself.  If I'm going for healthy, I go for a wheat sandwich roll, cracked pepper chicken or turkey (cut super thin), sharp cheddar or swiss, lettuce tomatoes red onions yummy. 


If I'm going for tasty, I go for a hot meat and cheese combo like pastrami salami and corned beef with swiss and pepperjack thrown on some nice asiago cheese french bread and put under the broiler for a couple mins mmmmm (drooling now, I think I know what I'm making for lunch :D). 


Or if I'm going for something simple and fast, I like a spicy sausage halved and topped with peppered mustard and sharp cheddar, put on a baguette. 


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Haha well like I said, I don't mind stopping at some McFood place if the occasion necessitates it, but I like to cook.  People tell me I'm pretty good at it, actually.  Tell me I need to open a restaurant or somethin'.  I probably would if I had the cash.  Name it and I can probably make it completely from scratch without a cookbook, sort of thing.

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