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Google AdSense Account Disabled


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I had a google adsense account on my kartbuilding website www.kartbuilding.net and it got disabled on me. It was earning a nice bit of money for me ~$100 a month. Anyhoo - I got an email from google saying:
[quote]"It has come to our attention that invalid clicks and/or impressions
have been generated on the Google ads displayed on your site(s).
Therefore, we have disabled your Google AdSense account. Please
understand that this was a necessary step in order to protect the
interest of the AdWords advertisers."[/quote]

It also said:
[quote]"Publishers disabled for invalid click activity are not allowed further
participation in AdSense and do not receive any further payment. The
earnings on your account will be properly returned to the affected

I appealed - using their appeal form. I only had a week of server logs - and I traced a few entries (5-10) to xxx entries on my kartbuilding webalizer. Anyhoo - they got back to me saying:
[quote]"After receiving your response, we re-reviewed your account data
thoroughly. We have reconfirmed that invalid clicks were generated on the
ads on your site in violation of our Terms and Conditions and programme
Please bear in mind that subsequent or duplicate appeals may not be
considered and you may not receive any further communication from us. We
appreciate your understanding."[/quote]

So - did any of ye experience the same? or know of anyone? Has anyone any advice for me on maybe getting adsense back? I have tried the adsense alternatives but they are not near as good. I had give up - but I said Id ask here to see.

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ya - since when did phpfreaks start using adsense. At first I thought it was in member signatures - but no - its phpfreaks using adsense.

Anyhoo - if anyone has a similar experience with google disabling their adsense - Id be very interested.

Also - my other gripe. Why cant someone go along to lets say phpfreaks for example - and put some script hammering away at the google ads producing false clicks - and then result in phpfreaks having their adsense disabled?

Note: I was genuinely not responsible for any false clicks on my website - yet it was disabled on me. I wasn't told what was done wrong or who done it - all google said - there was false clicks - bye bye. Its just a sore spot for me.

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your not allowed to add your own script to check if someone is spam clicking ads or potentially spam clicking ads? That's just dumb.  At the very least I would grab an IP address and a timestamp and keep a record of times in a certain period the IP address has accessed your page and if it is excessive, not show the ad or alter the code to break the link or something. Or even redirect the user to a custom page saying stop it. Even if that was against their policy, so what.  If they are gonna take away your account over something you had no control over, then fair's fair.  There's no way they can see your code or what you did unless they themselves decided to go spam click your google ads..in which case you'd be able to expose them for their shadiness.
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[quote]your not allowed to add your own script to check if someone is spam clicking ads or potentially spam clicking ads?[/quote]
Dont think so. I checked apache and webalizer logs only.

[quote]At the very least I would grab an IP address and a timestamp and keep a record of times in a certain period the IP address has accessed your page and if it is excessive, not show the ad or alter the code to break the link or something.[/quote]
Of course that would be a good idea. However google doesnt seem to want to do this.

[quote]If they are gonna take away your account over something you had no control over, then fair's fair.[/quote]
Ha? Im saying the opposite. I had no control over whether ppl were creating false impressions - yet instead of google puting a mechanism in place to stop ppl refreshing pages with adds - they just stop my acc.

[quote]which case you'd be able to expose them for their shadiness. [/quote]
Well to point out that it wasn't my fault.

Why I dont I just (to piss off someone) - go to their website with google ads - start forcing refreshes and false impressions - and then get their account disabled on them! From what I can gather - thats what happened to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay, I suppose it could just be me, but I think Crayon Violent is on to something.  Why not add a small script that tracks IPs and locks an IP out for xx amount of time if they meet certain criteria.  If they refresh so many times in a short period of time then give them a nice message that says "Sorry no one needs to refresh that many times it isn't going to change that fast and it appears you are just screwing with my advertisements, so to protect them you have been locked out of my site for the remainder of the day. Thank you and have a nice day!"

Would this not protect you from the people trying to kill your ad account? At the very least wouldn't it help to some extent?
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Ah! sorry CV - I didnt realise what you were saying. txmedic - thanks for highlighting that.
Yip - I could indeed - and would happily do that.

But I cant get google adsense again! LOL ;-(

Also - I think I know what done it, and I hadn't thought of this earlier.
Years ago - I got a free URL redirect.
points to www.kartbuilding.net

The free URL redirect has pop-ups and adds etc. /me thinks this produced false impressions etc.

Any suggestions for how to go about getting a new adsense acc?

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