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Everything posted by 448191

  1. DS9 was good, it had that sense of realism of political and cultural clashes. Really enjoyed it. I really liked Voyager as well though, but in particular the more action packed story lines, such as the "Year From Hell". Also once they started engaging the Borg it got more exciting IMO. It did have a lot of what felt like filler episodes though. Especially some of the emosodes sucked. Agreed on Andromeda. At the start the plot was decent but Anastasi just talked so fucking annoying. Later the plot got crappy. On Enterprise, all the characters were a bit annoying IMO. Of course T'Pol was too hot for words, but that gets boring as well. But what really turned me off was the whole temporal cold war thing. In general "prequel + time travel" == "teh suck" apparently. Even though ENT pretty much flopped they stuck with it for the last Star Trek movie which unavoidably is teh suck as well. So far the only SGU episode I really liked was Time. I'm not really a fan of time travel plots, but that particular episode was action packed and well executed. But all the other episodes are way to focussed on character development. I mean character development a la BSG is good, but there has to be more than just a look into their pitiful lives or I'll watch a freaking soap opera instead. Balance, people. They really have to stop making it so introvert and do some exploring or get involved with some aliens in whatever way already. In general SGU should have been SG1 with realistic characters, but instead it turned out like a poor mans BSG. I saw the Dune movie and really liked it, despite the weird "alternate universe feel" to it. Perhaps even because of it, dunno it was just the whole package I guess. I am a sucker for the political stuff as well. Even my GF liked it (only other scifi she likes is BSG). So what's the diff with the TV-adaptation? You either hate it or love it. Personally the satire of the storyline didn't add enough value for me. Would have been different if it was humorous, but I didn't see that. And the absurdism was too subtle. If you do absurdism do it right, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy-type absurdism. Take away that and what's left is an unoriginal and unimaginative shoot em up movie.
  2. Yeah forgot about Andromeda. Definitely wasn't the best show I ever watched. Low point was when Kevin Sorbo got his staff from Hercules from a cabinet and looked straight into the camera, saying some lame line. Storyline started fair but got pretty poor and the guy playing Anastasi was really annoying, but Rommie and Harper made it worth watching anyway. Red Dwarf is pretty funny for sure, but seen it. Seen a couple of episodes of Sliders but it doesn't really do it for me. Stuff like Sanctuary, Kyle XY and Jake 2.0 fall into the same category as supernatural and rosswell I think. "V" reminds me of Earth: Final Conflict, which bored me fairly quickly. They just don't spark the imagination. Personally the original Star Trek doesn't really do it for me. I've seen a couple of episodes, maybe three, max. Really I just want another Star Trek tv series. But situated *after* what we've seen, please! Prequels suck ass. Defying Gravity. Example plot: "The Antares crew has to face the isolation and loneliness of space during the final hours before the Venus landing." Booooring. I want to see space exploration, awesome space battles, a touch of humour and maybe a little political intrigue. Wrapped in a package of well developed characters, great acting, a believable but most importantly interesting storyline. I know, I am asking a lot. I'll probably settle for space battles and a decent plot. What did you think of SGU so far?
  3. I believe global warming is simply exaggerated. That doesn't mean you can just dismiss it. There are plenty of signs that it is becoming an issue, counter signs can only prove that it "isn't as bad as we have been made to believe". But the sad truth is that is the only way you can make people take some pre-emptive action. I think it is a bit naive to think you can reintroduce massive amounts of CO2 stored in the earth's crust over the course of millions of years into the atmosphere and expect no effect sooner or later. Especially if at the same time you keep structurally removing natures CO2 scrubbers. Sooner or later it will be an issue, you and I will probably not be around to see it, but don't we have a responsibility to generations to come?
  4. WARNING: If you're not as addicted to scifi as I am, raw estimates of how much time I actually spent watching scifi may appal you. I try not to think about it, same as trying not to think about all the money I spent on cigarettes. I am not interested in kicking the habit so if that's all you have to say, don't. Having seen *all* episodes of TNG, VOY, DS9, BSG, SG1, SGA, Farscape, Babylon 5, some of ENT (which sucked), some of Firefly (don't care much for the western theme) and plenty of movies, it seems like earth's supply of SCI-FI that I like has finally dried up.. I knew it would happen some day.. (on a related bitch, why do sci-fi series always get milked beyond their conclusion? There really is no series in the list above that didn't screw up the plot in the end.) What happened to good old "lets discover the universe" sci-fi? The only current series that is similar to the above it SGU, but it is like BSG but whiny and it's just missing that sense of direction. Character development is great but it is just poorly executed in SGU and getting way too much focus. I really only liked one ep so far. All other scifi currently is not the "space" type. Although I did enjoy the first season of Heroes but after waiting a while for some explanation that would make the show believable that never came, I tuned out. Other scifi series like "supernatural" and "roswell" suck even more. And SCI-FI movies? None to speak of. I recently watched Pandorum, but it felt very much like From Dusk Till Dawn meets.. SGU. When some of the plot became more apparent it was interesting for the blink of an eye and then the movie ended. I watched Moon, which was a decent movie overall, but not "scifi" enough to satisfy my need for some good old "lets discover the universe" scifi. I mean, exploitation of the moon? Way too close to home to really spark the imagination. Then there's the "new" Star Trek movie. Ugh. Very, very poor. That guy who does Sylar in Heroes does so with some proficiency, but apparently anything other than playing the creepy villain is beyond him. Overall acting was poor. And the plot? Poorest ever. The Starship Troopers plot was more believable and interesting for crying out loud, and that's putting the bar pretty damn low. Bitching aside, who knows some scifi I haven't seen yet? Help a scifi junky get his shot of space exploration.
