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Posts posted by ober

  1. If you plan to hand it over to others, I would worry about it.  But I guess that depends on your definition of unobtrusive.  I built a CMS over the past few years that used to rely heavily on AJAX.  After handing it over to a few clients and putting it through it's paces, it turns out that AJAX isn't the best technology in some instances.  So I've scaled back considerable in several places.


    And I think the page specific part would depend on your browser, but I think the answer is no.  It's either on or off.

  2. I'm just curious... I've always tried to keep my CSS file sizes to a minimum, like less than 6Kb.  I've read that this can reduce the load time of the site.  But I've been looking at how some other people do it and I'm seeing file sizes of 20Kb or more.


    Any thoughts on this?

  3. That site seems a little expensive to me.  $18 for a large photo?  Really?  And the subscriptions are insane, especially for someone that does this on the side.  It would be insanely expensive for me to build up a small portfolio.


    edit: then again, maybe I don't know how images are normally priced.

  4. Why buy it?  There are plenty of sites that offer free stock photos.


    www.sxc.hu is one of them.  And I've used Google images to snag a few as well.  I'm sure there are others as well.

  5. Networking... that is how I've landed my 2 professional jobs thus far. 


    My first job out of college came by talking to a guy that was neighbors with a manager at a large company near me.  He got me in.  I had a 5 year internship under my belt and I was a good fit for the job with the right experience.


    My second job came on a suggestion by my brother-in-law for a company he had done some work with as a 3rd party.  I submitted my resume through their website even though they didn't have any jobs posted and it was similar to the job I was already doing, but in a different market.  Again, I had the right skills and talked a good game.

  6. Sounds like poor project management to me. Consistent reliance would seem to indicate that someone needs to start setting more realistic goals. Besides, if you plan on overtime, how is it overtime in the first place? Seems sort of contradictory to me.

    I completely agree.  And I've turned down places like this as well.  If you're not going to hire enough people to get the work done on time, then I'm not going to kill myself to help you meet a deadline.  These are also the types of places that abuse the use of a fixed salary.

  7. My feelings are it will fall to the wayside like all of the other challengers.  Google is king of the search.  There really is no question about that.  Sure, Yahoo, MSN, and a few others get a small piece of the pie, but everyone knows google and its simplicity.  I don't see anyone topping it.

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