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Center aligned search results are VERY hard to analyze quickly as you start reading at the left.

If you're going to create a numbered list of results wouldn't using <ol><li> a lot of sense?


You're best off looking at how google/yahoo/microsoft did their pages as they spend quite a bit of research on it.

While it is clean and fast, that rectangular cluster of links is a no-no IMO. There is no breathing space for the eye to discern information. What is important to understand is that people 'scan' pages, not read them (not initially anyway). Once their eyes fall across something of interesting, they look more into it. By creating this massive unorganized cluster of links, I'm willing to be most people will only look at the first, say row and perhaps quickly check a few here and there on the way down.


I would organize those links into a grid like layout with organized headings. Make the info easier to digest.


While I have nothing wrong with the entire thing being centered, I think centering stuff like the Norton, McAfee and Add this bookmark is wasted space.. I would drop the adverts (you need lots'O'traffic to make use of that) and find a nice little place at the top somewhere to put the bookmaking button.

terminator salvation, fired up, lost, the hangover, borat, transformers 2, adult, up, mexican pussy, 2009, land of the lost, terminator salvation rapidshare, primeval, how i met your mother S01, Virgin territory, test, twilight, Downloading Nancy, maxican pussy, In the Electric Mist , x men origins, terminator, kill bill, The Final Destination (2009) , porn, watchmen 2009, lost in space, angels and demons, My life in ruins, In the Electric Mist (2009), harry potter, [...]


As a search engine vendor, you ought to know that keyword stuffing is generally frowned upon and that the other search engines usually respond to this with a ban ;)


You also seem to be having an encoding issue on the result page.

Never even thought of it from a standpoint of keyword stuffing... good point though. I was thinking more along the lines of popular search terms listed on the home page for quick and easy access (although the clutter negates this).

terminator salvation, fired up, lost, the hangover, borat, transformers 2, adult, up, mexican pussy, 2009, land of the lost, terminator salvation rapidshare, primeval, how i met your mother S01, Virgin territory, test, twilight, Downloading Nancy, maxican pussy, In the Electric Mist , x men origins, terminator, kill bill, The Final Destination (2009) , porn, watchmen 2009, lost in space, angels and demons, My life in ruins, In the Electric Mist (2009), harry potter, [...]


As a search engine vendor, you ought to know that keyword stuffing is generally frowned upon and that the other search engines usually respond to this with a ban ;)


You also seem to be having an encoding issue on the result page.


hmmmm will this isnt a search engine like google this only searches for movies and what do u mean by

keyword stuffing is generally frowned upon


if u search google iswell u get more results then my they are not banning them anyways and how can i fix the encoding issue?

Center aligned search results are VERY hard to analyze quickly as you start reading at the left.

If you're going to create a numbered list of results wouldn't using <ol><li> a lot of sense?


You're best off looking at how google/yahoo/microsoft did their pages as they spend quite a bit of research on it.


hi axeia i know its centered, and it wasnt like this b4 i dont know what i done know it shows it like this dont know how to fix it :-[

terminator salvation, fired up, lost, the hangover, borat, transformers 2, adult, up, mexican pussy, 2009, land of the lost, terminator salvation rapidshare, primeval, how i met your mother S01, Virgin territory, test, twilight, Downloading Nancy, maxican pussy, In the Electric Mist , x men origins, terminator, kill bill, The Final Destination (2009) , porn, watchmen 2009, lost in space, angels and demons, My life in ruins, In the Electric Mist (2009), harry potter, [...]


As a search engine vendor, you ought to know that keyword stuffing is generally frowned upon and that the other search engines usually respond to this with a ban ;)



hmmmm will this isnt a search engine like google this only searches for movies and what do u mean by

keyword stuffing is generally frowned upon



What Dan means is that in general, when a website starts stuff tons of words like you have done, engines like Google can consider this as a SEO blackhat technique by thinking you're trying to boost your page rankings through the over use of keywords (even though this may not be the actual intent). That is to say, if keyword density exceeds a certain percentage (I read the average is 7% or lower), this can backfire on you.

terminator salvation, fired up, lost, the hangover, borat, transformers 2, adult, up, mexican pussy, 2009, land of the lost, terminator salvation rapidshare, primeval, how i met your mother S01, Virgin territory, test, twilight, Downloading Nancy, maxican pussy, In the Electric Mist , x men origins, terminator, kill bill, The Final Destination (2009) , porn, watchmen 2009, lost in space, angels and demons, My life in ruins, In the Electric Mist (2009), harry potter, [...]


