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Everything posted by ober

  1. First off, you're using 3 equals signs... you only need 2. Secondly, you're using short tags later in the page.  Some servers don't support short tags. Third, check your other part to see if it's actually doing the query.
  2. Just go directly to paypal and post your receipt. As far as the sessions question... can you post your code?
  3. Surely that is one way to do it, but you might have better luck using fopen(), fwrite(), etc to do file manipulation rather than calls to the shell. Besides, printf only takes variables as arguments, not directly in the string.  You'd have to do something like: printf("blah blah %s", $fun) (or however you reference variables within printf... it's been a while since I used it).
  4. Well... I have a BS in Computer Engineering... so I guess I can't really say I was completely self-taught.  However, the languages I took in college (C, Java, ASM, Pascal, etc) were not web-related in any way.  I taught myself PHP a few years ago and I've been in love ever since.  It's a lot like C so it was easy to learn.
  5. Someone changed it again.  I can't get in to test it.
  6. That's not something you need AJAX for.  That can be setup strictly using JavaScript and the "display" property. display.none; and display.block; will hide/show an element.  You can call a JS script from an onChange or onClick event in the checkbox.
  7. Use AJAX to call your backend php file on the local server and have THAT page make the call to the other remote server.
  8. It's not possible.  I've tried this in the past MANY times and failed miserably.  The only way to do this is to update an element on the page and then read that value back in once you get to the stateChanged function. Does that make sense?
  9. Awesome news.  Any idea when the next official release will be out?
  10. Is that from a mod or from the core software?
  11. This has been considered in the past and may be implemented again.
  12. The only thing I can suggest is putting a bunch of alert()'s throughout the JS to see where it is stopping.
  13. No offense, but don't you think these questions would be better asked on an audio/video specific site?  We're a bunch of geeks that know programming.... not A/V.
  14. Well, normally the way this works is that your processing occurs in a backend php file... I have never seen anyone just pull directly from a text file like that in the JS, since the text file obviously resides on the server.
  15. For starters, you have too many parenthesis in there.  Some are completely unnecessary.  Secondly, try putting a space between the closing brace and the elseif.
  16. Look in the manual at the GD library or image manipulations sections.  It's a lot to ask someone to just explain all that to you.
  17. Yeah, you could do it with AJAX and it wouldn't be too hard.  Try some of the tutorials on www.ajaxfreaks.com
  18. There is an abort command you can run to cancel any AJAX command, but you'd have to know the object you're dealing with.  And you'd have to put that abort call on EVERY other link on the page. My suggestion would be to set the page up so that the server status is only displayed on demand.
  19. Not sure what you mean by "stackable boxes".  Can you be a little more specific?
  20. Are you getting any JavaScript errors?
  21. It's "innerHTML"... you have "interHTML".
  22. Are you sure the object is being created? 
  23. Opera, latest beta build (9.1).  Works fine. I just have a suggestion... I'd rather see this work with a mouse over event than a click event.  Would be more user-friendly.  Some people may not even know there are sub-menus until they click.
  24. My hands are tied until I get some permissions on the server worked out. I suggest you go into the forum and sort by the topic creator.
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