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Billions of Rows


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Okay, so I'm making this site which will have comments for almost everything. Pictures, movie reviews, etc. Each of these will have a row in mysql that lists the number of comments and the ids of the comments. The comments table will have the id of the comment and the text that came with it.


The comments table will fill up fast. What if it reaches over 1 billion rows? I heard this creates problems. And how do I make sure its not too slow? Is there a way to make mysql create another table after x amount of rows are created? I don't want more than one billion rows in one table.



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well, in a sense they could make as many comments as they wanted

it's just as soon as their comments went over a certain number it would begin deleting the oldest ones



say their limit was 1000 and as soon as began to write what would be 1001 it would delete their very 1st comment bringing them back to 1000


that's the only way I can think of the keep it from getting to a billion

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Well...I'm sure it all depends on how much space/HD capacity you have to work with as well as the datatypes you're using in the rows


MySQL should be able to handle over a billion



I got this from http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/features.html

Scalability and Limits:

      Handles large databases. We use MySQL Server with databases that contain 50 million records. We also know of users who use MySQL Server with 60,000 tables and about 5,000,000,000 rows.

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64bit MySQL should be able to overcome the 4GB limit easily, no?


I'm pretty sure 64bit can handle up to 16 exabytes, which there is NO WAY IN HELL you are going to use up all of.


16 exabytes? What are those? But the problem isn't as much as Mysql not being able to handle the load, but more if it would be fast enough for all the users to query the comments. The table will probably be accessed over 100 times a minute.

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(name) Value Symbol  Value Symbol

(name) Value

kB (kilobyte) 1000^1 = 10^3 KB 1024^1 = 2^10 KiB (kibibyte) 2^10

MB (megabyte) 1000^2 = 10^6 MB 1024^2 = 2^20 MiB (mebibyte) 2^20

GB (gigabyte) 1000^3 = 10^9 GB 1024^3 = 2^30 GiB (gibibyte) 2^30

TB (terabyte) 1000^4 = 10^12 TB 1024^4 = 2^40 TiB (tebibyte) 2^40

PB (petabyte) 1000^5 = 10^15 PB 1024^5 = 2^50 PiB (pebibyte) 2^50

EB (exabyte) 1000^6 = 10^18 EB 1024^6 = 2^60 EiB (exbibyte) 2^60




So basically a gigabyte to the power of 4 :)

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