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Posts posted by zq29

  1. [quote author=redarrow link=topic=112560.msg859944#msg859944 date=1207656487]
    Seo self study (20 years experience).

    I have been creating web sites for other 20 years in all but have done various exams while designing my web sites.

    Congratulations, you've designed websites that pre-date the inception of the web.
  2. fopen() just creates a file system pointer resource, you need to use it in conjunction with fread() to get the contents of the file. Though, for this purpose, it'd probably be better to use file_get_contents().


    If you are only matching strings, and not patterns, RegEx functions are probably a waste of resources, you might be better off using something like strpos().


    $contents = file_get_contents("foo.dat");
    $skill = array("lorem","ipsum","dolar","sit","amet");
    $found = false;
    foreach($skill as $s) {
        if(strpos($content,$s)) {
            $found = true;
    echo ($found) ? "Matches found in:<br />".$content : "No matches.";

  3. Thanks for the links, will have a read when I get some time, might even persuade me to blow the dust off my XP box and give it a crack! It will have to be after I have fully grasped the benefits of OOP though, obviously!

  4. Great response - I have zero experience in programming for Windows, so was unaware of the process/technique. Thanks for the explanation. For the uninitiated, that's a difficult concept for developing for the web! (In my eyes, anyway).

  5. ...The idea is that a programmer can move from one project to another because they're all using the same standard technology...


    ...If you pick up a PHP project maintained by another programmer it might be custom or it might use one of a dozen frameworks.  You will likely hit a learning curve...


    Could you elaborate on this please roopert? I would have thought the latter would be true of any system designed by one individual/team regardless of language. Although ASP(.NET)? is a framework, and likely has set methods for achieving a task - There must still be x ways of applying that method?

  6. So obviously I don't want to copy these ideas because there is already a more effective method, and I won't be able to to facebook/youtube, etc..but I'm curious.


    What is out there that hasn't been done that I could potientally create a large-scale userbase?

    If anyone has the answer to that, it's extremely unlikely that they're going to shout about it on a public forum ;)

  7. php.net is displaying animals where the logo usually is too... It's given me a rabbit and a dog so far, though I think it is possible to trigger that by sending a specific query string isn't it (to almost any PHP page on any server)? An easer egg of sorts?

  8. For development purposes I prefer using XAMPP for Linux with Ubuntu, but there are times when I need to do something on Windows (in Dreamweaver), in which case I use XAMPP for Windows :)


    Out of interest, in what situation would you specifically need to use Dreamweaver over a *NIX based IDE?

  9. Do you have an option to switch on something called 'loopback'?


    It would be quicker for your internal users if you set up an internal DNS server so that you could route all of your internal requests for that domain name to the servers IP, instead of it going out of your local network, bounce around the internet and be sent back. If you have a small network though, it would probably be easier to edit the HOSTS file on each machine.

  10. Purely business - After working 12 hours a day with code, I don't really want to be doing it in my free time too!


    If I my ask, how well is that paying the bills? Yearly income? Seems like it might be pretty good.

    I live comfortably :)
  11. I have heard stories of someone writing "unique" tutorials, then selling them AND putting them on his own site. That is "fake" for a start. Or maybe immoral. But you get what I mean.

    When buying textual content, ensure that you own the copyright to it. That way, the author cannot reuse the content without being sued by you.

  12. So it is a scripting help website with user profiles with similar functions to MySpace? And it hasn't launched yet... I think you're going a bit overkill on the hardware - Why do you think you need a separate server for the database?

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