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need help with a basic php script


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@WebStyles: Why pay attention when you can just wait till someone gives you code to copy and paste?


Edit: ^^ Was suppose to be sarcasm... But... Actually, you did post the code to copy and paste.


@xc0n: Let this be a lesson. If you don't pay attention, even copy and paste doesn't work.

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xc0n, are you a sociology class conducting an experiment?


I can think of no other reason why you are taking code and information given in the responses and altering it so that it does not match the database table you have and even changing where you are putting the statements in the program, from what you had earlier in the thread, so that the code cannot work without errors.

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@teynon: there are some days when things just get to me, normally I'm a much more patient guy, but sometimes, having to say the same thing 3 times just makes me question why I even bother trying to help.


At the end of the day though, many people are grateful and I feel good being able to help a few, but sometimes it's just hard.


I do tend to just post some copy/paste(able) code as many times it's just faster and easier than trying to explain every little detail and from what I've seen around here, around 70% of people posting questions don't really seem interested in how or why it works, they just want a quick fix. It's the other 30% that makes everything worth it.


cheers to you and PFMaBiSmAd for understanding my little outbreak (for which I apologize)

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well u were all f#@kin wrong in the end i fixed it my self the errors in code i pasted was me editing to try new things, eg adding the "" quotes and trying new database details, ur all wingers... relax up a bit this is a help forum and what helped in the end was figuring it out myself! You all need to buy some tampons for your big vagina's.

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Order of Operations.


$user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pass")or trigger_error("cannot connect to mysql server: " . mysql_error()); // your database connection function
mysql_select_db("database") or trigger_error("cannot select DB: " . mysql_error());
$q = mysql_query("select `id` from `allowed_ips` where `validate_ip` = '$user_ip' limit 1") or trigger_error('IP Query Failed: ' . mysql_error());

if (is_resource($q) {
    $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);


The first thing was that your mysql_query was before the select_database, so it was not able to query properly and probably threw a "database not selected" error.  A few key notes, handle data properly. By checking if $q is a resource, you know your script will not cause havoc in case something failed and throw errors. And you can handle the error to display a nice message to the user. mysql_close is not needed to be called (unless maybe you want to connect to multiple mysql servers). PHP is smart enough to close the connection upon the script ending.


Using or trigger_error is preferable over DIE as you can then handle the error nicely, it does not kill the script and for production, you can disable the display of errors to hide the important information from the average viewer.


So give that code a try and see what error gets spat out at you.

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thanks premiso for actially posting help instead of payign out on me like the others!, i got angry cause use were basically calling me an idiot, thsi is a help forum...


@teynon: u think takeing out the quotes fixed it?? wrong buddy ill post MY code below to prive u wrong your two cents wasnt needed...


@PFMaBiSmAd: you are a stain on earth!


@KingPhilip: they wernt helping they were giving me shit cause im new to php this is a help forum not a dam opinion forum... so i dont need your crappy reply either.


@everyone else: thanks for the help from he people who actually tried to help me and not be stuck up idiots. I had two people telling me how to fix the problem hence the errors in the code i was posting... ahhhhhh get a life.


i just wanted help and the douchbags started winging about me, hence me telling them to go buy some tampons, is that really that bad? i thought the tampons would help with there pms.



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@teynon: here is MY code u knob


$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'blah';
$dbpass = 'blah';
$dbname = 'blah';
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error Connecting to MYSQL');
$user_ip = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$q = mysql_query("select `id` from `allowed_ips` where `ips` = '$user_ip' limit 1");
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);


u happy now??? see i did fix it your wrong go press up as a army guy and shoot bb guns

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thanks premiso for actially posting help instead of payign out on me like the others!, i got angry cause use were basically calling me an idiot, thsi is a help forum...


If I would have known you behaved like an asshat, I wouldn't have bothered. There is no need to put down people trying to help you out. If they troll you, take it off your chin like a man and not be an asshole about it.

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xc0n, I understand your frustration but don't exacerbate onto others (sounds dirty).  This is a free service with volunteers and the the people you put down have been here for years and some are the most helpful members of this board.  I wouldn't be surprised if they ignore your future questions, don't bite the hand that feeds you...


@Everyone, now let's play nice and get along ;)

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Near as I can tell, teynon "started it" here:


@WebStyles: Why pay attention when you can just wait till someone gives you code to copy and paste?


Edit: ^^ Was suppose to be sarcasm... But... Actually, you did post the code to copy and paste.


@xc0n: Let this be a lesson. If you don't pay attention, even copy and paste doesn't work.


IMO even the edit doesn't "help" or "justify" the first statement.


And then PFM followed up with...


xc0n, are you a sociology class conducting an experiment?


xc0n clearly has problems listening or paying attention to what's being told.  Maybe it's because he is an idiot, or maybe he's just another 13 year old with the attention span of a ferret on crack...who knows, but regardless, you guys bit out of frustration, and he bit back, in response. 


@xc0n: I'm not going to necessarily fault you for biting back, when others "started it".  But people get really frustrated when someone comes asking for help and doesn't make an effort to listen to the help they asked for.  If you are going to ask questions on a help forum, you need to make an effort on your end to pay attention to what is being told.  If you don't understand, ask for clarification.  And if you do not pay attention or try what is given, expect people to be frustrated about it and respond accordingly, and even bite you for it.  And while you're certainly welcome to bite back...that obviously doesn't solve your problem. 


My best advice to you would be to recognize and admit (at least to yourself) that you aren't making the necessary effort, take your lashings like a man, and make it a lesson learned.  Programming takes effort.  For whatever you think you've just accomplished with this bit of code, it is still poorly written and vulnerable and begging for problems down the road.  And when you ask for help later on it...do you really think people are going to help you, after all this? 


Yes, this is a "help" forum, but we arenot here to spoon feed people or do their work for them or wait on them hand and foot or walk on thin ice or any of that shit.  We are here to help people with their problems when they are trying to make an effort to solve them, and to help them learn something.  Have you seen any kung-fu flicks? You know like where it shows lots of monks in a monastery trying to learn kung-fu and they have the master there and when they aren't paying attention or something...WHACK.  If you are serious about learning something.  That is the difference between being "punished for doing something wrong" and being "disciplined so that you learn to stop doing wrong." 



@others: I understand being frustrated when someone isn't listening, and I understand calling them out on it, and I'll even to an extent turn a blind eye to a sharp tongue.  But don't dish it out unless you yourself are prepared to be served.  If they want to respond by biting back then they probably aren't all that serious about their issue or trying to learn to begin with.  But don't go crying foul when someone bites you when you bit them first.  Even if it is out of frustration, you're still biting.

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@admin i agree with you... maby i went a bit overboard, in the end i guess i got the code mixed up a bit due to multiple people trying to help me, and also in the end i got my script working thanks to you guys so yea i cant complain!


This has been my favorite first topic in a forum ever!! lol

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