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Programming Desk.


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Does any one know a good place to shop for a desk that a programmer would be comfortable spending hours coding on?

IMO, you just need a decent amount of space.  An ergonomic chair is really what you want to invest in.

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It's really all personal preference, but I would recommend a nice tempered glass desk.  Easier to clean and last longer than cheap particle board desks.  Make sure you have space for multiple screens.

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I think I have a decent chair, but my desk is a long table like you would see at a family reunion haha.

The one I have at work is rounded out so you can easily reach & see everything.  I'm not too picky when it comes to this stuff.  One with a kegerator may come in handy as well.

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A monitor arm to hold your monitors! Lovely things. Definately worth the investment, you can usually get a good one for about £60. Leaves so much extra space under the monitor and also they are adjustable so you can move the monitor around dynamically to suit your needs and position, or easily show colleagues things. Also, remember to have the center of your screen at your eye level when sat down, not higher, not lower, just smack bang in the middle. This will save you so so so so much back pain. The chair should also have lumbar support. A bad back will ruin you. And I personally prefer MASSIVE desks with lots of leg room underneath. I would be happiest working at a 1000 square meter square desk :D haha. Or at least a couple of meters.

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