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Posts posted by ober

  1. We have a PHP Freelancing board. That would be the best place to post your availability as well as asking questions for what service others use.

    Users cannot reply in the freelance board.  This is the best place for this type of question.


    I personally do not use freelance sites... all of my work comes to me via here or by word-of-mouth.

  2. I couldn't agree more with xylex on this.  I work for a company that manages patient data and we have an entire department that ensures that we stay compliant and another department that does all the testing on our core functionality.


    This is not something to mess around with.  You can get into some deep shit if you mess that stuff up.

  3. Bastard, got something to say about Texas?

    I do.  Bunch of hard-line, right-wing, state-arrogant folks.  Everyone from Texas thinks that they are better than anyone else from any other state.  Most of them are also very close-minded in terms of progressive thinking on social matters.


    My experience is based on the fact that my company has a office in Texas and I've been dealing with them for close to 3 years now.  I've actually been to Texas about 20 times and the mindset seems to be spread across towns, so it's not limited to the small amount of people I deal with.


    Granted, most of them are nice people... they just have their own way of doing things.

  4. You cannot force a page to print to specific dimensions unless you're using something like an ActiveX control or something. 


    Also, if your page width is greater than the average piece of paper (8.5x11), it's not going to print properly.  The best thing to do is to have a "screen" stylesheet and a "print" stylesheet so that you can restructure the page for printing.


    Here's a good article: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/goingtoprint/

  5. I like to cook without an oven or stovetop, just an open fire.  I don't have to worry about any of those confusing dials or buttons, I can just put stuff right on there.  People have been telling me for years that I can get faster, more consistent results using an oven to do things like bake a cake or make a casserole, but I think they're wrong.  I'm really good with just a pile of wood and some matches.

    Beautiful post.  That's the best analogy I've heard so far.

  6. <div align="left" style="margin-bottom:15px;"><img src="templates/bcrc/images/latest_news.png" alt="" /></div>
    // no direct access
    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
    $query = "SELECT title, introtext, created FROM jos_content WHERE state=1 AND sectionid=1 AND catid=1 ORDER BY ordering";
    $content = mysql_query($query);
    if($content && mysql_num_rows($content) > 0)
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($content)) {
       echo "<p>".$row['title']."</p>";
    echo '<p>'.$params->get('catid').'</p>';


    Time to go error trapping...

  7. You cannot DECRYPT the value in your login script.  Here's how it works.


    1) User provides password. 

    2) You insert the plain text password into database but you md5 it first:


    INSERT INTO Student (StudentUsername, StudentPassword) VALUES ('$user', '."md5($password)."')


    3) User tries to login with their plain text password:


    $query = "select * from student where StudentUsername ='".$dbuser."' and StudentPassword = '".md5($dbpass)."'";


    So once again, it is taking the plain text password and running md5 against it to compare it to the md5 value in the database.


    md5 = md5 is the comparison.


    Also, make sure that the password field can hold an md5 length value (32 characters).

  8. Sorry about the extra period.  I was moving too fast.


    The difference is that your query would have said:

    $query = "select * from student where StudentUsername ='John' and StudentPassword = LONGSTRINGOFCHARACTERS";


    MD5 returns an alphanumeric string that must be surrounded in quotes, just like the username.


    What isn't working?

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