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I have introduced active and inactive user concept, In database it is changing 0 & 1 in status colum But redirection to page when inactive is not work


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My Ls file code is


namespace Fr;

| The Francium Project                                                      |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| This software logSys is a part of the Francium (Fr) project.              |
| [url=http://subinsb.com/the-francium-project]http://subinsb.com/the-francium-project[/url]                                   |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|     Author: Subin Siby                                                    |
| Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, Subin Siby. All Rights Reserved.               |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|   License: Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0              |
|            [url=http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0]http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0[/url]                     |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful - WITHOUT  |
| ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or     |
| FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                         |

|  Software:      PHP Login System - PHP logSys                             |
|  Version:       0.8.2                                                     |
|  Documentation: [url=http://subinsb.com/php-logsys]http://subinsb.com/php-logsys[/url]                             |
|  Contribute:    [url=https://github.com/subins2000/logSys]https://github.com/subins2000/logSys[/url]                      |

class LS {

   * @var array Default configuration
  public static $default_config = array(
     * Basic Config of logSys
    "basic" => array(
      "company" => "My Site",
      "email" => "email@mysite.com",
      "email_callback" => false,

       * Callback to override output content
      "output_callback" => false

     * Database Configuration
    "db" => array(
       * @var string "mysql" or "postgresql" or "sqlite"
      "type" => "mysql",

       * MySQL options
      "host" => "",
      "port" => "3306",

       * SQLite options
      "sqlite_path" => "",

      "username" => "",
      "password" => "",

      "name" => "",
      "table" => "users",
      "token_table" => "user_tokens",

      "columns" => array(
        "id" => "id",
        "username" => "username",
        "password" => "password",
        "email" => "email",
        "attempt" => "attempt"

     * Keys used for encryption
    "keys" => array(
       * Changing cookie key will expire all current active login sessions
      "cookie" => "ckxc436jd*^30f840v*9!@#$",
       * `salt` should not be changed after users are created
      "salt" => "^#$4%9f+1^p9)M@4M)V$"

     * Enable/Disable certain features
    "features" => array(
       * Should I Call session_start();
      "start_session" => true,
       * Enable/Disable Login using Username & E-Mail
      "email_login" => true,
       * Enable/Disable `Remember Me` feature
      "remember_me" => true,
       * Should \Fr\LS::init() be called automatically
      "auto_init" => false,

       * Prevent Brute Forcing
       * ---------------------
       * By enabling this, logSys will deny login for the time mentioned
       * in the "brute_force"->"time_limit" seconds after "brute_force"->"tries"
       * number of incorrect login tries.
      "block_brute_force" => true,

       * Two Step Login
       * --------------
       * By enabling this, a checking is done when user visits
       * whether the device he/she uses is approved by the user.
       * Allows the original user to revoke logins in other devices/places
       * Useful if the user forgot to logout in some place.
      "two_step_login" => false

     * `Blocking Brute Force Attacks` options
    "brute_force" => array(
       * No of tries alloted to each user
      "tries" => 5,
       * The time IN SECONDS for which block from login action should be done after
       * incorrect login attempts. Use [url=http://www.easysurf.cc/utime.htm#m60s]http://www.easysurf.cc/utime.htm#m60s[/url]
       * for converting minutes to seconds. Default : 5 minutes
      "time_limit" => 300

     * Information about pages
    "pages" => array(
       * Pages that doesn't require logging in.
       * Exclude login page, but include REGISTER page.
       * Use RELATIVE links. To find the relative link of
       * a page, do var_dump(Fr\LS::curPage());
      "no_login" => array(),

       * Pages that both logged in and not logged in users can access
      "everyone" => array(),

       * The login page. ex : /login.php or /accounts/login.php
      "login_page" => "",

       * The home page. The main page for logged in users.
       * logSys redirects to here after user logs in
      "home_page" => ""

     * Settings about cookie creation
    "cookies" => array(
       * Default : cookies expire in 30 days. The value is
       * for setting in strtotime() function
       * [url=http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php]http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php[/url]
      "expire" => "+30 days",
      "path" => "/",
      "domain" => "",

       * Names of cookies created
      "names" => array(
        "login_token" => "lg",
        "remember_me" => "rm",
        "device" => "dv",

         * This is used as $_SESSION key
        "current_user" => "cu",
        "device_verified" => "dvv"

     * 2 Step Login
    'two_step_login' => array(
       * Message to show before displaying "Enter Token" form.
      'instruction' => '',

       * Callback when token is generated.
       * Used to send message to user (Phone/E-Mail)
      'send_callback' => '',

