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How do you know if a programmer is a good programmer?

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I like the subject. But what makes you think that you can post a subject at 03:21:32 AM and expect answers this much soon? 




I have all those options except number 4 which I have no idea what is strange codes. So I'm awesome ? xD


anyway I have to say you can't find that easily.  It is the matter of time to find out who is a great programmer. hard to say by the first tests. So many programmer are "problem solver", but they do a lot of useless codes.


I remember once I saw someone written about 20 php lines, 2 mysql queries to get data from mysql by random, only because he didn't know there's an  "order by random" in mysql.

The site manager was happy because his pages could get data by random, and he didn't know what had happened in his codes.



The best way to see if someone is a good programmer is simple, look/test at the code.


Just because someone can do something is 50 lines of code does not mean that it is good if it could be done in 10 lines.  Execution time of code would be another thing to look at.


Meaning that ok may be in a different timezone than you are.


Won't make a difference.

He started his thread at 03:21:32 AM, my time

his next posts were    at  04:37:35 AM, my time

                                  04:41:11 AM

                                  04:42:47 AM

                                  05:10:08 AM, When he lost interest maybe? (saying "nevermind")


Actually it is no big deal ^^ just saying wouldn't make difference in what time zone he posted.




I suppose:


Ability to learn and adapt.

Good work rate. (Any job)

Attempts to write code that adheres to the best standards (i.e. if he or she knows there's a better way to do something, he or she will learn how to do it and not just go for the quick fix).

Understands the meaning of "budget" (may conflict with above point).

Comments his or her code well and understands that other programmers are not psychics.

Likes what he or she does.

Takes pride in his or her work.

Pays attention to design before rushing into implementation.

Can work under pressure and time constraints.

Knowledgable of pit-falls to avoid.

Understands the importance of usability.

Strives to make code that can be re-used easily.

Smokes cigarettes and takes no shit from anyone.

Understands the need for security.

Can do a cart wheel.

Tests the hell out of his or her code.


It goes on and on. A lot of the points apply to any type of job and I'm sure that other advantageous characteristics exist.


Ability to learn and adapt.

Good work rate. (Any job)

-Just because someone codes slowly doesn't mean he/she is a bad programmer.  Just means that he/she programs slowly.

Attempts to write code that adheres to the best standards (i.e. if he or she knows there's a better way to do something, he or she will learn how to do it and not just go for the quick fix).

Understands the meaning of "budget" (may conflict with above point).

-Someone who refuses to adhere to budgets could still be a good programmer.  A good employee though?  No.

Comments his or her code well and understands that other programmers are not psychics.

-See earlier points.  If other people don't understand the code, it's not automatically bad code.

Likes what he or she does.

-See earlier points.

Takes pride in his or her work.

-See earlier points.

Pays attention to design before rushing into implementation.

Can work under pressure and time constraints.

-See earlier points.

Knowledgable of pit-falls to avoid.

Understands the importance of usability.

-Did you mean re-usability?

Strives to make code that can be re-used easily.

Smokes cigarettes and takes no shit from anyone.


Understands the need for security.

Can do a cart wheel.


Tests the hell out of his or her code.




"It goes on and on. A lot of the points apply to any type of job and I'm sure that other advantageous characteristics exist."


I guess you meant How do you know if a programmer is a good programmer and employee.  I just felt like being picky. ;p

Whoa....  Know what's weird...  I thought waynewex started this thread.  Somehow managed to skip the first page.



(@wayne, sorry if my response was kind of weird/offensive.  I thought you started this thread, and I was like "what a strange thread to start and just list things."  ;p)

A quote from author:



Instead of making one self reproducing program, what I made was a

    program that generates a set of mutually reproducing programs, all of

    them with cool layout!





And here's my favourite: a program that calculates a value of pi from the area of its code!


I would like to add this.


A good programmer don't play computer games unless he is developing computer games.


A good programmer always and almost all the time seat in the front of the computer.


A good programmer always love reading computer matter specially programming articles etc...


A good programmer is very witty and very quick to finish the project (damn it we are not machine lol).


A good programmer wants to AXE the T.V.


A good programmer he wants to arson the SOFA. lol

I think it depends on who you are asking, as to what makes a 'good' programmer.  If you're asking a computer illiterate (the 'other' people in the office), a 'good' programmer is someone who they can go to and say "I need this at this time" and he does it.  Who cares how he did it. 


If you're asking a computer literate person what makes a 'good programmer', it is someone who... who cares.  He's probably not the one paying you.  The person who doesn't care how you do it, as long as it does what he asks when he asks of it, is probably the one paying you, and that's all that really matters at the end of the day. 


So the moral of the story is, we can argue all day long as to what makes up a good programmer, but the only opinions that matter are the ones handing out the paycheck.

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