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Everything posted by ober

  1. [code]function sendRequestPost() { // Open PHP script for requests         var1 = document.getElementById('value1').value;         var2 = document.getElementById('value2').value; http.open('post', 'process.php'); http.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); http.onreadystatechange = handleResponse; divhandler.divtag = divtag; http.send('dob='+var1+'&blah='+var2); }[/code] Something like that.
  2. I'm not clear on the problem.  You can send as many items as you wish.  You also don't need to send them as arguments.  You can get the values within the javascript function using the same call that you did. As far as the http.send, just build it out like a regular URL: http.send('dob='+act+'&something='+var2);
  3. This is not AJAX functionality!?
  4. Sorry I can't help in this department.  Everything I learned came from tutorials on the web.  You could try the AJAX links in the Website Critique "Resources" sticky thread.
  5. I would suggest looking around the google website.  I believe they have an API you could use.  But if you're building it from scratch, you're going to have to get a map of the country in a digital format.  Then it's basically a drag and drop AJAX application as well as zoom functionality.
  6. Thanks all, for the comments and such.  I didn't realize so many of you had kids!  I honestly don't know how you guys do it, because I'm finding it hard to get "me time" right now and the kid isn't even here!  I've always needed a fair amount of time to myself... just because that's how I am. Working on the side has always been there for me.  I've always repaired computers, fixed software glitches, etc etc.  The weird thing is, I didn't really touch the stuff until college.  My parents bought a computer when I was a junior in high school, but I never really thought about programming on it.  The closest I got to programming was modifying autoexec.bat files for my games in DOS to use a little more memory.  Wow that seems like forever ago. I work for a growing company in the medical industry, cranking out trial after trial for new drugs.  We're currently in the top 5 or maybe the top 3 in our industry and we're poised to take the lead in the future if we can shorten our development cycle.  Unfortunately, I'm not really in the development team.  That part of our staff is in another state and is part of a company that we bought since their software was better than ours.  (Long story).  But I do some custom Java work and write a lot of data-cleaning logic into the trials, so I get a small amount of programming fix during the work day. I do hope to eventually open my own business fulltime, but my problem is the lack of ability to get through the days where I come in here and screw off.  You can't do that with your own business and I'm not there yet.
  7. [b]This topic has been left archived and replaced with an introduction board. If you wish to introduce yourself, please create a new, separate topic.[/b] [hr] I think it's time we got personal around here.  There's a lot of code swapping and a few members know a little more about the others, but the vast majority of us are nothing but coders passing in the night.  Share a little bit about yourself, something that few know or even a hobby of yours that is probably not something normal about the average coder.  And don't share your entire life story.  If you want to give a lot of details about your life, spread it out over a few posts as you learn more about the others. I'll go first: I'm 26, been married for 2.5 years and my first kid is on the way.  I've played baseball, softball, and basketball growing up, but I recently moved and haven't found a team to play on in any of those sports yet.  All my recent time has been spent getting ready for the baby, working on my house, and working both at my main job and for my side business. Next!
  8. ober

    hacking ??

    error logs of what?  And it's probably just bots.
  9. I think I'll show that to all my future clients that want to low-ball me.
  10. Getting a "session timed out" error doesn't happen as a result of the IPS.  That's a completely different animal.
  11. I saw it on forgetfoo... do you visit that often, wildteen?
  12. Well... mysql and apache would be the basic services.  And I guess I'm a freak about performance.  I have my OS tweaked to the max to get a few extra FPS out of it.  And I guess I probably would go the extra profile route if I was carrying more customers, but I don't actually get that much time to work with the stuff lately.  And besides, I also have a laptop that I work on stuff while I'm away on business.... so I guess you could consider that my secondary development machine... that has XAMPP running on it and I use that a fair amount.
  13. I've seen that as well and I don't honestly have an explanation for it.  It may be a high-traffic issue or mysql crapping out or something... So yeah, that's not going to help you much, but you're not alone.  Post again if you have a lot of problems with it.
  14. I normally develop from my website for a very basic, selfish reason.  My development PC is also my gaming PC.  I don't like to have all those services running and it's a pain in the tookus to shut them all down when I wanna game or start them when I have to work. So I develop it all on my website or on the client's website.  I never put personal/confidential/client data on my own site, however, so I avoid any legal issues.
  15. Should be fixed.  I kinda screwed it up or something changed.  The way the fix was supposed to work was that everyone was in a user group and those user groups had their own permissions.  The part that I missed was the fact that no matter what group you're in (unless you're a global mod or admin), you're still a part of the "regular members" group.  That group has PM rights.  Or HAD PM rights.  It works correctly now and I have tested it.
  16. If you're resending the same request, you'll have to either create a second HTTPREQUEST object or wait longer to go back for the second set of data.
  17. It's definately on the to-do list.  I'd personally like to link that button back into the showthread.php file.
  18. I do apologize, I'm seeing the same thing you are.  When I get some free time, I'll dig into it further, but I don't have a quick fix.
  19. I'm looking for new little icons for my site (arrows, boxes, pointers, etc).  I've done google image searches but I'm still not coming up with anything good.  Where do you guys get your stuff (that you don't make)?
  20. Umm... why wouldn't you create a local environment on your own PC?  There is no such thing as an ASP processor for a linux box.  At least not anything that you'd have access to on a commercial hosting environment.
  21. I'm not sure why you would really want to even consider doing this.  By offering up a "quirks-mode" page, you're removing the header information.  That's moving backwards.  I honestly feel that we're to the point now that I'd guess less than 3-5% of people using the web are using a browser that doesn't support at least some CSS.  And I think those people would be running into issues elsewhere as well and realize it's the fact that they're running ancient software and need to upgrade.
  22. So you can actually write the topic but not post it?  I'd guess you're tripping the IPS.  Read through this and let me know if that helps: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,96050.0.html
  23. ... ok, I'm confused.  The only offer I see there was for $100/month... I thought your budget was for $100/year.
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