       * The table to stoe user's sessions
      'devices_table' => 'user_devices',

       * The length of token generated.
       * A low value is better for tokens sent via Mobile SMS
      'token_length' => 4,

       * Whether the token should be numeric only ?
       * Default Token : Alphabetic + Numeric mixed strings
      'numeric' => false,

       * The expire time of cookie that authorizes the device
       * to login using the user's account with 2 Step Verification
       * The value is for setting in strtotime() function
       * [url=http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php]http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php[/url]
      'expire' => '+6 days',

       * Should logSys checks if device is valid, everytime
       * logSys is initiated ie everytime a page loads
       * If you want to check only the first time a user loads
       * a page, then set the value to TRUE, else FALSE
      'first_check_only' => true

     * Debug info
    "debug" => array(
       * Enable debugging
      "enable" => false,

       * Absolute path
      "log_file" => "",

   * @var array
  private $config = array();

   * Config
   * @param  array  $config [description]
   * @return [type]         [description]
  public function config($config = array()){
     * Callback to display messages for different states
     * @var array
    self::$default_config["basic"]["output_callback"] = function(&$LS, $state, $extraInfo = array()){
      if($state === "invalidToken")
        return "<h3>Error : Wrong/Invalid Token</h3>";
      else if($state === "fieldsLeftBlank")
        return "<h3>Error : Fields Left Blank</h3>";
      else if($state === "passwordDontMatch")
        return "<h3>Error : Passwords Don't Match</h3>";
      else if($state === "passwordChanged")
        return "<h3>Success : Password Reset Successful</h3><p>You may now login with your new password.</p>";
      else if($state === "identityNotProvided")
        return "<h3>Error : {$extraInfo["identity_type"]} not provided</h3>";
      else if($state === "userNotFound")
        return "<h3>Error : User Not Found</h3>";
      else if($state === "notLoggedIn")
        return "<h3>Error : Not Logged In</h3>";
      else if($state === "twoStepLoginVerifyForm")
        return "<form action='". self::curPageURL() ."' method='POST'>
          <p>". $LS->config['two_step_login']['instruction'] ."</p>
            <p>Token Received</p>
            <input type='text' name='logSys_two_step_login-token' placeholder='Paste the token here... (case sensitive)' />
          <label style='display: block;'>
            <span>Remember this device ?</span>
            <input type='checkbox' name='logSys_two_step_login-dontask' />
          <input type='hidden' name='logSys_two_step_login-uid' value='". $extraInfo["uid"] ."' />
          ". ($extraInfo["remember_me"] === true ? "<input type='hidden' name='logSys_two_step_login-remember_me' />" : "") ."
      else if($state === "resetPasswordRequestForm")
        return "<form action='". self::curPageURL() ."' method='POST'>
            <input type='text' id='logSysIdentification' placeholder='Enter your {$extraInfo["identity_type"]}' size='25' name='identification' />
          <p><button name='logSysForgotPass' type='submit'>Reset Password</button></p>
      else if($state === "resetPasswordForm")
        return "<p>The Token key was Authorized. Now, you can change the password</p>
          <form action='". self::curPageURL() ."' method='POST'>
            <input type='hidden' name='token' value='{$extraInfo["resetPassToken"]}' />
              <p>New Password</p>
              <input type='password' name='logSysForgotPassNewPassword' />
              <p>Retype Password</p>
              <input type='password' name='logSysForgotPassRetypedPassword'/>
            <p><button name='logSysForgotPassChange'>Reset Password</button></p>

    $this->config = array_replace_recursive(self::$default_config, $config);

     * Add the login page to the array of pages that doesn't need logging in
    array_push($this->config['pages']['no_login'], $this->config['pages']['login_page']);

    if( $this->config["debug"]["enable"] ){
      ini_set("display_errors", "on");

   * Add messages to log file
   * @param  string  $msg Message
   * @return boolean      Whether message was written
  public function log($msg = ""){
    if( $this->config["debug"]["enable"] ){
      $log_file = $this->config["debug"]["log_file"];

      if( $log_file === "" )
        $log_file = __DIR__ . "/Francium.log";

      if( $msg !== "" ){
        $message = "[" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "] $msg";
        $fh = fopen($log_file, 'a');
        fwrite($fh, $message . "\n");
        return true;
    return false;

   * @var boolean Is user logged in
  public $loggedIn = false;

   * @var int|boolean User ID
  public $userID = false;

   * @var \PDO Database handler
  private $dbh;

   * @var boolean Whether Fr\LS::init() was called
  private $initCalled = false;

   * Intialize
   * @param array $config Configuration
  public function __construct($config = array()){
    $this->config( $config );

    if( $this->config['features']['start_session'] === true ){

    * Try connecting to Database Server
      if( $this->config["db"]["type"] === "sqlite" ) {