  5. magic quotes? http://dev.bcastropics.com/images/view/156
  6. like functional development is any different. "We want it work this way" -"We could do that, but this and this be the side effects, you may want to reconsider" "Whatever, my supervisor said do it this way" -"Ok, you're the boss" ".. two months later, just before launch .." "We found a bug, when you do this, this and this happens. It isn't supposed to" -"..."
  7. Agreed. It would be cool if PHP supported named arguments as in Python and Smalltalk, but lack thereof is really not large enough an issue with simple interfaces to warrant introducing a lot of pointerplate code. On the other hand, passing arguments as a composite structure to facilitate dependency injection (using a unified constructor) is a good enough reason regardless of the number of arguments. Although arguable not really required for solely that purpose.
  8. Agreed, to an extend. Something like a Service Layer may take a lot of arguments, but arguably a specialized configuration object is in order then. <?php abstract class Options { public function __contruct(array $args) { foreach($args as $key => $value) { if(!method_exists($this, 'set' . $key)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unkown attribute '$key'"); } $this->{'_set' . $key}($value); } } } class NiceOptions extends Options { private $_bar; protected function _setBar(Bar $value) { $this->_bar = $value; } public function getBar() { return $this->_bar; } } class Service { public function nice(NiceOptions $config) { //Do stuff } }
  9. Meh, you can just compile it. Or use dotdeb for Debian: http://www.dotdeb.org/2009/11/30/php-5-3-1-packages-for-debian-lenny-theyre-here/
  10. Meh. This will never go trough anyway. Not everybody in Brussels is as retarded as whoever proposed this.
  11. Hehe. I like this "new world order" theory better. Actual quote from CNBC (regarding word leaders discussing reforms to the global economy): "The globalists created the problem of wildly irresponsible fractional reserve banking, the debt bubble and the credit crunch by ceaselessly inflating the money supply and now they are offering their solution to the crisis by posing as the saviors and promising to fix the crisis, but only if complete control of the global financial system be signed over to them." Right.. Control of the global financial system is currently not in the hands of the world's governments. But rather in the paws of flying hippos, the pink fairy guardians of redneck America.
  12. Usually with conspiracies it's not so much the questions that amaze me but the answers and follow up questions. They tend to go with the less likely explanations. But you know what, even though I think it is much more likely false than true, I wouldn't be "world rocking surprised" if some it were true. I do believe that there are people that would have no moral objection to executing something like this if it served them, it's just the actual execution that I find highly unlikely. So yeah. No tinfoil for me.
  13. How do you like this one: Global Oppression. Fur real. Edit: it reminds me of Battlestar Gallactica, pretty good piece of fiction.. To bad it's not a joke.
  14. Soww.. What news sites are we talking about? I mean if it's just or just like Fox News then it isn't news at all, it's paranoid republican propaganda. You know what really grinds my gears? Poor republican people. If you're rich I can understand, you're just looking out for nr one, but if you are flat broke how utterly brain dead do you have to be to vote republican? Anyway I digress.
  15. Yoga. Or at least that's what I tell her. She didn't know any, so I had to teach her. She's pretty good at it now though. I just hope I can talk her out of joining the local Yoga club or I am anticipating some funny faces at the grocery store. I tell her she's already so damn good at it, why make other people jealous. And that is no lie either. More haiku: house in small village girlfriend showed special trick many new friends
  16. But yeah.. Living behind my pc gets a little old sometimes. And you have to make some sacrifices, eventually. For example my GF recently started complaining that her back hurts in that awkward position under my workstation desk. Dunno if I should get a higher desk or a smaller GF.. Either way it is going to cost me. But like I said, sacrifices will have to made for this type of lifestyle. I made a haiku. I call it "Web Developer blues": girlfriend fed up money spent on beer new girlfriend mouse-controllable
  17. It was a joke. Meant to illustrate that since I don't know the specific API heart, and you are currently working on it, you looking it up would be quicker than me looking it up and you waiting until I have an answer.
  18. I really enjoy sex and drinking beer (simultaneously is just heaven). Never was able to elevate it into an career though. So I decided to just stick with Web Development. Raw deal, when you think about it.
  19. Yes and I don't know. But I assume you're smart enough to figure it out from here, if not you can send me a PM and we can discuss my hourly rate.
  20. QFT Although I'd add sometimes it is just pure spite. Cause you know, staff is just humans. And humans are shity. Shitty even, sometimes. We don't like you having sex with our sister and we don't like you teaching others crappy practices, myths and baloney or other cheap meat. I personally can get freaked out of my mind about that yet somehow manage to stay polite, most of the time. Be thankful at how polite the staff is, considering all the crap and overblown egos they have to put up with. There. I said it. Now I am going back in polite mode. Ramble off. So yeah, pure spite. Sometimes. For me anyway, but I'm not officially staff anymore so it doesn't count. So probably "staff" has gotten a lot more polite since
  21. I see _results is a DOMNodeList. That is an internal structure that wont serialize. You'll have to fetch the results in the resultset into a serializable composite, like an array or object of a userland class.
  22. Btw: http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFDEV2/Zend+Framework+2.0+Roadmap
  23. In php you can define function arguments to be of a certain type. You'll generate exceptions if argument then passed to these functions aren't the correct type. eg; function foo(array $arg) {} public function __construct(array $args) { foreach($args as $key => $value) { if(!method_exists($this, '_set' . $key)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unkown attribute '$key'"); } $this->{'set' . $key}($value); } } private function _setBar(Bar $value) { $this->_bar = $value; } As long as you can trust yourself not to set state directly in the constructor.. Could mean more boilerplate code though..
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