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How fast do you study PHP?


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I take two different approaches.


When something is not mission critical, which is to say it doesn't directly apply to something I'm currently working on, I can take a more leisurely approach.  In this case, I usually buy a book and read it in my spare time or during a hot bath.  I find reading in the bath to be quite effective for a number of reasons.  There's limited distractions because running water drowns out other noise, there's no clock so I don't feel pressed for time, I'm soaked so I don't feel like falling asleep (unless I'm unusually tired), etc.  I just find that environment allows me to focus more on what I'm reading, which means I retain it better later.  My goal with leisurely learning is not to learn something in refined detail; but rather to familiarize myself with an overall process, discover things I didn't know before, etc.  As an example, for a long time I didn't know MySQL directly supported importing comma-separated data from files.  As such, I would write a PHP script to import such data.  However, now that I know that I can do this directly with MySQL, next time I need to do so I'll use the built in mechanism supported by MySQL.  I don't know the syntax off the top of my head, I'll still need to look it up.  But just knowing that it can be done will save me time from having to write a short script.


When something is mission critical and I need to learn it ASAP, I first gather any resources that may be helpful.  The first place I look is google or online documentation.  If I can't find what I need in a few minutes, if I know I own a book that mentioned it I'll check in that book.  Otherwise, I spend as much time as necessary finding examples and tutorials on the web.  I don't immediately try and apply them to my situation.  I always create a simplified example first that strips out any extra complexity introduced by whatever application I'm trying to use them in.  For example, if I'm creating a complex file upload form and want to apply AJAX to upload files as soon as the user selects them in the browse control, I'll create a test script with only that control and the bare minimum of Javascript to get it working.  Once I've assured myself that I understand the concept and principles, and found any little "gotchas," only then do I apply it to the real problem.


In either situation, the actual learning comes from me writing small examples of my own and making sure they work.  I know that a lot of people when working through a tutorial will actually follow the tutorial to the letter.  I don't usually do this.  Almost every tutorial contains some amount of bloat and I try to strip that out as well and focus only on the concept I'm learning.


(edit) I forgot to mention that when I'm taking the hands on, mission critical approach, I'll get the concept in as little as 5 min (sometimes I only need to read a short article) or as long as a couple days.  It all depends on how good the documentation I can find is.

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Over the summer I read a php book. But reading is not the same as writing code.


It took me maybe a weekend of good 7 straight hours of coding to get the fundamentals. Like echo, the while loop, connecting to mysql, counting rows, and finally formatting the data properly using php. It wasn't much but it was a great starting point.


I don't recommend reading 10 books and expecting to get anything out of it. Its all about practice.


Also, don't waste time learning things that aren't the fundamental concepts. If you ever need to use those advanced features, check out a resource. You'll learn it eventually anyway.

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men you always post that way long how nice and serious person you are




@bilismoney  How fast do you study PHP?

what do you mean!! study or learn


I learn to use php within a week or 2 but until now i cant say im good or my coding is good i need to learn it that fast to pass my subject i dont listen to my instructor when im in the class i found them boring  so when they give  project(php) i have no choice but to study and use it at the same time to finish my project within two weeks (enrollment system)  and internet is my first source  ;D



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I learn to use php within a week or 2 but until now i cant say im good or my coding is good i need to learn it that fast to pass my subject i dont listen to my instructor when im in the class i found them boring  so when they give  project(php) i have no choice but to study and use it at the same time to finish my project within two weeks (enrollment system)  and internet is my first source  ;D


That's cool. What are you majoring it? Sorry if this side tracks, but this is really interesting.

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majoring? well I'm IT so i need to learn programming and other stuff that has something to do with computers

whats interesting? not listening to your GURU and learn everything by your self lol?  well i seem to be the most bully in the class (grades school,high,college)i  spend my time drawing my gurus face and bullying  my classmates  i dont encourage you to be just like me. bad lol.


you can learn everything fast if you're interested on it  ;D programming makes me fill "macho" like a real man maybe thats why i learn it that way



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teng84 you mean you are still in college?


what level are you now? 4th year?


and what school in metro manila?


Are you done learning MVC with php teng84?




im currently working as web developer here in manila ortigas you know that right

school hmm  mandaluyong

MVC ? maybe lol like i said i dont listen to my GURUS it sucks lol besides they dont listen to me so y will i listen to then when i tell them that they are wrong they will still stand on it and if push my views they will give 3 75% so just quite and study your own. BUT isnt funny how they react whenever i saw their mistakes

like i told you we will hunt your ghost lol just drop me a line lol ;D


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wag na lang pare dito na lang tayo mag usap tinatamad ako e add ka eh. ha ha :)

dude you cant use your native language here admin will get mad dont wait for them to yell at you


dude introduce your self to me send a PM on me and i will be glad to read your thoughts and also information ;D about you

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dude you cant use your native language here admin will get mad dont wait for them to yell at you

Ok i will follow you, but don't you worry even though it is in filipino language i didn't say bad words or say something that is against this community. it is all about between you and me. I guess OBSIDIAN understand a little tagalog language.


and don't worry the admin and the mods here they know me very well than you are. LOL


I was a little naughty before but they know i already changed. i'm good boy now and trying to follow rules always, i hope i don't forget them.



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Whether it's something like MS Word or a PHP manual I always take the same initial approach.


I read through it to see what I can do, not any details of how to do it.


Then, when I need to do something, I know if it's in there somewhere. That's when I look up the detail of how to do it.

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Whether it's something like MS Word or a PHP manual I always take the same initial approach.

I read through it to see what I can do, not any details of how to do it.

Then, when I need to do something, I know if it's in there somewhere. That's when I look up the detail of how to do it.


very nice advice BARAND  :D

You are really a true SUPER GURU  ;D


Thanks!  ;)

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