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This site no longer seems to like opera (or vice versa)

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Today I have been using opera to access this site. However, a couple of times I have noticed that the page just does not want to load for a long period of time. The first time it recovered... but the second, well, it has not been working for several hours now and it still is not working. Any help would be appreciated.


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nah... not sure whether I believe that theory - its possible but I cant prove it wrong (noone can prove it wrong as you can not prove a negative!). I just made the point about it not loading as it could have been to do with incorrect cookies or temp files or something like that (I dont know anything about that sort of thing).

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I had this yesterday too. I thought it was my stupid ISP cache servers, so I kept changing to different cache servers my ISP has. Then I got a 403 forbidden error message when going to phpfreaks.com/forums the main site was  Ok though. So I left and came back today and everything is (or appears) fine at the moment.

I guess this is down to to the forum being upgraded though. This happened around 7:00 O'clock last night (UK - GMT timezone).
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