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I think you meant to give this link - http://www.uploadfast.isgreat.org/hi/


What is this?  Your site links to a bunch of advertisements.  When you upload a file it shoots you to some other site, or so it seems, with no confirmation of your upload, no URL where it can be found, nothing.  The only other link on your site, "Details", links to "Freetemplates.com".  You have 1 field to upload a file and that's it, no other features, no personal accounts, no specs on how much, how big you can upload... etc.



- You don't check the extension of the file being uploaded.  If it's just an image hosting service, then only allow image extensions.

- With SQL Inject Me you have 19 failures, check it out for yourself.


Unless you want a critique on the design and looks I suggest working a little more than a week and come back for some solid feedback.

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And edit again...Jeez its a good thing there is that edit button.



Maq, don't you mean: http://www.uploadfast.isgreat.org/index/ ?


Anyways, I really don't understand the point of another image site. Just my personal opinion, but you aren't going to make any business with it.



Edit: Edit for the fourth time! Woo. Anyways, also its a bit ironic that on the index page there is an image that isn't working.  :D

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Sound in my browser playing without asking me for permission usually means I'll be hitting page back to never return again.


well it works, but lacks polish and the 'post' page looks like a direct copy paste of some example script, in fact most of it looks like something that was simply downloaded, barely editted and uploaded.

The background image on the frontpage is annoying you got a high resolution btw (1920*1200 or 1680*1050).

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Personally I hate it

The site too basic,


When I open the upload page i get an "Invalid file"

then the example URL doesn't encode the url.

When i login i get redirect twice, via meta tag or JavaScript which mean the flash starts to play then stops and starts again.

But why login when you can just go to http://www.uploadfast.isgreat.org/index/loginupload.php

and save the whole login in process.


The site doesn't remember me, even when i don't leave, to i have to login over and over.


is their a limit on the upload size ?

just say invalid file when i upload a large one


Most image sites have atleast some sort of caching.. none on this one!

and of course conflicting names! well you need to handle that better!


design isn't that great either


This looks like someone when to php.net uses a basic upload file created a simple create account/login to account script then when to monstertemplates.com grabs a flash banner,  and mashed it up on a page!



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i no its very horrible and ugly, ive took all comments and im trieing my best to change things.


as it stands im not very good at php ect; so i can only do what i can.


aswel as i have to wait for a mod to accept my post, i cant really ask for help as ill probly be in bed by the time a mod accepts and i get a reply

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aswel as i have to wait for a mod to accept my post, i cant really ask for help as ill probly be in bed by the time a mod accepts and i get a reply


Well, that is kind of your own fault for not starting to follow the rules the first time you were warned. Apparently it took four warnings and the threat of getting banned permanently.


You can post all you want, and as long as you follow the rules a mod or admin will approve your post.

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