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Everything posted by ober

  1. Eh... when our receptionist is gone, I'm in range to listen for the buzzer on the main doorway.  Most of the time I ignore it and hope someone else answers it. Three cheers for chaps that don't like to deal with the general public!
  2. That would have to be custom JS that you use in your browser (Opera offers this option and I think FF does as well). Although I'm not sure why you would want this functionality as it takes away from the default use of the tab key in a browser.  It would be a little more difficult to limit it to textareas.
  3. This does not require AJAX unless you need help from some PHP library.  You can do math simply with Javascript.
  4. .... bbcode could be used in all areas if you have your bbcode set to parse the output. Another way to do it would be to hijack the tab key with JS.  Detect the keypress and input 4 or 5 spaces.
  5. Yeah... I don't know.  I'll have to run it past the client. And you're right, what you posted will restart the streaming. 
  6. Well... i have to say... out of the box, I'm impressed.  I'm definately gonna do some customizing as far as the look, but I can't really complain!
  7. ick... I'm completely against popup windows.  People block them and they're annoying. I'd rather go with a frame solution.
  8. Some threads require multiple back and forth responses.  That doesn't really make sense here.
  9. I have a request from a client to put a "radio" of sorts on their site.  Something where the users can pick a genre and have it stream from another site. I'm kind of against the idea because it's for a forum... so unless I build a seperate frame, the music will restart everytime they move to a different thread.  Damn.. I just thought of that and I'm not sure how I'd make it work now. Anyways... if any of you stream audio from a service (even paid), I'd appreciate the recommendations.
  10. Yeah... I found the demo to be a bit rubbish myself.  I do have it uploaded to my server (took forever)... and I'll probably install it this morning.  I'll let you know what I think after that.
  11. Umm... I'm not sure what you mean.  It looks like you're using AJAX to grab the child elements.  What exactly are you loading up front? And keep in mind, that unless you're updating the tree live, there's no point in really using AJAX for this.  I'd load everything at the start and use JS arrays to build out the tree.
  12. I normally stick with the hourly thing... and right now I work for $30 to $50 per hour (depends on the client and the complexity).
  13. That's the thing... I totally want to do it, but I waited too long and the baby is almost here.  To really have a solid app, it needs a LOT of functionality and that means MUCHO time-o.  Time is a precious commodity for me lately ;). I do want to write one eventually though... because the crap available is a complete waste of time.  I do think this "gallery" thing steve pointed out might just work.  The other one that I found is probably a close second.
  14. We don't really have that many mods.  The only thing to really worry about is the ads.
  15. I looked at that... I just wanted to make sure I could turn off the "buy this" crap.
  16. I guess I should have stated that I want to use a DB for some of it.  Obviously I don't want to store the images that way, but I want a login/backend system and full CMS for it. *sigh*... I think I'll go with singapore for now and then just port it to my own.
  17. Hey all.. I'm looking for a free photo gallery that doesn't look like complete crap. The best thing I've been able to find is this: http://www.sgal.org/ I just want something clean that doesn't integrate with a store or a bulletin board.  It needs to have the ability to create thumbnails and a multi or batch upload is a must. I've been wanting to create my own for when my kid is born, but I just haven't had time. Any suggestions appreciated.
  18. www.ajaxfreaks.com has a few tutorials (that is our sister site).  You might check there.  There's also a sticky thread at the top of this board that may help.
  19. Bah... sorry wildteen.  Forgot the super mod group.
  20. It wasn't for a few boards... a couple of the boards have local permissions that I had to edit on top of the global permissions.  Sorry for the confusion.
  21. it's board-specific... only the boards that have actual questions about coding problems will have the link.  This board, for example, doesn't have it.  Look in a PHP Help thread.
  22. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,118755.0.html Please mark your threads as "solved" using the link at the bottom of the thread.  It'll help everyone to know which threads still need to be looked at! Thanks!
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