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is there a free software that unzips tar files?

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Uh, there's a lot of free software that unzips tar files....



If it's an RSS feed, tar wouldn't make sense by the way....  tar would be pointless for 1 file.




Anyway, things like tar, gzip (I think), 7zip and Winrar (trial, but when it expires you can still use it) can all extract rar files.

Anyway, things like tar, gzip (I think), 7zip and Winrar (trial, but when it expires you can still use it) can all extract rar files.


7zip & winrar SUCKS!! compared to zipgenius, Zipgenius is THE BEST file unzipper out there http://download.cnet.com/ZipGenius-Standard-Edition/3000-2250_4-10179818.html?tag=mncol


Download Zipgenius and experience the POWER!

Yeah..Great product....(not),


slower than WinRAR & Zip7, with a lower compression radio!

faster than KGB (but everthing is but KGB's compression is cool but due to the time it takes i rarely use it)


I just installed the latest version, opened an ISO, it only showed 1 file and failed to extract

So i tried the same ISO with WinRAR (works as always)


Zipgenius has been out for about 4 years, i'll admit it has its use's but WinRAR is a staple in my book


[attachment deleted by admin]

1. Open up a console

2. Type tar -xzf file.tar.gz


Oh, wait, on WINDOWS? Ok, I'm sorry, lets try again..


1. Open up the webs nemesis (IE).

2. Go to a Linux distro download page (Ubuntu, SuSE, Fedora, Slackware, whatever)

3. Burn the ISO to a CD (or DVD)

4. Restart your computer and boot from the CD

5. Follow the installation instructions. Unless you have important data (not just porn) on your HD not backed up somewhere (slap yourself for being stupid), get rid of any NTFS partitions.

6. Login with details configured during installation

7. Take a moment to gloat a little

8. Open a console

9. Type tar -xzf file.tar.gz






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