        $this->dbh = new \PDO("sqlite:" . $this->config["db"]["sqlite_path"],
            \PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true,

         * Enable Multithreading Read/Write
        $this->dbh->exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;");

      } else if( $this->config["db"]["type"] === "postgresql" ) {

        $this->dbh = new \PDO("pgsql:dbname=". $this->config['db']['name'] .";host=". $this->config['db']['host'] .";port=". $this->config['db']['port']. ";",
            \PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true,

      } else {

        $this->dbh = new \PDO("mysql:dbname=". $this->config['db']['name'] .";host=". $this->config['db']['host'] .";port=". $this->config['db']['port']. ";charset=utf8",
            \PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true,


      $cookieToken = isset($_COOKIE[$this->config['cookies']['names']['login_token']]) ? $_COOKIE[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['login_token'] ] : false;

       * @var int|boolean User ID is stored in session
      $sessionUID = isset( $_SESSION[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['current_user'] ] ) ? $_SESSION[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['current_user'] ] : false;

      $rememberMe = isset( $_COOKIE[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['remember_me'] ] ) ? $_COOKIE[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['remember_me'] ] : false;

      if($cookieToken) {
        $loginToken = hash("sha256", $this->config['keys']['cookie'] . $sessionUID . $this->config['keys']['cookie']);

        $this->loggedIn = $cookieToken === $loginToken;

      * If there is a Remember Me Cookie and the user is not logged in,
      * then log in the user with the ID in the remember cookie if it
      * matches with the decrypted value in `logSyslogin` cookie
      if( $this->config['features']['remember_me'] === true && $rememberMe && !$this->loggedIn ) {
        $loginToken = hash("sha256", $this->config['keys']['cookie']. $rememberMe . $this->config['keys']['cookie']);

        $this->loggedIn = $loginToken === $loginToken;

        if($this->loggedIn === true){
          $_SESSION[$this->config["cookies"]["names"]["current_user"]] = $rememberMe;
          $sessionUID = $rememberMe;

      $this->userID = $sessionUID;

       * Check if devices is authorized to use the account
      if($this->config['features']['two_step_login'] === true && $this->loggedIn){
        $login_page = self::curPage() === $this->config['pages']['login_page'];

        if(!isset($_SESSION[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['device_verified'] ]) && !isset($_COOKIE[$this->config["cookies"]["names"]["device"]]) && $login_page === false){
           * The device cookie is not even set. So, logout
        }else if($this->config['two_step_login']['first_check_only'] === false || ($this->config['two_step_login']['first_check_only'] === true && !isset($_SESSION[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['device_verified'] ]))){
          $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT '1' FROM ". $this->config['two_step_login']['devices_table'] ." WHERE uid = ? AND token = ?");
          $sql->execute(array($this->userID, $_COOKIE[$this->config["cookies"]["names"]["device"]]));

           * Device not authorized, so remove device cookie & logout
          if($sql->fetchColumn() !== '1' && $login_page === false){
            setcookie($this->config["cookies"]["names"]["device"], "", time() - 10);
             * This session has been checked and verified
            $_SESSION[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['device_verified'] ] = 1;

      if( $this->config['features']['auto_init'] === true ){
      return true;
    }catch(\PDOException $e) {
       * Couldn't connect to Database
      self::log("Could not connect to database. Check config->db credentials. PDO Output: " . $e->getMessage());
      return false;

   * A function that will automatically redirect user according to his/her login status
   * @return void
  public function init() {
    if(in_array(self::curPage(), $this->config['pages']['everyone'])){
       * No redirects as this page can be accessed
       * by anyone whether he/she is logged in or not
    }else if($this->loggedIn === true && in_array(self::curPage(), $this->config['pages']['no_login'])){
    }else if($this->loggedIn === false && array_search(self::curPage(), $this->config['pages']['no_login']) === false){
    $this->initCalled = true;

   * Login the user
   * @param  string               $username    Username or email
   * @param  boolean|string       $password    Password as string or
   *                                           FALSE for skipping password check
   * @param  boolean              $remember_me Remember me
   * @param  boolean              $cookies     Should cookies be created and redirected
   * @return array|boolean|string              Array if user is blocked
   *                                           TRUE if login was success
   *                                           User ID if login was success and $cookies FALSE
  public function login($username, $password, $remember_me = false, $cookies = true){
     * We Add LIMIT to 1 in SQL query because to
     * get an array with key as the column name.
    if($this->config['features']['email_login'] === true){
      $query = "SELECT ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["id"] .", ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["password"] .", ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["attempt"] ." FROM ". $this->config['db']['table'] ." WHERE ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["username"] ."=:login OR ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["email"] ."=:login ORDER BY ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["id"] ." LIMIT 1";
      $query = "SELECT ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["id"] .", ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["password"] .", ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["attempt"] ." FROM ". $this->config['db']['table'] ." WHERE ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["username"] ."=:login ORDER BY ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["id"] ." LIMIT 1";