As a search engine vendor, you ought to know that keyword stuffing is generally frowned upon and that the other search engines usually respond to this with a ban ;)



hmmmm will this isnt a search engine like google this only searches for movies and what do u mean by

keyword stuffing is generally frowned upon



What Dan means is that in general, when a website starts stuff tons of words like you have done, engines like Google can consider this as a SEO blackhat technique by thinking you're trying to boost your page rankings through the over use of keywords (even though this may not be the actual intent). That is to say, if keyword density exceeds a certain percentage (I read the average is 7% or lower), this can backfire on you.


ok and im not trying to boost your page rank by that i just found that mod in there support forum and how can i fix this problem?

Plus it looks downright stupid (no offense).


what looks downright i dont see anything down right and why call me stupid is this how u guys threat newbies >:(


Huh... what? You're asking for critique and I'm telling you that I think it looks stupid to dump a fecesload of links on the front page. What does that have to do with being a newbie? Besides, I never said you are stupid. Maybe you would want to read what I actually write.

Plus it looks downright stupid (no offense).


what looks downright i dont see anything down right and why call me stupid is this how u guys threat newbies >:(


Huh... what? You're asking for critique and I'm telling you that I think it looks stupid to dump a fecesload of links on the front page. What does that have to do with being a newbie? Besides, I never said you are stupid. Maybe you would want to read what I actually write.


ok sorry my bad i tought u called me stupid lol sorry and this mod was made by some 1 in there support forum and they said its good google is loving it thats why i added the Recently Searched mod so should i remove it or leave it for seo thingy thats why i used it other wise i wont use it ;D

I'm not really understanding the search engine. Okay its for movies I think...and when you type in "imdb Lost" you get absoulte garbage and nothing related.


Actually, all of my searches came out completely wasted.


why would u type imdb lost ? :o just type lost or name of the movie or series you will get exact result afcourse if you type imdb lost u will get rubish and this is not imdb search engine

Well, generally "imdb" hints to the search engine that I'm talking about a movie and which I do for google, but I suppose with this engine it would be a bit redundant.


Okay, so I type lost in the search engine. First two results are garbage, and the next 8 are about the lost evidence, lost communism, napoleon and his lost army, etc. etc. etc.


I'm trying to find information related to "Lost" the series on your search engine, but I'm having some difficulties.

If I type in 'Transformers Revenge of the fallen' it's all good..I get links for that.. if I enter 'Transformers: Revenge of the fallen', the search engine doesn't find anything.. instead, it asks: 'Did you mean: Transformers: Revenge of the fallen?' as a link (which is exactly what I entered already).. so I click on it, and it brings me here. :\


Why would it ask me if I wanted 'Transformers: Revenge of the fallen?' if that exact search didn't work before?


Perhaps there might be some cases where the engine searches for such a phrase, and if it can't find it, perhaps it can strip out all non-alphanumeric characters (like ':' for example) and then try the search again. I think odd characters like : or perhaps - might trick the search engine.

If I type in 'Transformers Revenge of the fallen' it's all good..I get links for that.. if I enter 'Transformers: Revenge of the fallen', the search engine doesn't find anything.. instead, it asks: 'Did you mean: Transformers: Revenge of the fallen?' as a link (which is exactly what I entered already).. so I click on it, and it brings me here. :\


Why would it ask me if I wanted 'Transformers: Revenge of the fallen?' if that exact search didn't work before?


Perhaps there might be some cases where the engine searches for such a phrase, and if it can't find it, perhaps it can strip out all non-alphanumeric characters (like ':' for example) and then try the search again. I think odd characters like : or perhaps - might trick the search engine.


lolz my head is spining hmmmm yes i get u to some point and still didnt get the question and why would u use this : and how to fix it? i mean this problem

If I type in 'Transformers Revenge of the fallen' it's all good..I get links for that.. if I enter 'Transformers: Revenge of the fallen', the search engine doesn't find anything.. instead, it asks: 'Did you mean: Transformers: Revenge of the fallen?' as a link (which is exactly what I entered already).. so I click on it, and it brings me here. :\


Why would it ask me if I wanted 'Transformers: Revenge of the fallen?' if that exact search didn't work before?


Perhaps there might be some cases where the engine searches for such a phrase, and if it can't find it, perhaps it can strip out all non-alphanumeric characters (like ':' for example) and then try the search again. I think odd characters like : or perhaps - might trick the search engine.


lol my head is spining hmmmm yes i get u to some point and still didnt get the question and why would u use this : and how to fix it? i mean this problem


It depends on your logic.  We're not sure how you perform your searches and against what.  You may just be able to strip out certain characters before you submit.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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