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Everything posted by ober

  1. Yeah... that doesn't make any bloody sense.
  2. meh... my counterpart on this issue probably has a better response.  I think it's a bad idea to use sessions in conjunction with AJAX, but whatever.
  3. Well, you have to remember that you can't pass arrays between JS and PHP.  JS cannot reference a server-side array and vice versa. I didn't realize you were trying to put the response into 2 different areas.  That info would have been useful in my response.
  4. Maybe we should clarify the "creation" of AJAX..... which was actually several years ago.  The technologies that make up "AJAX programming" have existed for quite some time.  The fact that browsers only recently started supporting some of the methods is an entirely different subject.  If you truly wanted to talk about the creation of AJAX-type applications, you'd have to go back to the creation of XML and JS... which is WAAAAAAAY before 2005.
  5. Well... if it's a formatting issue, you can format it in the response before ever sending it back.  You do know that, right?  Are you doing any actual work with the data once you get it back to the page?
  6. AJAX is used to make calls to the server and update portions of the page on the client side without refreshing the entire page. If you want more info, check out www.ajaxfreaks.com (one of our other sites).  There are some tutorials over there and some other help that you might find useful. And I don't really use the Preview function here, but there is AJAX hidden all over the SMF interface.
  7. I'm not exactly sure why you would want to do this, unless the array needs some further interaction on the client side.  You can do your processing of the array in PHP before you pass it back to the page.  You can then pass it back and forth using AJAX instead of doing all the processing on the JS side if you wish.  And if your JS knowledge isn't that great, that might be the way to go.
  8. I'm pretty much the same, but I usually end up getting to the point of saying to myself "there has to be a better way to do X".  So I dig through the manual until I find something that fits and is more efficient than my current method. The other way I learned more PHP was being pushed by my co-workers to do more and better things.  My first login system was built after a request to have an application that was restricted on many levels.  My first big project in arrays was dealing with a graphing tool that I built to handle several tens of thousands of data points.  My first CMS came about from one of my personal clients wanting a way to update their own content without needing me.  Etc, etc.
  9. That would actually be a pretty easy hack... we'll see what we can do.
  10. I like to request at least 40% up front.  I then develop and showcase the product on my servers, at which point the remaining cost is required before being placed on their servers.  I eat the time spent working out any problems on their server because of this requirement.
  11. Not sure... all time by myself and the other admins is donated time.  We get to it when we can.
  12. I'm not hostile about anything.  If anything I'm tired of hearing about the IPS.  It is the bain of my existence and I'm sick of defending it, but it's not my choice.
  13. Actually... you won't be.  Permissions to remove your own threads have been removed.
  14. There's some work being done on that entire section of the main site.  Please be patient.
  15. I don't think you understand the IPS.  You should really read up on it.  I will not work on a way around it.  Period.  End of story. And a spell checker would be an SMF addition.  I'm not going to add that as a hack.
  16. If $_POST['turnelista']; is actually an array, you're going to have to loop through it. [code] $mystr = array(); foreach($_REQUEST['turnelista'] as $key)     {         $mystr[] = $key;     } echo implode(',', $mystr); [/code]
  17. If I had to guess, I'd say your CSS is higher priority than the CSS from the other site.  Try changing the names of your CSS classes/IDs.
  18. Are you looking for the day before Monday or the following Sunday?  You can just use a similar strtotime with ("-1 day", $from_date) or +7 day
  19. SELECT * FROM tablexyz WHERE x LIKE '%partialword%' And I'd suggest putting all your tables in an array and looping through this array running the query and echoing results but replacing the table name from the array each time.
  20. Ok, well that's pretty much all that controls register_globals... so if that didn't fix it, I'm not sure what the issue is. What webserver are you using?  And what PHP version exactly?
  21. ya know what businessman?  You've been here long enough to know that "uhh... help" is NOT a valid thread title.  Thread closed!
  22. .... you have made no indication that you restarted the webserver after you made the php.ini change.
  23. textarea... and when you display the text from the database, wrap it in the function nl2br().
  24. You can remove it and see if it works... if it doesn't, stick it back in.
  25. I don't believe PHP supports anything like that natively.  However, you could figure out the structure of the files and open them as binary and create a conversion tool yourself.... OR you could try to find some software that's already built and have it installed on your server and just call that from the server on the backend. I personally wouldn't write your own because formats change.
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