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I'm Okay!!


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wow, burn.


I'm glad you're okay, unless it was your fault, in which case you're an ass. I hate drivers. You know I rode my bike to school today in the 32 degrees and some asshole thought it was funny to honk at me. I've given up trying to exercise my lawful right to the right lane, and I just ride on the sidewalk, cause all texas drivers are assholes. ASSHOLES.


It doesn't look like your roll bars actually did much :/


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LoL from the long list of things I find funny from all of this, what I find the most funny is that you think we care. aHAHahAHAHaHaHAHA!

I am assuming you 2 are good friends, and you were just joking.  Because if not, that was very inhumane, he could have died.  He is also a very good addition to this community, as I recalled he has helped countless people countless times.



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it was a joke; ron took it as a joke. it was my way of throwing some funny into the situation so as to make things more relaxed, ease some tension, etc.. blahblahblah.


come on now, I'm not that big of an ass, hard as it may be to believe.


p.s.- He has not helped countless people countless times.  I mean, the most people he could have possibly helped was 1,644 (his post count).  I can count that high, can't you?  burn!

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Ha ha ha!  Yeah, bussy, I got CV's joke! We throw harsh sounding banter at each other constantly in IM, so it was just one of those times the joke carried over into the forum :-P


Anyways, everyone was okay.  It was quite the roll!  I must say, after I thought back on it, it felt kinda like a roller coaster...though unlike a roller coaster, I never want to do it again. It could have been a lot worse than it was.

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We hit a curve going 35MPH and there was some ice.  We started sliding.  We didn't hit breaks, but  we kept sliding from side to side.  It seemed that the more we slid the faster we got.  Then we slid back to our shoulder and as soon as the truck hit the grass there was to much friction, and instead of rolling off into the ditch, we did a barrel roll into the ditch. What was weird was we rolled down sideways, but when the trees stopped us, our front was facing up and the tailgate was against the trees. So, sometime during the roll we did a 90 degree turn and manged to get facing the other way. Which is lucky because the trees would have crushed us if we had hit sideways.

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