    $sql = $this->dbh->prepare($query);
    $sql->bindValue(":login", $username);

    $cols = $sql->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

      // No such user like that
      return false;
       * Get the user details
      $us_id = $cols['id'];
      $us_pass = $cols['password'];
      $status = $cols['attempt'];
      if(substr($status, 0, 2) == "b-"){
        $blockedTime = substr($status, 2);
        if(time() < $blockedTime){
          $blocked = true;
          return array(
            "status"  => "blocked",
            "minutes" => round(abs($blockedTime - time()) / 60, 0),
            "seconds" => round(abs($blockedTime - time()) / 60*60, 2)
          // remove the block, because the time limit is over
            "attempt" => "" // No tries at all
          ), $us_id);
      else {
             $stat = $cols['status'];
          if $stat=0;{
        $deactive = true;
          $this->loggedIn = true;
          return array(
          "stat"  => "deactive"
        $this->initCalled = true;
      if( !isset($blocked) && ($password === false || password_verify($password . $this->config['keys']['salt'], $us_pass) ) ){
        if($cookies === true){

          $_SESSION[$this->config["cookies"]["names"]["current_user"]] = $us_id;

          setcookie($this->config["cookies"]["names"]["login_token"], hash("sha256", $this->config['keys']['cookie'] . $us_id . $this->config['keys']['cookie']), strtotime($this->config['cookies']['expire']), $this->config['cookies']['path'], $this->config['cookies']['domain']);

          if( $remember_me === true && $this->config['features']['remember_me'] === true ){
            setcookie($this->config["cookies"]["names"]["remember_me"], $us_id, strtotime($this->config['cookies']['expire']), $this->config['cookies']['path'], $this->config['cookies']['domain']);
          if($this->config['features']['block_brute_force'] === true){
             * If Brute Force Protection is Enabled,
             * Reset the attempt status
              "attempt" => "0"
            ), $us_id);

          // Redirect
          return true;
           * If cookies shouldn't be set,
           * it means login() was called
           * to get the user's ID. So, return it
          return $us_id;
         * Incorrect password
         * ------------------
         * Check if brute force protection is enabled
        if($this->config['features']['block_brute_force'] === true){
          $max_tries = $this->config['brute_force']['tries'];

          if($status == ""){
            // User was not logged in before
              "attempt" => "1" // Tried 1 time
            ), $us_id);
          }else if($status == $max_tries){
             * Account Blocked. User will be only able to
             * re-login at the time in UNIX timestamp
            $eligible_for_next_login_time = strtotime("+". $this->config['brute_force']['time_limit'] ." seconds", time());
              "attempt" => "b-" . $eligible_for_next_login_time
            ), $us_id);
            return array(
              "status"  => "blocked",
              "minutes" => round(abs($eligible_for_next_login_time - time()) / 60, 0),
              "seconds" => round(abs($eligible_for_next_login_time - time()) / 60*60, 2)
          }else if($status < $max_tries){
            // If the attempts are less than Max and not Max
              "attempt" => $status + 1 // Increase the no of tries by +1.
            ), $us_id);
        return false;

   * Register a user
   * @param  string         $identification Username or email
   * @param  string         $password       Password
   * @param  array          $other          Values for other columns
   * @return boolean|string                 Whether user exists (exists) or account was created
  public function register( $identification, $password, $other = array() ){
    if( $this->userExists($identification) || (isset($other['email']) && $this->userExists($other['email'])) ){
      return "exists";
      $hashedPass = password_hash($password. $this->config['keys']['salt'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

      if( count($other) == 0 ){
        /* If there is no other fields mentioned, make the default query */
        $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ". $this->config['db']['table'] ." (". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["username"] .", ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["password"] .") VALUES(:username, :password)");
        /* if there are other fields to add value to, make the query and bind values according to it */
        $keys   = array_keys($other);
        $columns = implode(",", $keys);
        $colVals = implode(",:", $keys);
        $sql   = $this->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ". $this->config['db']['table'] ." (". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["username"] .", ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["password"] .", $columns) VALUES(:username, :password, :$colVals)");
        foreach($other as $key => $value){
          $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
          $sql->bindValue(":$key", $value);
      /* Bind the default values */
      $sql->bindValue(":username", $identification);
      $sql->bindValue(":password", $hashedPass);
      return true;

