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Debate: View on third party software


Your personal take on third party software and apps?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Your personal take on third party software and apps?

    • I believe so many people use it, that it's less secure because people know it's security flaws.
    • I believe so many people use it, that it's more secure because more people uncover/help fix security flaws.
    • I think it depends on the individual situation and app.
    • I don't care either way.
    • I am a custom developer and only use third party when I have too.

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i go with "I think it depends on the individual situation and app."


I rarely use 3rd party stuff, other than JS/flash stuff like Mootools/TinyMCE/Wimpy, etc. I trust the bigger names, but still make sure I keep on top of their updates to make sure I'm not getting done over.


If it's a smaller script, there's no real excuse for not getting down and dirty and actually getting a proper understanding so you can customise/fix it yourself.

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I think you ought to clarify this question a bit - I can honestly say that almost every piece of software I use is third-party. I have written a few dozen scripts, and my system is home to thousands of applications that I have nothing to do with. :)


When it comes to scripting and programming, though, I always check thoroughly to see if there's already a solution before deciding to solve it on my own. I see no point in duplicating functionality.

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I only use 3rd parties code if i have to.  The only reason for me having to using 3rd party code is if thier is no major benefit for me to send the time and learn it if their is an open source version available.  current in my framework the only 2 places where i use 3rd parties is javascript(jQuery and jQuery plug-ins and php mailer class PHPMailer).  I don't roll my own javascript framework becuase I don't think it is worth the time to do so an make sure everything works fine in all major browsers when jQuery is very fast and well tested, I would never be able to keep up with them since all they focus on is jQuery.  I also not care to know the inner working of sending mail with php.  I don't care about all the headers and stuff and PHPMailer is LGPL.


On a not ei only use 3rd party code if it is licensed under MIT or LGPL(or any other license that allows me to use the code in any type of licensed project without any restrictions).

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