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Posts posted by zq29

  1. I've used SWFUpload(.org) in the past with success. I don't think you can select a directory to upload, but you can navigate to that directory and select all of the files inside and upload them.

  2. What I am not sure on, is how would they set the NS on the registrar? What would I give to them to do that? Would I give them my name server information?

    Yes, your nameservers.


    After all that is done, and say the user registers the domain "mycooltrip.com" and they added all the NS at their registrar, and they decide to go to "http://mycooltrip.com" how would I get my server to say "Oh hey that goes to this directory and this is the root"

    When I'm creating a new project on my dev machine, I just create a new file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ I'm not sure what further measures you'd have to take on a production server - Manual?

  3. That's quite cool, just had a play with their demo. I'm currently using FCKEditor, also having dropped tinyMCE about 12 months ago - I cant remember what it was that made me switch though.

  4. I'm in that situation at the moment - My company is launching a new brand within the next month whose product is a paid-for web based service. We've built in a promotional code system to give free subscription periods when people register and we're just going to create a 6-month code and post it up on the website so that no-one pays in the first 6 months to encourage sign-ups. Coupled with plenty of pro-active advertising, it should start to happen. You've got to spend money to make money!

  5. Hmmmm.  Does this help?

    Not really, I'm trying to return registrations that have selected multiple countries defined in the query, but the query doesnt return anything when using AND, which I can kinda understand why, but I can't figure out how to actually do it...



    If there's a way to do LIKE matching but using an IN ( 'val1', 'val2', ... ) I think it'd be much cleaner; but I don't know if that functionality is possible.

    I think that I could do it with FULLTEXT matching to get rid of the LIKE, but this is actually part of a query builder I'm putting together for a project, and that might get a bit more complex to do - I'll look into it, but thats for another day at the moment.

  6. I know the subject of this topic maybe somewhat confusing, but I was unsure how to word it. Consider this database:



    id, name

    1, Kris



    id, name

    1, United Kingdom

    2, British Virgin Islands

    3, United States of America







    What I am trying to do is select all of the registrations that have selected both United Kingdom and British Virgin Islands as countries based on keywords. This is my query which isn't working:


    SELECT r.`name` 
    FROM `registration` as r, `country` as c, `registration_country` as rc 
    WHERE r.`id`=rc.`registration` AND c.`id`=rc.`country` AND (c.`name` LIKE '%united%' AND c.`name` LIKE '%british%')


    I have also tried doing it with LEFT JOINS in a similar fashion which yielded similar results. I am getting results if I change the AND to an OR inside the parenthesis containing the keyword matching, but that's not giving me what I want, expectedly. I have a feeling I should be playing with nested queries, maybe?

  7. It is not possible with PayPal - You'd need to process two transactions. You'd have to act as the intermediary and pay your merchants seperatly if you want to stick with PayPal. Though, I don't know of any payment gateways that offer this as a feature, if they did, I'm sure you would get charged more than a single transaction would cost.

  8. Domain names are a whole business within themselves. People make a living out of buying good domain names, and then selling them on. There a numerous forums dedicated to the subject too.


    It can be frustrating, I tried buying the .com version of a .co.uk domain I own for a start-up I'm working on - It's not even an actual word from the dictionary or anything industry related; it's a made-up word and they're not accepting anything less than $5,000 for it! They only registered it a few months ago too...

  9. Hello Again,


                  I already downloaded the  livecd files in fedor. What will I do next to have a live cd.



    Burn the image to a disc. Make sure your CD drive is set to boot before your hard disc in the BIOS and reboot with the disc in drive. It should boot into Fedora.

  10. Concatenating mpegs works fine, but falls down on most popular codecs with the avi container due to the aforementioned headers.


    I use 'avimerge' (part of the 'transcode' package) quite regularly to join two DivX files together.

    avimerge -o output.avi -i input1.avi input2.avi input3.avi


    EDIT: Just noticed you need to run it on Windows too. Ignore this post!

  11. sorry, I meant to write yes, don't know why I wrote no.


    So, what would be a better way to write the question, or would you leave the question as is?

    No, "Is there an error in this code?" is a poor question - I wouldn't waste my time with the thread.


    A help question should include:

    • What you are trying to make happen
    • What is actually happening
    • The environment it is running on, if appropriate
    • Effort made in expressing the problem


    A better question would be:

    I am trying to display 'Hello' ten times on my page, each on a new line but all I am getting is an error message telling me that my script has reached its maximum execution time after about 30 seconds. Could someone point me in the right direction please?

  12. I think he means the orange RSS feed icon. I'm not totally sure either, but looking at the source of these forums, this might be triggering it:

    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="PHP Freaks Forums - RSS" href="http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?type=rss;action=.xml" />

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