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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2020 in all areas

  1. Is granting the ability for your web user to run any command as root without a password unsafe? Absolutely, you might as well just run your web server as root if your going to do that. If you're going to use sudo, then you want to limit the commands that can be run to exactly what is necessary. For example, at one point I had a page that would allow resetting an email password and the process to do so required root. I created a shell script with all steps necessary and I added this to my sudoers file: www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /root/bin/reset-mailbox-password That allowed my public-facing web page to execute that command and only that command as root with sudo. That way if there were ever a security issue in the future that gave someone shell access as www-data they couldn't just run whatever they wanted to sudo and further compromise the machine.
    1 point
  2. No, you should change the sudoers file to allow user apache to run that command. However, before you get yourself in trouble, please explain why you need web users to run restricted commands. Perhaps we can come up with a safer alternative.
    1 point
  3. "Outside a class"? Screenshot #1: grve-wrapper selected below, bounding box shown above is too low, highlighted CSS on the right shows a few rules Screenshot #2: with the position:relative and top:50% rules disabled, the bounding box is in the correct location but the image is too high Screenshot #3: img selected (the one that's visible), bounding box shows it's too high on the page, highlighted CSS shows a few rules Screenshot #4: with the top:-50% rule disabled, the bounding box is in the correct location
    1 point
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