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Posts posted by ober

  1. The site is down.


    And in response to your response to my response (haha)..


    The background stays while when the text color changes to white... this should not be a cross-browser type issue.  That's web design 101 stuff.


    And I don't really care how many times the ID appears, no one is going to look up a "thought" by the ID.  Period.  End of story.


    I meant that your site doesn't have any definition.  Give it some lines, give it some borders.  You don't have any defined "areas" that focus the eye.


    Achieving the goal != user friendly.


    And I'm using FF3.

  2. My degree is in computer engineering, so you can guess that I've had a little programming training in school (C/Java/Pascal/ASM/etc).  My jobs have forced me into other languages (VB, *nix shell scripting, VBA, etc) and I had one job where I was tasked with building a complex reporting site that involved databases and graphing.  That led me to PHP.  I just started asking questions on forums and reading the manual.  I've probably spent about 30 minutes total reading books about it... because I typically don't learn much from programming books.  I'm more of a trial and error guy.



  3. I give this site a giant fail.


    1) Hovering over the navigation links makes the links disappear (text goes to white on a white background)

    2) The logo is awful and looks like it was designed in under 2 minutes.

    3) There are a million editors that provide full functionality for editing posts... why did you reinvent the wheel (and poorly at that?)

    4) You couldn't even generate your own captcha?

    5) The search function is poorly written.

    6) There's no style.  It's just random text in random areas with no containing area.

    7) Get thought by ID... yet you don't show the ID anywhere except on the single thought.  You could at least create a text permalink.


  4. Actually it has more efficient memory handling than any other browser.

    I still don't believe it.  Open Opera 9.5 final (just released a few days ago, oddly enough) and open Firefox with both pointing to the same page.  On my machine with a handful of addons installed in Firefox, Firefox is using twice the memory when sitting idle.  (51Mb vs. 26Mb in Opera).



  5. You can't.  You must load another window to push the download to the user.  Your best bet is to either open a DIV that has a link to the file that the user can right click and download or use a PHP redirect to a new page.


    Keep in mind that JS can't call to the server to get the file, so you can't really expect it to be able to offer the file up.

  6. You shouldn't just bail out of a script like that.  You're better off setting a flag somewhere in the first function that trickles down to the other functions where necessary.  It would take a millisecond to filter through the functions if the first thing you do is check that flag.

  7. Well, you guys took like way too long.  I posted this on a non PHP board that I run and they had the answer in a few minutes:


    $st = "";
    $vals = array();
    $i = 0;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    	$st .= strtoupper($row['state']);
    	if($i == 0)
    		$factor = 100 / (($row['cnt'] / $totalstate) * 100);
    	$vals[] = number_format($factor * (($row['cnt'] / $totalstate) * 100), 2);
    $vals = implode(",", $vals);

  8. I'm having a mental math block, so I need a little help:


    I'm trying to use Google's chart API (http://code.google.com/apis/chart) to generate a chart of the US based on order numbers (to show where most of the orders are coming from).


    The way the API works is that you pass a number on a scale from 0-100 and that number corresponds to a listing of states.  Depending on the number, it colors the state based on the scale of 0-100 (right now for me dark green = 100, pale green = 0 and it interpolates between).


    So I'm basically calculating a percentage (state total / country total) * 100.  What I then also want to do is put those numbers on a 0-100 scale so that the highest percentage = 100 and the lowest = 0 (or slightly above 0.


    Anyone know what I should do here?


    By the way, the percentages are already going to be in order because I order by the most orders per state descending.  So the highest percentage in my array is going to be element 0 and the lowest will be count(array).

  9. A few points:


    1) Why not open it up to more than NZ? You'd get more traffic and you could provide a very good service to a lot of folks if you get enough exposure and enough developers involved.

    2) The design is kind of boring... I doubt many developers would take it seriously as-is.

    3) For a range that starts at $1000 and jumps to $100k in a hurry, I'd expect to see more details. You could save the developer a lot of time by adding in more checkbox type questions like: hosting questions, technology preferences, experience of developer, quality requirements of the developer, etc.


    I think this is a really good idea and I hope it takes off for you.

  10. You're posting this on a site that basically does the same thing.  Also, please do not ask people to signup to your site.  We do not allow advertising on this board.  This is strictly for design critique.


    As for the critique, you've basically skinned a forum (not much to critique).  The logo looks awful and it looks like the designer of it doesn't understand how to create a transparent image properly.

  11. Awful.  It's extremely dark and then you have tiny little white boxes on random parts (login/register for example.  Also, your background (outside the content area) is not a consistent color on all pages.


    The graphics are extremely basic and the site is very slow in general.


    And why does everyone and their brother have an upload site!?!  Who really uses this stuff?

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