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Everything posted by ober

  1. Not sure how that works as it's a 3rd party class.  I'd personally suggest writing your own and parsing the data on your own.
  2. We've been using it for close to 2 months. And btw, we use impressions, not clicks... so someone would have to constantly hit refresh on a thread to actually make it be false.
  3. 1) You don't need a poll for this 2) The Questions and Comments board is for questions and comments about phpfreaks. Thread Moved.
  4. I'd suggest writing your own.  As long as your backend can accept and return data using the xmlhttprequest object, there's no reason it has to be a specific backend language.  And if you look around here or on ajaxfreaks, the JavaScript is actually pretty simple.  I just don't understand the people that think they have to use a framework.
  5. I think it was obsidian or neylitalo that had a beef with them.  I don't use ads on any of my sites, so I can't say that I've had any experience with it.
  6. List it now... theyr'e going for 5 grand on ebay.
  7. www.ajaxfreaks.com would be a good place... other than that, read some of the threads around here and try a few things. 
  8. The fastest way would be to put yourself in a position where you had to deal with the public (customer service, fast food, retail of some sort).
  9. Post the code w/ fake servers.
  10. [quote author=businessman332211 link=topic=114989.msg468077#msg468077 date=1163539360] I am not really in the mood for those kind of comments. I am relaunching my entire business again, there are no comment's on my site like that.[/quote] I didn't say anything about your site, you said that in your first post.  I'm saying that if you've really looked into the options out there, you'd know that most of them offer the options you're looking for. www.serverpowered.com has excellent dedicated and VPS plans.
  11. ... are you serious?  Any decent host will allow you to expand, buy addon domains, host several sites, and do reseller hosting. I guess I'm not sure what the question is, because if you've "seen hundreds of web hosts", you would know that 90% of them offer such functionality.
  12. I just wish I knew all the tricks to get injection and stuff like that to actually do stuff.
  13. Yeah.... that must be expensive, because you pretty much have to call them to get involved.  Has anyone used that?  Any idea how much it costs?  Is there a free alternative?
  14. I'd rather see underscores, personally.
  15. Yeah, I was 180 in high school and that was only the lighter side.  And technically Ron, you're underweight: http://www.weightwatchers.ca/health/asm/calc_healthyweight.aspx
  16. dude... I'm 6'3" and 205 lbs... and I'm not exactly overweight.  I could lose maybe 10 lbs, but ... I just don't get it.  If I lost 65 lbs, I'd be emaciated.
  17. That's what I'm saying... I'm guessing the card might be PCIX, but he probably doesn't have any PCIX slots.
  18. The privelage has been removed from users to do this because it removes valuable content from the forums.  If you find an answer to one of your questions, please post it for someone else that may be looking for the same solution.
  19. Too bad it only handles MySQL.  You should also be using better comment blocks for each function.
  20. www.ajaxfreaks.com for tutorials. The only part that would refresh would be the portion of the window with the records, or possibly another "update" <div>.  You'd need to call some kind of refresh function every x seconds with a timeout() javascript call. Can you show us something live so we can be more specific?
  21. Are you sure it's PCI and not PCIX?
  22. Can you be a little more specific? And post your code.  Or show us the live example if you can.
  23. Updated 11/10/2006... contained a slight error with a call to "mssql_fetch_array()" instead of "mysql_fetch_array()".
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