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Posts posted by ober

  1. $query = "select * from student where StudentUsername ='".$dbuser."' and StudentPassword = md5('".$dbpass."')";


    There is your problem.


    $query = "select * from student where StudentUsername ='".$dbuser."' and StudentPassword = '".md5($dbpass.)."'";

  2. $query = "SELECT master_serial, charger, battery, abc, dc1, dc2, radio, network, sr2_1, sr2_2, sr5_1, sr5_2, ethernet FROM activecontrol WHERE master_serial='$id'";  


    When it contains a number and character, it is a string.  Strings have to be surrounded by quotes.

  3. Piracy aside, I like the 3rd look the best.  The others look like one of those parking pages you run into when a host holds a domain.


    The 3rd one isn't all that great either.  Add a background to the outside area, use something other than simple colors, put something (anything really) in the footer.


    I also don't get the header image.  What do smiley faces have to do with torrents??  It is also a very poorly transitioned image.

  4. I thought that originally as well.  I looked for months for something that I liked.  I use freshbooks.com to do the financial side of things right now and I'm using the free account.  Even if I bumped up to the next level ($14/mo), I'm still not getting all the features that I want.


    I don't like the look and feel of the other existing products because they all fall into one of the following categories:


    1) Overly complicated for what I need and I don't want to confuse my clients.

    2) Missing a feature that I think is crucial to my normal workflow.


    Besides, if I can make a tool that people would use, I could eventually charge a minimal fee for it for other developers and that money I lost making it is nothing.

  5. I've looked at a lot of them and they don't really fit my "freelancer" style.  I basically want a copy of freshbooks.com that is free and allows the client to provide a "to do" list with dates and details, among a few other features.


    So I'm building my own.  It's not even close to ready, but I'll let you all know about it when I'm done.  Maybe you guys can be my beta users.  :)

  6. Nope... my company has a hosted software product that has collaboration tools (workgroups, contacts, calendars, file manager, etc) so I'm just going to post it in a global workgroup that the people that need the information can get to.


    The thing that sucks is that we have a "website" portion to the collaboration tools, but it is broken and it's low on the priority list of things that will be fixed.

  7. I basically want something that will work like Adobe to just take the index file and recursively go down the tree and wrap it up into a nice little package with search and index functions.  I'm guessing it doesn't exist without more work than that.


    Oh well, this will all be online in a better format soon anyways.

  8. @Mchl: I guess there is more to it then pointing an index or folder at this thing and generating the CHM, eh? It might be too much work to redo everything using this tool.


    @ Jeff, there are over 200 pages at this point and many of them span more than one "PDF page".  That would kind of suck.

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