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PHPFreaks Site Feedback

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Okay everyone. this is your one and only chance.  I've had many a members bitching about the phpfreaks site, but there were so many things needing done that it was hard to get them all completed. However, due to recent events we have been forced to remove the PHPFreaks site and start anew.  Pretty much we're making it more secure, rebuilding it, and adding new features. So, like I said earlier, this is your one and only chance.  Suggest features that you would like to see in the new site.



BE WARNED!  This is not a chance for you to bitch about the problems you had with the site. It is also not a chance for you to argue with us.  It is merely the chance for you to say what you think would benefit the community.  Like what would you like to see tutorial wise...news wise....content wise.  If you post here jut ot bitch about how bad the old site was, or to cut others ideas down, your post WILL be deleted without future regard or notification.

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I've got a couple (old ones):


1) Smart FAQ

    Sort of like Windows Help (but with better answers ;)). The system asks you questions to get you an answer.


2) Interactive tutorials

    Tutorials with nested questions and other types of interactivity.


3) Quizzies

    Quizzes about tutorials or general webdev related topics.


4) SVN repository and project management

    Make PHPFreaks a gathering of people learning, teaching and applying.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm probaly talking from a narrow pespective, but I'd like to see somemore attention paid to php and Ajax's xmlhttprequest


Apart from that I would support 448191's idea's


refined searching tool that is better and removal of case sensitivity in php pretty print bbcode


Also this would be a big benifit

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this is more of a question than idea, but if it was an sql injection attack that got through, couldn't that have easily been fixed by just rewriting the sql validations?

The details of the attack aren't relevant... suffice it to say that it took some very skilled admins a while to figure out.

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A code library like last time but where the support thread is created in the forums as opposed to a thread in the library that isn't normally read or monitored :) Also a search engine that does not prevent you from entering a single word with 3 characters, if flooding is the issue a time delay would be preferable.

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Make it more obvious when a user has unread private messages...

There are options in your profile that you can change so that it will email you and pop-up a JS alert when you have a new one... what more do you want?  I can set them for you if you want.

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I like the interactive quizzes/tutorials idea 448191 suggested.


Also, I'd like to see the freelance forum removed from the boards, and put onto the main site somehow.


I like this idea.  Something similar to php-freelancers.com (a lot less complicated of course) where users can post a job/project up for grabs, and other users can bid on it. 



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