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Everything posted by ober

  1. ober


    Not that I'm aware of.  They do have a few things in the AdminCP that tie back to the main site, but it's much less dependent on their servers than even SMF is.
  2. ober

    DVI vs. VGA

    *chomp* Alright CV and 448191, I think we've duped neylitalo.  Back to the fight!
  3. ober

    DVI vs. VGA

    Besides CV... you're going up against a PHPFreaks Recommended member... you're just a Global Mod *finger twirl* ;) *snicker*
  4. ober

    DVI vs. VGA

    That was my impression as well.  VGA cables can introduce things like ghosting, but often you only see it on poor quality VGA cables or when the cable is more than 20 feet.
  5. Possibly... I just got 2 errors saying "unable to connect" when I tried to get into this thread.
  6. I get that on occasion as well.  Mark it up to server overloading.  I did notice that the server was down the other day and phpfreak said MySQL had crashed.  He restarted it and I think the forums were down as a result of that for only a few minutes.  I guess it's possible that MySQL crashes could be the cause of some of the other issues we're seeing, but who knows.   I'll bring it up with phpfreak the next time he's available.
  7. I've seen that once or twice, but not recently.  WindowsXP/Opera 9. Did you happen to notice if it's during peak hours?  That could be a connection dump because of too many connections.
  8. It's Opera.  THE most standards compliant browser available. It's all you people that are stuck on that horrid FF that is gumming up the works.
  9. HAHA... I love how Opera is the only one that can render that even close to correct.  :)
  10. If blocking a browser was illegal in any such manner, half the web would be shut down.  There are plenty of sites out there already that I've seen that either block IE or state things like "if you were using something other than IE, this site would work properly". No offense, but I don't think you'd get a ton of support.  Unfortunately, probably half of the people on this site are using IE to browse this thread.
  11. Hmm... I'll have to check into this.  We might have to do some work to get that one in place.  We've modified what I assume will be some of the files that works with.  Plus, we're on RC3... not sure if that one works with our release or not.
  12. Hmm... I think this is about done.
  13. We have created a new membergroup called "PHPFreaks Recommended".  These are folks that we feel are important to the community and people that have shown their experience and worth in being selected to this level of membership.  These members should be treated with respect and will hopefully provide a feeling of trust to new members as they respond to their questions. The election to this group is based on admin/moderator nominations and people will be chosen as they prove themselves worthy.  There are certain limitations that qualify you for this group and you must meet these requirements and be in good standing with the leaders of this community to even be considered. These members are decorated with 10 green stars and the PHPFreaks Recommended group name. Please, join me in congratulating those members who have already been included!  Thank you for making this community great!
  14. Why is it a mod... why not an addition to the core?
  15. Back... it's way more interesting to see data pop-up all formatted and pretty or watch a login happen before your eyes.
  16. I have an SMF member (Thantos) working on a Solved mod... so keep your panties on fellas!
  17. That's one of my biggest gripes about SMF.  The search function blows and it's not easy to search by user.  The only way I know how to do it is to go to a person's profile and click the link that says "show posts by this user".  And I don't even think that grabs all of them.  I am able to search for posts by user from the admin control panel... but then that's only available to the admins (and I think the mods).
  18. Oh if only I had more hours in the day...
  19. ... we have a Freelance board here.  Just look at some of the posts by people posting work and contact them to see if you can work with them.
  20. .... how is teaching someone another language going to look good to a future employer?  Companies don't want instructors... they want people with real work experience.
  21. My advice would be to take on some freelance work and learn from that.  If you don't have any valid work experience, you won't have much luck in the "real world".  And if you don't have any experience to speak of, you need to at least have a piece of paper saying you can do what you do.  Comm with a I&T minor probably won't get you in the door at most places unless you've proven yourself worthy by taking on some clients and making them happy.
  22. Thanks for the kind words.  It is very much appreciated and we're glad we can help you out!  :)
  23. Eh... tell me about it.  In the past I've had clients that were iffy about prices for what was being provided, but they have no idea the hours that either goes into their custom stuff or what went into the framework that I'm copying to to their site.  Even if I do nothing but copy a bunch of libraries and change a few graphics, all my customers pay the same because they are paying for a proven, well developed set of tools. I have had some decent luck in the past few months though... a few clients have been completely satisfied with my pricing.
  24. if nothing else... he's online right now, so maybe I'll just ask him.
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