   * Logout the user by destroying the cookies and session
  public function logout(){
    setcookie($this->config["cookies"]["names"]["login_token"], "", time() - 10, $this->config['cookies']['path'], $this->config['cookies']['domain']);
    setcookie($this->config["cookies"]["names"]["remember_me"], "", time() - 10, $this->config['cookies']['path'], $this->config['cookies']['domain']);

     * Wait for the cookies to be removed, then redirect
    return true;

   * A function to handle the Forgot Password process
   * @return string The current state of the process
  public function forgotPassword(){
    $curStatus = "initial";  // The Current Status of Forgot Password process
    $identName = $this->config['features']['email_login'] === false ? "Username" : "Username / E-Mail";

    if( !isset($_POST['logSysForgotPass']) && !isset($_GET['resetPassToken']) && !isset($_POST['logSysForgotPassChange']) ){
      echo $this->getOutput("resetPasswordRequestForm", array(
        "identity_type" => $identName

       * The user had moved to the reset password form ie she/he is currently seeing the forgot password form
      $curStatus = "resetPasswordRequestForm";
    }elseif( isset($_GET['resetPassToken']) && !isset($_POST['logSysForgotPassChange']) ){
       * The user gave the password reset token. Check if the token is valid.
      $reset_pass_token = urldecode($_GET['resetPassToken']);
      $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ". $this->config['db']['token_table'] ." WHERE token = ?");

      if($sql->fetchColumn() == 0 || $reset_pass_token == ""){
        $curStatus = "invalidToken"; // The token user gave was not valid
        echo $this->getOutput($curStatus);
         * The token is valid, display the new password form
        echo $this->getOutput("resetPasswordForm", array(
          "resetPassToken" => $reset_pass_token

         * The token was correct, displayed the change/new password form
        $curStatus = "resetPasswordForm";
    }elseif(isset($_POST['logSysForgotPassChange']) && isset($_POST['logSysForgotPassNewPassword']) && isset($_POST['logSysForgotPassRetypedPassword'])){
      $reset_pass_token = urldecode($_POST['token']);
      $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT uid FROM ". $this->config['db']['token_table'] ." WHERE token = ?");

      $userID = $sql->fetchColumn();

      if( $userID == null || $reset_pass_token == null ){
        $curStatus = "invalidToken"; // The token user gave was not valid
        echo $this->getOutput($curStatus);
        if($_POST['logSysForgotPassNewPassword'] == "" || $_POST['logSysForgotPassRetypedPassword'] == ""){
          $curStatus = "fieldsLeftBlank";
          echo $this->getOutput($curStatus);
        }elseif( $_POST['logSysForgotPassNewPassword'] != $_POST['logSysForgotPassRetypedPassword'] ){
          $curStatus = "passwordDontMatch"; // The new password and retype password submitted didn't match
          echo $this->getOutput($curStatus);
          $this->changePassword($_POST['logSysForgotPassNewPassword'], $userID);

           * The token shall not be used again, so remove it.
          $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM ". $this->config['db']['token_table'] ." WHERE token = ?");

          $curStatus = "passwordChanged"; // The password was successfully changed
          echo $this->getOutput($curStatus);
       * Check if username/email is provided and if it's valid and exists
      $identification = $_POST['identification'];
      if($identification == ""){
        $curStatus = "identityNotProvided"; // The identity was not given
        echo $this->getOutput($curStatus, array(
          "identity_type" => $identName
        $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["email"] .", ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["id"] ." FROM ". $this->config['db']['table'] ." WHERE ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["username"] ."=:login OR ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["email"] ."=:login");
        $sql->bindValue(":login", $identification);

        $cols  = $sql->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

          $curStatus = "userNotFound"; // The user with the identity given was not found in the users database
          echo $this->getOutput($curStatus);
          $email = $cols['email'];
          $uid   = $cols['id'];

           * Make token and insert into the table
          $token = self::rand_string(40);
          $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ". $this->config['db']['token_table'] ." (token, uid, requested) VALUES (?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())");
          $sql->execute(array($token, $uid));
          $encodedToken = urlencode($token);

           * Prepare the email to be sent
          $subject = "Reset Password";
          $body   = "You requested for resetting your password on ". $this->config['basic']['company'] .". For this, please click the following link :
            <a href='". self::curPageURL() ."?resetPassToken={$encodedToken}'>Reset Password : {$token}</a>
          $this->sendMail($email, $subject, $body);

          echo "<p>An email has been sent to your email inbox with instructions. Check Your Mail Inbox and SPAM Folders.</p><p>You can close this window.</p>";
          $curStatus = "emailSent"; // E-Mail has been sent
    return $curStatus;

