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Posts posted by zq29

  1. Semi's example will give back all users. just add the user you are looking for.


    This user should be in a main table that contains the users not just a table that has links to it.



    Oh yes, missed out the bit to narrow it down to a specific user...

    SELECT * FROM `quizzes` as q 
    LEFT JOIN `quizzes_categories` as qc ON q.`category` = qc.`id_cat` 
    LEFT JOIN `quizzes_taken` as qt ON q.`id` = qt.`id_quiz` AND qt.`id_user`='00123466' 
    WHERE qt.`id` IS NULL 

  2. I think I understand what you want to achieve, give this a try...

    SELECT * FROM `quizzes` as q 
    LEFT JOIN `quizzes_categories` as qc ON q.`category` = qc.`id_cat` 
    LEFT JOIN `quizzes_taken` as qt ON q.`id` = qt.`id_quiz` 
    WHERE qt.`id_user` IS NULL 

  3. I think it depends on what service you originally sold to your clients and if they are willing to re-negotiate their service level. Don't forget, almost all professional hosting companies have, or rent space in, a data centre. This comes with such luxuries as controlled climates, state-of-the-art fire suppression systems, backup generators, backup network infrastructure, multiple direct connections to internet backbones etc. All helping to promise this 99.9% uptime that so many of them shout about.


    When running your own servers, you also need to be keeping on top of all the latest software patches, security exploits, resource monitoring. I'm sure you wont be just running a web server either, no doubt you will need to be running other servers at some stage too (mail, DNS, etc.) - Not to mention the hardware angle, you'll need quick access to replacement hardware should anything fail.


    Don't forget about your other running costs too... Software licenses (cPanel, Plesk), electricity (running multiple servers 24/7), connectivity (1:1 connections aren't cheap, in the UK, anyway), numerous IP address leases...


    Why not set up one of your spare servers with LAMP and run a website on there for a few months and see how much work is involved in keeping it secure and well maintained. It can be done cheaply; with connectivity through a consumer broadband connection and a dynamic DNS service such as dyndns.org you could at least get a fair insight into public web server administration.

  4. I quite like the design in general, but there are a few things:


    • Although the green looks nice in the logo and 'box headers', I think it's a bit harsh in the 'beta badge' and 'Not Yet Submit?' form (That doesn't make sense, by the way).
    • The 'Contact Us' link looks a bit lost, I think it would look better right aligned.
    • I think the 'Flexable' [sic], 'Simple', 'Powerful' boxes throw the balance off a bit by hanging over the edge
    • I'm not totally convinced with the cross-hairs and diagonal lines in the header, but that's more of a personal preference


    By the way, the code in your signature can be cut down to:

    function abc_s() { return implode(range('A','Z'),', '); }


  5. I do not see the point in having a blog.  If I want someone to know something about me, I will tell them.

    It doesn't have to contain specifics about yourself - It could be used for writing articles on specific topics, or posting solutions for obscure problems that can't be found elsewhere, y'know, useful information to share with like-minded people you don't know...

  6. The whole confusion arose from a series of emails I traded with this 1and1 customer support fella and... just nevermind. It's been a long day. Thanks again, you both.


    1&1 Customer support has been absolutely useless every time I have called them.

  7. If money isn't really an issue, have you looked into dedicated servers? We get our dedicated servers with DonHost, and you can create separate hosting accounts for individual websites, each with their own control panel if required.


    You also get root access over ssh, so installing stuff is not a problem - If you feel less confident, call them up and get them to do the install for you, though they'll charge you by the hour (£50, if I recall).


    Their cheapest LAMP boxes are about £250 a quarter, if that's within your budget, check them out - I've had no major issues with them.

  8. then i tested that on my friend vbulletin forum, and that forum detected recorded my original ip.

    EDIT: vB likely shows your actual IP rather than the proxies as there are plug-ins available (or it might be standard now) that can detect proxies and trace the original IP.


    i'm really sorry, got no idea what is vB. what is it? do a google search , i did "vB ip" , it showing about function in visual basic that gets the ip, is that what you meant?


    vB == vBulletin

  9. so why this :


    $a = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
    echo $a;


    shows the changed ip ?


    Because that is the IP that the request is coming from. You are requesting it from the proxy, the proxy is requesting it from the script, the script returns it to the proxy and the proxy returns it to you.


    EDIT: vB likely shows your actual IP rather than the proxies as there are plug-ins available (or it might be standard now) that can detect proxies and trace the original IP.

  10. (edit) There are also some people who can not update past IE6.  My parents, for example, are installers for Lowes.  Lowes has a website that requires IE6 and there is absolutely no way around it.  Believe me I've tried everything.

    Yes, like users of Windows 98 - IE7 isn't supported.


    Surely the only way they can detect that you are browsing with IE6 is by reading the headers sent by the browser, I can only assume you have tried modifying the headers?

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