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Posts posted by ober

  1. Do not store them in the database.  That's a complete waste of time and DBMS resources.


    When you upload them to the server, simply append an ID to the front of the filename: 1234_pic_of_my_dog.jpg


    Then you have a table in the database like this:


    user_id | media_id

    1          1234

    1          2345

    2          8942




    Then when you need to display them, simply get all the ids for the user out of the table and go retrieve all the files that start with media_id_.

  2. It is because you are using the OR operator. You are basically only asking that one OR the other is filled in. Simply change "||" to "&&" and it will check both.

    Wrong.  He wants to bail if either meets the criteria.  For your scenario, both would have to fail.

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