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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. Is this possibly affected by the change in when DST takes effect? The date of the annula change was modified in the last couple of years - could this affect your calculation?
  2. Ok - I'll jump in. If you have a problem, describe it fully and show us the part of the code that you think is giving you the problem. We don't want to deal with 400 lines of all of your code - just the part(s) that pertain to the problem. As for showing us the code - use the forum's rules for posting code and POST it here. Many of us don't click on links for fear of what may happen. Most importantly - when someone replies to you - READ IT before doing another bad post of your own as you have already done here.
  3. Write a script in pieces - design the html page and add to it some needed php vars where you want to place dynamic stuff/data, etc. Then write the php code to do what needs to be done to populate those vars. Put it all together with the php at the beginning and the html/js/css at the end. Check to see if your POST data has been received before just using it. Do not put 'includes' in your html. When programming in any language - DESIGN is key!
  4. oops - Thought I saw something.
  5. Hmmm... Are you sure the error message applies ot that line number?
  6. Have you tried it with error checking turned on? Also - you could add some echos throughout the code to ensue that the script is doing what you expect.
  7. Your last post makes no sense at all. You "used the header link but not use"? Did you or didn't you "use" it? And you "used sequence order the script move". What does that mean. If you want to do two things when the form is submitted, then just DO THEM! You don't need to do another submit.
  8. Post the PERTINENT code here. Many of us don't click on blind links for the obvious reasons.
  9. If you want both actions to ALWAYS occur why not just let the first call to the script do them? Why are you using JS to do this when simple html will suffice here?
  10. How do we know what is not working when you don't show us how this batch of css is being used? PS - you have some comments in there (?) that may be interfering with the css it appears.
  11. IMHO you might also try writing this as PHP code with echo statements for the html rather than the opposite method that you are using. Easier to write, easier to follow and debug.
  12. You have all this code, so where is the problem? Where is the code to do this thing you are asking about? Do you want us to write it for you? Show us the code that is not working and perhaps someone will help you over that hurdle.
  13. You must of done more than "move the html out of the php" to make that mess work. If you have to take "webdesign classes" to graduate, they should make you also take an English class as demonstrated by this line: " listing =/= the ability to do something." What does that (apparent) sentence mean? Even if they don't require you to write good English, your future employer might. I know if you worked for me in my previous life you would have had to write better than you have here get/keep any job.
  14. I did not know that! My day is complete now!
  15. Oh My! Did you really write this based upon the knowledge you are getting in your class? I assume you are in a class of some kind since you have an assignment that you seek our help on. Maybe you should have listened better in class. Why do you think you have to check the request method before testing each and every input value? Wouldn't one be sufficient? You are copying code and have forgotten to change the email checker to whatever number value you are trying to have the user provide. Your form tag is wrong. Look at it again please. Most modern html guides tell you to use the label tag with a corresponding id attribute to connect it to the input tag it is labeling. As for the "vaild fields should be filled with previous value" problem - you need to use a php var in the value attribute of each input tag and pass those vars to the html code function. Have fun!
  16. I think you should learn how to write better English before embarking upon a new language. I counted 11 spelling errors. PS - most people post their code HERE and not somewhere else where we would have to gamble on whether it is a 'bad' link or not.
  17. I do believe there will be plenty of 'old coders' out there to help those without the foresight to have kept up to date. There is no need to 'train' the future generation how to create outdated code. Let's face it - how many of us had Latin available to us as an option in high school? I know my father did but it was unheard of when I went to school. Learn the current stuff. The other can be easily handled should the need arise.
  18. Visually I see the following as probs: eq <p> Besides the use a plain text password in your database. And the lack of any error checking on your prepare line.
  19. Assuming that you Really Do Have a Problem, try turning on PHP error checking. The messages may help you solve whatever un-described problem there is. (see my signature)
  20. I totally agree with Jacques1 response(s) on this topic. To be teaching the future coders of the world old coding styles/methods is just wrong. Furthermore as Jacques says sending future coders out into the world with these flimsy skills is no different than sending untrained unsilled graduates out there to do any other job that they are not fully qualified for. A programmer has to have the mindset and the skillset that IS REQUIRED to do a good job, not an outdated skillset and a lackadaisical attitude toward producing good products. As a former pro who had to hire coding talent I was fooled a couple of times by people who did not qualify for this kind of work but did a great job of scamming me (and their previous employers who gave them glowing recommendations!) and putting me in the position of having a half of an employee. This may sound conceited coming from an IT guy but this kind of work is not about the money. It's about (or was about) developing a talent for relating the skills of a computer to the skills needed for a task and making an exemplary solution. It is not just about making code that works. Hopefully the OP has a major that DOES appeal to her and will encourage her to do the best job possible when employed in it. From what she has stated I'll be glad when "her code" gets her a passing grade and she departs from this department and goes back to her more-favored field of study. The IT world does not need malicious hackers nor dis-interested money-seeking desk jockeys.
  21. Gee, when I was looking for something for nothing in school, at least I tried to disguise the way I asked for help. To copy the professor's homework assignment verbatim is pretty darn.... well, you know.
  22. Despite what you have stated, we are only trying to help you to learn NOT to use outdated coding. If this is for a class where you are trying to learn PHP, at least learn the valid, current & modern PHP language. If you should pass this class and move on to being a professional programmer, I would want you to be able to present proper php code to your future employer rather than something that he/she will probably recognize for what it is and dismiss you with a 'thanks for coming in' at your interview.
  23. After you have made the changes that benanamen has suggested, perhaps you could then post the code here instead of using a link to place that many of us here do not want to visit. Wrap it in the proper tags, ie the words "php" and "/php" each wrapped in square brackets.
  24. I see you tried a new spot. I would probably have tried the php applications forum rather than this one, but good luck.
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