   * A function that handles the logged in user to change her/his password
   * @param  string $newPassword The new password
   * @return boolean             Whether operation was succesful
  public function changePassword($newPassword, $userID = null){
    if($userID === null){
      $userID = $this->userID;

    $hashedPassword = password_hash($newPassword . $this->config['keys']['salt'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
      "password" => $hashedPassword
    ), $userID);

    return true;

   * Check if user exists
   * @param  string  $identification Username or email
   * @return boolean                 Whether user exist
  public function userExists($identification){
    if($this->config['features']['email_login'] === true){
      $query = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ". $this->config['db']['table'] ." WHERE ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["username"] ."=:login OR ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["email"] ."=:login";
      $query = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ". $this->config['db']['table'] ." WHERE ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["username"] ."=:login";
    $sql = $this->dbh->prepare($query);
      ":login" => $identification
    return $sql->fetchColumn() == "0" ? false : true;

   * Get user's info
   * @param  string       $what Column name
   * @param  string       $user User ID
   * @return array|string Value
  public function getUser($what = "*", $user = null){
    if($user === null){
      $user = $this->userID;

    if( is_array($what) ){
      $columns = implode(",", $what);
      $columns  = "{$columns}";
      $columns = $what != "*" ? "$what" : "*";

    $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT {$columns} FROM ". $this->config['db']['table'] ." WHERE ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["id"] ." = ? ORDER BY ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["id"] ." LIMIT 1");

    $data = $sql->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if( !is_array($what) ){
      $data = $what == "*" ? $data : $data[$what];
    return $data;

   * Updates the info of user
   * @param  array  $toUpdate Fields to update
   * @param  [type] $user     User ID
   * @return boolean          Whether it was a success
  public function updateUser($toUpdate = array(), $user = null){
    if( is_array($toUpdate) && !isset($toUpdate['id']) ){
      if($user === null){
        $user = $this->userID;

      $columns = "";
      foreach($toUpdate as $k => $v){
        $columns .= "$k = :$k, ";
      $columns = substr($columns, 0, -2); // Remove last ","

      $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("UPDATE ". $this->config['db']['table'] ." SET {$columns} WHERE ". $this->config["db"]["columns"]["id"] ."=:id");
      $sql->bindValue(":id", $user);
      foreach($toUpdate as $key => $value){
        $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
        $sql->bindValue(":$key", $value);
      return true;
      return false;

   * Get the time since user joined
   * @param  string $user User ID
   * @return string       Time since
  public function joinedSince($user = null){
    if($user === null){
      $user = $this->userID;

    $created = $this->getUser("created");
    $timeFirst  = strtotime($created);
    $timeSecond = strtotime("now");
    $memsince   = $timeSecond - strtotime($created);
    $regged     = date("n/j/Y", strtotime($created));

    if($memsince < 60) {
      $memfor = $memsince . " Seconds";
    }else if($memsince < 120){
      $memfor = floor ($memsince / 60) . " Minute";
    }else if($memsince < 3600 && $memsince > 120){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 60) . " Minutes";
    }else if($memsince < 7200 && $memsince > 3600){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 3600) . " Hour";
    }else if($memsince < 86400 && $memsince > 3600){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 3600) . " Hours";
    }else if($memsince < 172800){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 86400) . " Day";
    }else if($memsince < 604800 && $memsince > 172800){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 86400) . " Days";
    }else if($memsince < 1209600 && $memsince > 604800){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 604800) . " Week";
    }else if($memsince < 2419200 && $memsince > 1209600){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 604800) . " Weeks";
    }else if($memsince < 4838400){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 2419200) . " Month";
    }else if($memsince < 31536000 && $memsince > 4838400){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 2419200) . " Months";
    }else if($memsince < 63072000){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 31536000) . " Year";
    }else if($memsince > 63072000){
      $memfor = floor($memsince / 31536000) . " Years";
    return (string) $memfor;

   * 2 Step Verification Login Process
   * ---------------------------------
   * When user logs in, it checks whether there is a device cookie.
   * If there is :
   *   * Checks whether device is registered
   *   * If registered and username & password is correct, user is logged in
   * If there is not :
   *   * Token is sent
   *   * The "Enter Received token" form is shown
   *   * If the token entered is correct, then a device ID is inserted to table
   *   * The cookie with device ID is created
   * @see  LS::login()      Parameters are similar
   * @param  string         $identification Similar to LS::login()
   * @param  string         $password       Similar to LS::login()
   * @param  boolean        $remember_me    Similar to LS::login()
   * @return boolean|string                 Whether login was successful
   *                                        Current state of 2 Step Login
  public function twoStepLogin($identification = "", $password = "", $remember_me = false){
    if(isset($_POST['logSys_two_step_login-token']) && isset($_POST['logSys_two_step_login-uid']) && $_SESSION['logSys_two_step_login-first_step'] === '1'){
       * The user's ID and token is got through the form
       * User = One who is about to log in and is stuck at 2 step verification
      $uid = $_POST['logSys_two_step_login-uid'];
      $token = $_POST['logSys_two_step_login-token'];

