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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2022 in all areas

  1. I don't have any specific recollection of such a thing, but a lot of things have changed in the css world, most notably the standardization of flexbox and grid that make older techniques and tricks of css layout obsolete. You just don't need those things anymore when flexbox or grid can take care of your layout needs with simple, consistent and easy to understand syntax. There was a time when you needed to know the ins and outs of floats and clear fix, and other arcane tricks of css, but that's basically obsolete knowledge. People also use to use tables inside tables inside tables to get their "pixel perfect" layouts, but that also has given way to a focus on creating layouts that adapt from desktop to mobile. This guy (Kevin Powell) has become well known in the css/web design world, and he really knows his stuff. This video covers flexbox. If you work through the examples with him, you will learn what you need. He also has a corresponding Grid video. If you want something more interactive, lots of people love Scrimba, and in particular Per Borgen, who is one of the Scrimba founders. He happens to have a free scrimba course covering grid and flexbox, so that is another way you can learn flexbox, if you want something more interactive. The free Scrimba Grid/Flexbox course is here: https://scrimba.com/learn/cssgrid
    2 points
  2. why not post both scripts so we can try to remove more confusion?
    1 point
  3. Well if it is EXACTLY as copied then I don't know what it is doing. If you are trying to ask "is $ext equal to .deb" then you are not doing that. Try 2 equal signs... As for your concern about the md5sums - since there is no code present showing us what is or is not happening, we can't help you.
    1 point
  4. Where's the part of your post where you describe the problem?
    1 point
  5. https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aforums.phpfreaks.com+css+wrapper+container+width+height ?
    1 point
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