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Everything posted by ober

  1. You're never going to get to the point where you're going to have a tool that creates the backend and the interface without some programming interaction.  People thought that was going to happen when Frontpage came out... and look where we are now.  Frontpage is a giant POS.
  2. He's been busy... but I'll ask.
  3. Powered by SMF Development Edition - CVS 20060912 And it doesn't have the CAPTCHA stuff in it.
  4. Yeah, if you get the machine, leave a time and the numbers again.
  5. Well I hope to God it's better than the current Development Edition... we're running that on one of my other sites and it's really buggy.
  6. I'd call again tomorrow just to follow up.
  7. Very cool.  Care to elaborate?  And when is the final coming out?
  8. Actually... there is.  Everytime we made a mod like this it has to be meticulously cared for everytime we apply another mod or patch or upgrade.  It's not as if it's a technical issue.  It's a maintenance issue.
  9. If I knew where to disable it, I would.  I don't believe that is an option, but you're more than welcome to test it by sending me a PM with me as the BCC recipient as well.
  10. And I apologize for skipping the fact that you can't do a Ctrl-A within a code block... but I like neylitalo's suggestion for getting around that.
  11. Exactly.  You just worded it better ;)
  12. I love how people take it straight to the dumper when they don't get the exact answer they were looking for.
  13. Sorry, but if you're too lazy to click in a box and hit Ctrl-A, I have no sympathy for you.  We will not be adding that modification.
  14. Yeah, but the thing I don't like about that is that if WE pick who gets planted on x piece of the project, what if someone wants to try out their stuff but we don't think they're a good fit? If we get enough people interested, we could have competitions for seperate parts of one site.  We judge the best from each and pull them all together.
  15. Rules for interviews: 1) Do NOT rehash your resume.  They've read it... they know what it says.  Anything you say should only expand on what the resume says (and any interviewer that doesn't suck won't let you rehash). 2) Do NOT specify an hourly wage unless really pushed into it.  ALWAYS turn that question around on them. Them: "So what are your salary requirements?" You: "Well what does your company normally pay someone with my experience?" 3) Be prepared to backup your skillset with examples.  If you're lying on your resume, you better have a good cover for it because it will come out.  If you're not lying, have some good examples of your work in the past and NEVER bash former employers. 4) Be honest.  Getting into a job and realizing you can't do it within the first few days is NOT a good position to be in.  If you don't think you can do the job, be honest about it.  If you think you can do the job but you're weak in some areas, explain that and promise to do everything you can to learn more about your weak areas. 5) Dress accordingly. That should get you started.
  16. Just an annoucement that PMs have been enabled once again.  There is still a status group called "n00bie" that does not have the ability to SEND PMs... but that's just the way it is.  Once you reach the group "NonSpammer" or anything above that, you will be able to send and recieve PMs.
  17. ....... The thread right under this one is the SAME QUESTION.  Thread closed.
  18. There has been a rash of these types of posts lately... I've seen them as well.  I do appreciate the ones you've pointed out, but to be honest, some of them were fairly valid responses... or they added a small change to the previous poster that added value to the thread. And I think there are some that don't bother to review what someone else has written... unfortunately. 
  19. Please use email... PMs are disabled for normal users.
  20. I'd suggest asking this in an ASP board... as they probably know how sessions are handled in ASP.  It could be as simple as the fact that DotNetNuke creates it's own session, overwriting yours... which is more than likely the case.  I don't know how else you could get around that.  You may have to use cookies or hidden form variables to pass your data instead of sessions.
  21. Well... inline links are disabled.  I tried to re-enable them, but I'm getting a session verification error... I may have to manually edit the DB.
  22. Hmm... I didn't think of it that way.  Might be kind of tricky... there would also have to be ftp space involved... and I don't think your random schmo is going to hand over his server.  I'd be willing to consider offering up the space/dbs/etc on my server. Could be interesting... interesting indeed.  We could even setup a little website for it ;)
  23. Alright... look... obviously the ads are a little annoying.  But go to any other major site out there.  By comparison, these are rather unobtrusive.  I don't plan on changing them or modifying their current implementation at all. I've had enough of the bitching and complaining.  Thread closed!
  24. I like the idea :)  We could pin the design thread in website critique and give designers 2 weeks to submit their entries. Not sure about prizes or whatnot... or if people just want to do it for fun.
  25. I think your wording is a little off.  You want to invoke a PHP script using Javascript, not the other way around. If you have something started, post it up... otherwise read up on the tutorials on www.ajaxfreaks.com and let us know when you hit a roadbump!
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