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Posts posted by zq29

  1. I am just trying to find some good reasons to use apache with php (on windows).  I have more experience with apache and don't really feel like learn another server, I also hear that mod rewrites are a pain in the ass with IIS.


    Technically, I guess it would be called URL rewriting under IIS, as mod_rewrite is the module that Apache uses for URL rewriting. As far as I'm aware, IIS doesn't come with a rewriting module and Microsoft doesn't supply one - A third party one has to be used via the ISAPI interface. Although this may have changed, this was the case at some point.


    I have never used IIS before, so I can't really compare Apache web server to it. Although the lack of a native URL rewriting facility is enough to convince me - I use mod_rewrite on an almost daily basis. That, and I don't run any Microsoft platforms, apart from a Vista machine that we run Quickbooks on. I test under IE inside a VM.

  2. Oh sweet, it's out of beta now then - I've used FCKEditor for all of my stuff so far, will have a play with this tomorrow I think!


    Can't say I'm a fan of the new skin though, looks hideous. It's good that you can still use the 'classic' skin on the new release!

  3. Is there truly no source where one can find a 'most viewed', 'highest rated' or 'most emailed' scripts?  That's shocking.


    Due to the nature of such functionality, I find it hard to believe an 'out-of-the-box' solution would work. To be of any real use, it would have to be integrated into the rest of your system, to properly record and display such statistics. This might be why you are having difficulties finding one.

  4. Maybe you should investigate using a framework such as jQuery to implement your JavaScript requirements? It would be a lot easier than learning the core language from scratch, and they have pre-built solutions for easy integration of AJAX techniques.


    Oh, and you shouldn't be using JavaScript for the sake of using it, use it only when it is really necessary to enhance the user experience.


    I don't understand why you need to learn how to create HD movies though, surely that's a different sector of business? We normally get any video requirements delivered to us from a third party instructed by the client.

  5. I get the feeling that it was used as part of a talk, as I didn't find it immediately obvious what the point of some of the slides were. Was ok though, some of it is common sense, some of it I didn't really agree with. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Are you thinking of Synergy? It doesn't allow you to copy/move files between machines, but it does allow you to use one mouse and keyboard for multiple machines, as well as sharing a clipboard.


    I have a MacBook and a Vista Laptop either side of my main development machine (Ubuntu) with synergy installed on all of them. I use one mouse and keyboard to control all of them.

  7. i once experienced same kinda problem. I shifted my host and dns etc were properly changed but the problem was 1 half it worked on the new host then suddenly it again runs the site on old host with old data which realy should'nt have had happened but it did.

    What probably happened there is both requests were served by two different DNS servers, one had been updated with the new information, the other hadn't. This is common, and is why they generally note that propagation can take up to 72 hours.

  8. Not really.

    All applications I develop I still maintain 100% ownership of the source code. The client is effectively purchasing a licence to use it. If you were to hand over the rights to the source code then your client could have the right to prevent you using that code in any other project you work on. Just like buying a copy of microsoft office. You have the licence to install and use the product but microsoft still owns the rights to the source code preventing you making modifications if it were available.


    That's how I work, I thought everyone worked like that...

  9. IE 6 should die, I'm not bothered about IE 7 - It's not too bad, IE 8 is even better. Though my main daily browser is FireFox 3.0, of which I will get around to manually upgrading to 3.5 at some point as it won't be pushed to the Ubuntu 9.04 repos.


    I only stick with FireFox because of the Web Developer Toolbar and FireBug plug-ins, otherwise I'd drop it. I find it get's annoyingly sluggish at times, and this is on an i7 based machine... I like what I have seen of Chrome, just waiting for a Linux release.

  10. In my opinion, it isn't worth more than you pay for it. It is not a generic name, and it's a .org. Things are only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, and I think you'll struggle to find a buyer.


    Although, you could post it up on a domains forum and accept offers from people, or put it up on something like sedo.com

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