      $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ". $this->config['db']['token_table'] ." WHERE token = ? AND uid = ?");
      $sql->execute(array($token, $uid));

      if($sql->fetchColumn() == 0){
         * To prevent user from Brute Forcing the token, we set the
         * status of the first login step to false,
         * so that the user would have to login again
        $_SESSION['logSys_two_step_login-first_step'] = '0';
        echo $this->getOutput("invalidToken");
        return "invalidToken";
         * Register User's new device if and only if
         * the user wants to remember the device from
         * which the user is logging in
          $device_token = self::rand_string(10);
          $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ". $this->config['two_step_login']['devices_table'] ." (uid, token, last_access) VALUES (?, ?, NOW())");
          $sql->execute(array($uid, $device_token));
          setcookie($this->config["cookies"]["names"]["device"], $device_token, strtotime($this->config['two_step_login']['expire']), $this->config['cookies']['path'], $this->config['cookies']['domain']);
           * Verify login for this session
          $_SESSION[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['device_verified'] ] = '1';

         * Revoke token from reusing
        $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM ". $this->config['db']['token_table'] ." WHERE token = ? AND uid = ?");
        $sql->execute(array($token, $uid));
        $this->login($this->getUser("username", $uid), false, isset($_POST['logSys_two_step_login-remember_me']));
      return true;
    }else if($identification !== "" && $password !== ""){
      $login = $this->login($identification, $password, $remember_me, false);
      if($login === false){
         * Username/Password wrong
        return false;
      }else if(is_array($login) && $login['status'] == "blocked"){
        return false;
        else if(is_array($login) && $login['stat'] == "deactive"){
       return $login;
         * Get the user ID from \Fr\LS::login()
        $uid = $login;

         * Check if device is verfied so that 2 Step Verification can be skipped
          $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT 1 FROM ". $this->config['two_step_login']['devices_table'] ." WHERE uid = ? AND token = ?");
          $sql->execute(array($uid, $_COOKIE[$this->config["cookies"]["names"]["device"]]));
          if($sql->fetchColumn() == "1"){
            $verfied = true;
             * Update last accessed time
            $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("UPDATE ". $this->config['two_step_login']['devices_table'] ." SET last_access = NOW() WHERE uid = ? AND token = ?");
            $sql->execute(array($uid, $_COOKIE[$this->config["cookies"]["names"]["device"]]));

            $this->login($this->getUser("username", $uid), false, $remember_me);
            return true;
         * Start the 2 Step Verification Process
         * Do only if callback is present and if
         * the device is not verified
        if(is_callable($this->config['two_step_login']['send_callback']) && !isset($verified)){
           * The first part of 2 Step Login is completed
          $_SESSION['logSys_two_step_login-first_step'] = '1';

           * The 2nd parameter depends on `config` -> `two_step_login` -> `numeric`
          $token = self::rand_string($this->config['two_step_login']['token_length'], $this->config['two_step_login']['numeric']);

           * Save the token in DB
          $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ". $this->config['db']['token_table'] ." (token, uid, requested) VALUES (?, ?, NOW())");
          $sql->execute(array($token, $uid));

          $that = $this;
          call_user_func_array($this->config['two_step_login']['send_callback'], array(&$that, $uid, $token));

           * Display the form
          echo $this->getOutput("twoStepLoginVerifyForm", array(
            "remember_me" => $remember_me,
            "uid" => $uid
          return "formDisplay";
          self::log("two_step_login: Token Callback not present");
     * 2 Step Login is not doing any actions or
     * hasn't returned anything before. If so,
     * then return false to indicate that the
     * function is not doing anything
    return false;

   * Get authorized devices
   * @return array Authorized devices
  public function getDevices(){
      $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $this->config['two_step_login']['devices_table'] ." WHERE uid = ?");
      return $sql->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
      return false;

   * Revoke a device
   * @param  string  $device_token Device ID
   * @return boolean               Whether it was revoked
  public function revokeDevice($device_token){
      $sql = $this->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM ". $this->config['two_step_login']['devices_table'] ." WHERE uid = ? AND token = ?");
      $sql->execute(array($this->userID, $device_token));
      if(isset($_SESSION[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['device_verified'] ])){
        unset($_SESSION[ $this->config['cookies']['names']['device_verified'] ]);
      return $sql->rowCount() == 1;

