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replying to messages

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I think that this would be a good addition to the forums. When you make a post it notifies you that someone has already replied do you still want to submit. I tend to find myself answering the same post that someone posted to just a few seconds/minutes before I had. It would be nice if there was a way to tell that someone is replying to a thread. Maybe something like if you want to reply to it to check a box and then when someone else goes into the thread or clicks the reply button that it tells them someone is already replying so that they do not waste their time replying until they see if the other person answered the question.

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Wow i dont think either of you actually read the post. I want a checkbox when I want to reply to a message to let other users know that I am replying so that they do not waste their time replying until they see my post to see whether they should still reply or not.


I wouldn't call it a 'waste of time'.


  1) Someone may have a different answer then you.

  2) You may have the wrong answer.

  3) Even if you have the same exact answer, so what, you wasted a couple minutes, tops. 


Sometimes I will check to see if someone else has already posted an answer.  If they do then I just CnP my response (cause sometimes it doesn't show you what the other person has posted yet) and check to see what they posted, if mine is the same as theirs I will disregard mine, if mine is different I will post.  I don't really think it's that big of a deal, it's not like we're working on enterprise projects here...

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Can never really have too many answers to your question in my opinion. When ever I answer something and see someone else has replied first I just check what they put, i think the varied solutions can be helpful to someone learning. Only once have I seen it turn into some kind of 'reply war' where I think the original author of the topic just got confused...



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