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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. Using someone else's email address as the From address for your email IS a definite red flag to email servers as it should be. Just because you think it is ok to forge a from address to send one simple email doesn't mean that a mail server will think like that. The job of a mail server (IMHO) is to prevent such abuses!!! People do this ALL THE TIME and that is why all of us legitimate email users have to deal with emails coming back from people that we didn't email to or why our IP addresses get blocked because of spam problems. There is absolutely no good reason to use someone else's email address as the from address that is FROM YOU
  2. If you post some of your code here you might get more interest. Some of us refuse to click on links to see code posted elsewhere.
  3. You do realize that the value is expressed in seconds? 7200 = 2 hours. If you insist that you Really need to extend a session for that long, bump up that 7200. Is this some kind of secured or sensitive application? Do you really want a session on an unattended pc to just sit there for someone else to walk up and access?
  4. I have to wonder if foreach ($res as $res) will work. You are supplanting the $res variable with a new value so you lose the rest of the array! Try foreach ($res as $item) instead and then manipulate $item
  5. Gee - all this time I have thought very highly of Jacques' informative posts, even at the cost of sometimes being the target of his rants. His English is quite succinct. When it comes to whose native language is English, I often wonder about Mac_gyver's use of it since he doesn't seem to have ever learned about proper structure of a paragraph which recommends sentences that begin with an uppercase letter to help make the reading easier. So much of his posts seems to be run-on text because of the fact that my older eyes don't see the little tiny periods that my font (or this site) uses. Caps would make it much easier to read, as I said, and would represent proper composition of an English/American post. As for the post in question - I think Jacques interpreted post #6 exactly as it was written and I agree whole-heartedly with what he was saying.
  6. Where are you setting the email for html content??? You are sending a header to the client, but that's not going to affect the email is it? You're not sending the email to the client - you are sending it to an email address. Google something like "send html mail" for examples.
  7. You have formatted the email properly as an html one, correct? Have you altered your to address to send the email to yourself to see what you actually get?
  8. Assuming that you posted your intput followed by the code followed by some output you generated - this doesn't make sense at all. The output is not in the same order as the input. The output is different than the input. You are not showing us something. How about doing it again and breaking it up so it makes sense to us ordinary people? And show all the code involved!
  9. I have no idea what your response is saying. Punctuation and caps might help as well as a re-wording.
  10. When one says "terminated by (space)" what will it do at the last field in the line which does not have a space at its end?
  11. Are you checking for a MySQL error message? How are your table fields defined?
  12. Why would one want to store a distinct file inside a database table? Afterall it is a stand-alone piece of information that, given a proper name, is easily identified, or if linked to a table that stores attributes about the file, can easily be located and retrieved. There is no need to have the overhead of storing it and retrieving if from MySQL. Create a folder and create a naming structure and upload the files to that place and save it with a name that matches your defined pattern. Should you need to have other characteristics about the file saved, then save them along with the file's name in a db table. If backup is your concern, then make a backup folder - either on the same system or on another.
  13. You really need to do some reading and teach yourself how things work.
  14. 1 - your password s/b stored in a secured fashion - never in plain text. Read up on "password_hash". 2 - when you do your query you use the userid to get the record for the user. Then you use "password_verify" to see if the given password matches the one on file. Read up on that function as well. 3 - once your user logs in successfully, store his id and whatever other token you may need to recognize his permissions in $_SESSION variables. That way they are accessible by all the scripts that run during that session. Solves your "passing" problem. 4 - As already said - never store the password anywhere other than in the user record and even then only once it is hashed. Always use a POST method in your login form and not a GET PS - the use of AND in a where clause is not another query. It is another condition. But as I said - you don't do that here. Note - be sure that your table definition allows for a large enough value for the hashed password. See what the documentation suggests.
  15. So you have a little module that defines paths /* paths.php $php_path = "/home/domain/php/"; $lib_path = "/home/domain/public_html/libs/"; ... ... Then in your code you include the above file and in your other includes you use the appropriate path var: include($php_path . "connect.php"); include($lib_path . "functions.php"); ... ...
  16. Why not use constants for the path names and include a module that declares all these constants. Then your include simply reference the correct constant the the simple filename. You move things around - update the constants. Make them absolute too!
  17. When you get a coding method written then ask for help to perfect it or improve it. Til then enjoy the learning process.
  18. We usually help people with their code. Not write their code.
  19. Why not read the php manual for functions that facilitate this? Try move_uploaded_file for syntax and examples.
  20. Why would you think that you can edit a server-based image that is not totally uploaded yet? I don't think 45 secs is such a long wait for a large file.
  21. You are saying you are concerned about passing parms but your previous examples only referred to files and folder names not in existence. BIG difference.
  22. Instead of apache, why not use php to first check for the file or folder and if it exists issue a header call to it, and if not put out a polite message. OTOH - why do you have users typing in their own urls in the hopes that they make a hit somewhere? Why not give them a drop down of the available folders/files and let them choose a correct one?
  23. And you attempt to access something named 'submit' in the POST array. You didn't assign a name= to your submit button so you have none. For future reference (your next post?) - it's a better idea to actually indicate what you want in the subject/topic you post under. Naming your post as you did here is not much help in getting the attention you seek, other than from the curious who have the time to browse everything. Better pinpoint a topic that you wish help on than hope for someone's curiosity to cause them to read your question.
  24. Ok - lost sight of that - was still thinking about primes.
  25. Logic seems flawed. First - you only need to test half the value of the starting value - not the square root. Second - once you have determine that there is no remainder from your mod test, why do you continue on with that other logic?
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