   * Get output for each states
   * @param  string $state     The output of the state
   * @param  array  $extraInfo Extra parameters about the state
   * @return string            HTML output
  public function getOutput($state, $extraInfo = array()){
      $that = $this;
      return call_user_func_array($this->config["basic"]["output_callback"], array(
      return null;

   * Whether a user is logged in
   * @return boolean
  public function isLoggedIn(){
    return $this->loggedIn;

   * ---------------------
   * Extra Tools/Functions
   * ---------------------

   * Check if E-Mail is valid
   * @param  string $email Email
   * @return boolean
  public static function validEmail($email = ""){
    return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);

   * Get the current page URL
   * @return string URL
  public static function curPageURL() {
    $pageURL = 'http';
    if(isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on"){$pageURL .= "s";}
    $pageURL .= "://";
    if($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
    return $pageURL;

   * Generate a Random String
   * @param  int     $length Length of string
   * @param  boolean $int    Should string be integer
   * @return string          Random string
  public static function rand_string($length, $int = false) {
    $random_str = "";
    $chars = $int ? "0516243741506927589" : "subinsblogabcdefghijklmanopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
    $size = strlen($chars) - 1;
    for($i = 0;$i < $length;$i++) {
      $random_str .= $chars[rand(0, $size)];
    return $random_str;

   * Get the current page path.
   * @return string Example: /mypage, /folder/mypage.php
  public static function curPage(){
    $parts = parse_url(self::curPageURL());
    return $parts["path"];

   * Do a redirect
   * @param  [type]  $url    Where to redirect to
   * @param  integer $status Redirect status code
   * @return void
  public static function redirect($url, $status = 302){
    header("Location: $url", true, $status);

   * Send an email
   * @param  string $email   Recipient's email
   * @param  string $subject Subject
   * @param  string $body    Message
   * @return void
  public function sendMail($email, $subject, $body){
     * If there is a callback for email sending, use it else PHP's mail()
      $that = $this;
      call_user_func_array($this->config['basic']['email_callback'], array(&$that, $email, $subject, $body));
      $headers = array();
      $headers[] = "MIME-Version: 1.0";
      $headers[] = "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1";
      $headers[] = "From: ". $this->config['basic']['email'];
      $headers[] = "Reply-To: ". $this->config['basic']['email'];
      mail($email, $subject, $body, implode("\r\n", $headers));

   * CSRF Protection
  public function csrf($type = ""){
      $csrf_token = self::rand_string(5);
      setcookie("csrf_token", $csrf_token, 0, $this->config['cookies']['path'], $this->config['cookies']['domain']);
      $csrf_token = $_COOKIE['csrf_token'];
    if($type == "s"){
       * Output as string
      return urlencode($csrf_token);
    }elseif($type == "g"){
       * Output as a GET parameter
      return "&csrf_token=" . urlencode($csrf_token);
    }elseif($type == "i"){
       * Output as an input field
      echo "<input type='hidden' name='csrf_token' value='{$csrf_token}' />";
       * Check CSRF validity
      if((isset($_POST['csrf_token']) && $_COOKIE['csrf_token'] == $_POST['csrf_token']) || (isset($_GET['csrf_token']) && $_COOKIE['csrf_token'] == $_GET['csrf_token'])){
        return true;
         * CSRF Token doesn't match.
        return false;

   * -------------------------
   * End Extra Tools/Functions
   * -------------------------
My config  file code is
 * For Development Purposes
ini_set("display_errors", "on");

require __DIR__ . "/src/LS.php";
$config = array(
  "basic" => array(
    "company" => "************",
    "email" => "8888888"
  "db" => array(
    "host" => "***************",
    "port" => 3306,
    "username" => "******************",
    "password" => "*******************",
    "name" => "*****************t",
    "table" => "users"
  "features" => array(
    "auto_init" => true,
    "two_step_login" => true
   * These are my localhost paths, change it to yours
  "pages" => array(
    "no_login" => array(
    "everyone" => array(
    "login_page" => "/user/login.php",
    "home_page" => "/tips/nse3.php",
  "two_step_login" => array(
    "instruction" => "A token was sent to your E-Mail Address. Please see the mail in your inbox and paste the token found in the textbox below :",
    "send_callback" => function(&$LS, $userID, $token){
      $email = $LS->getUser("email", $userID);
      $LS->sendMail($email, "Verify Yourself", "Someone tried to login to your account. If it was you, then use the following token to complete logging in : <blockquote>". $token ."</blockquote>If it was not you, then ignore this email and please consider to change your account's password.");

$LS = new \Fr\LS($config);
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