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[SOLVED] Always returning zero?


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  $x = $goldMatch[0][1];
  $y = $percent;
  $total = ($x * $y) / 2;
  echo $total;


x has stored 968.00

y is determined by the user's input right now being .15 (or 15%)


I need to mutiply that and then divide.


It always gives me zero. I did:


$total = ($x * 2);

echo $total;


And it gave me zero as well

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I did this, and it echoed "72.6".


$x = 968.00;
$y = .15;
$total = ($x * $y) / 2;
echo $total;


It's probably because 'y' should be '$y'.  If that's not the case, then your variables aren't holding what you said they were, try echoing them out individually to ensure they have correct values.

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I think I found the problem. I'm storing the TD element with the integers so maybe thats why it's not working.


That's why I wanted to know what data type you were storing them as.


This isn't Java or C++, this is PHP...  It's so loosely typed it doesn't matter as long as the data has real numbers.

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I'm trying to remove it but it's not replacing the string instead it's just echoing it out like normal:


  preg_match_all('~<td class="td" align="Right">(.+?)</td>~is', $gold, $goldMatch);
  echo str_replace('<td class="td" align="Right">(.+?)</td>', '(.+?)', $goldMatch[0][1]);


The output is:


<td class="td" align="Right">968.00</td>


It should just put 968.00


Well if that's not it, then I'm not sure what it could be.

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yes it was a typo here. I did try to echo them out individual and they are storing properly.


echo of x:



echo of y:



echo of $total:



I thought you said they were echoing correctly...?  You may want to ask this in the Regex section, since this is what your thread has become.

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well they do output correctly. if you view the source though, it has HTML. though i dont know if that matters? its the only thing i can think of, of why is not working right.


I got it:



function gold()
  $gold = file_get_contents('http://www.site.com/');
  preg_match_all('~<td class="td" align="Right">(.+?)</td>~is', $gold, $goldMatch);
  $x = str_replace('<td class="td" align="Right">', '', $goldMatch[0][1]);
  $y = .15;
  $total = (($x * $y) / .20);
  echo $total;



Looks like PHP can't render integers if there is HTML before the integers that are needed. Anything after the integer doesnt matter.

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I'm trying to remove it but it's not replacing the string instead it's just echoing it out like normal:


  preg_match_all('~<td class="td" align="Right">(.+?)</td>~is', $gold, $goldMatch);
  echo str_replace('<td class="td" align="Right">(.+?)</td>', '(.+?)', $goldMatch[0][1]);


The output is:


<td class="td" align="Right">968.00</td>


It should just put 968.00


Well if that's not it, then I'm not sure what it could be.

$gold = '<td class="td" align="Right">968.00</td>';
preg_match_all('~<td class="td" align="Right">(.+?)</td>~is', $gold, $goldMatch);
echo str_replace('<td class="td" align="Right">(.+?)</td>', '(.+?)', $goldMatch[0][0]);

Outputs 968.00

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