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Everything posted by 448191

  1. Ok, remember you asked for this. It is probably a good thing I am not a staff member anymore Episode 1: Nadeem the awesome programmer Only two days to learn “anyones tech”? Wow Nad, that *is* impressive. Ok, so you know everything about everything, except for the icing on the cake. I'm not a pastry guy myself. Hold on Nad, you mean you “forgot” what recursion is? I guess that wasn't in the 2 minute crash course. Or maybe this is just icing on the cake. I guess you don't really need it then anyway. If only everyone was such a great programmer as yourself, then we would live in an error free world. Debugging would be non-existent. We could all write in what Naddy passes off as English and every interpreter would get what we are trying to do, always. Yes, the world would indeed be a better place. Hold on Nad, you “forgot” how set the error level? And why do you need any error reporting at all? Is the perfect world falling apart? Is it the apocalypse? Forgot references too? My god Naddy boy, lay off the acid. I know ZF is becoming more and more comprehensive a library, but I didn't know they had their own SQL dialect. Cool to know, thanks Nad! For everything, but in particular for allowing us a little fun, getting away from day jobs. To be continued..
  2. The simple fact is nadeemshafi9 that this post is about letting others know who you are. Not diving into a massive post on promoting a framework using all kinds of buzzwords regarding software engineering processes such as, 'modular framework setup, coding and file structure and modification standards setup, versioning and backup, clustering and mirroring'. I mean come on. It looks like you have posted from a book or a university lecture slide. You are off on a tangent that makes people think that you are 'just going for it' posting anything. A lot of the members here are newbies to programming and won't have the slightest idea what you are on about. Don't encourage him.
  3. YOU should try proper capitalization, punctuation, and oh yeah.. English. You know what, forget about that. Just don't post anything any more and we'll call it even. I think everyone knows all they need they need to about you by now (I doubt anyone really needed all 30 posts for it though). People say that, but they don't really mean it. However, if you are absolutely serious this I will happily oblige. But be warned: there's about a 80% chance you will be pissed off. I really don't care much if you are, just don't say I didn't warn you. Possibly you're already pissed off, in which case you might want to pass.
  4. No, it's just that like to avoid the commercialism. Free as in freedom of speech is better than free as in free beer (although you can't fault free beer).
  5. Yeah gaming on Linux suck, relatively seen. Driver support for peripherals as well. But that's just because it is not that financially interesting. And to be honest, I hope it stays only moderately interesting
  6. Btw Quake Wars: Enemy Territory is pretty good and it runs on Linux. Not that I care much about gaming.
  7. He said "you AND professionals". See what's implied there? Hehe. Not to start trouble or anything
  8. 448191


    So what does that prove? That even the great minds in history tried to explain their findings within the context of their time? Hardly news. When people believed the earth was flat they tried to explain ships not returning by saying they fell of the earth when it is more likely they perished in some storm or were shipwrecked. Nobody can prove or disprove god exists until we can reproduce these "miracles". Ironically, should that ever happen, by todays definition we would be God.
  9. 448191


    It is more likely a group of qualified builders build it because it is a house. Not because it is something complex. More intelligence is needed to consciously create something more complex. That's why an ape can't build a house, but a human can. The amount of intelligence needed to consciously manipulate every atom in the universe is beyond measure.
  10. 448191


    I never got this argument, it's flawed. The more complex something is, the harder it is for "something intelligent" to create it. So how does that make more sense (not that I ever expect religion and "sense" to play nice)?
  11. Eh. That one is a bit over the top. No need to make it so complicated, some subtle changes and you've got an awesome design (don't forget to change that top/red thing though because it is a bit horrid).
  12. You know what the problem is with big companies, and this is starting to hold true for Google as well: they have too much power. This reflects in the software they make and as soon as you want something they don't make (something you can't choose without other trade-offs further limiting your choices) you're going to have a problem with this company. Whether this company is called Microsoft or Foo Inc, you lose choices, and with it freedom, you get annoyed. Simple as that.
  13. Here are some alternatives: [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. You know what, I realize the large header mostly looks cheap not because of the font but because it is in caps. What's that font though, Adobe Garamond?
  15. It looks nice except for the used header fonts. In particular this: http://www.xhtmlwebdesign.com/images/logo.jpg (not sure about the red either) But also this: http://www.xhtmlwebdesign.com/images/main.jpg Both look "cheap". In fact it looks like Times New Roman. Other than that it looks solid.
  16. Isn't there some sort of rule against helping with homework?
  17. I haven't read the blog, but if I had to guess I'd say their may be some confusion between you and the .NET developer about what "method chaining" is. At the one side there's method chaining as used in ZF, also known as "privoding a fluent interface", then there's what has been dubbed (by someone at ThoughtWorks, don't remember who), a "train wreck". This is a typical fluent interface: $foo ->setBar(1) ->setBlah(2) ->execute(); This is a train wreck: $foo ->getBar() ->getBlag() ->execute(); I'm not implying that the difference between fluent interface and trian wreck is as simple as mutator vs accessor, there's obviously something else going on: example 2 fetches deep into the structure behind $foo, ignoring implied encapsulation, and violating the "tell don't ask" heuristic. Example 1 just operates on the same object.
  18. No offense, but I seriously doubt you can create server software of any kind using just a windows batch file. What's more likely is that this file executes some binary, the server software. Maybe if you were to give us a little more accurate info we would be able to give you more, and better advice. For example, why are you so positive you need a *dedicated* server? Perhaps a VPS would suffice? What kind of server software are we talking? Maybe it has a *nix version, it's multi-platform or there's a better alternative that'll run on Linux. Of course if you prefer Windows because you don't know how to manage a nix server, that is a good a reason as any, but Windows servers are usually slightly more expensive and you do say you are looking for cheap.
  19. "The BAT file runs the server"? That's like saying the Batmobile drives Batman.
  20. I'd have to say do_what_i_want_now_please(). (no offense to anyone's third cousin removed )
  21. Ok. Why did you blur out Barack?
  22. Finally converted to Ubuntu, are we..
  23. But of course Daniel has daily contact with Linus, Bill, and Steve.. (too lazy to figure out which smiley to use)
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