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Everything posted by ober

  1. I should move this... but... whatever. Don't store your files in the database.  It's inefficient.  Create a directory on the server for your videos and store them there.  In the database, store records referring to the name and location of the files you're storing.
  2. Eh... didn't get a chance to look at it last night... sorry.  But at least you got that part working. If I get some more time later I'll look up some JS references and see what I can find.
  3. I know this isn't getting overly heated yet, but if you guys don't cool it I'll close the thread and ban you both for a day.... because I can.  ;)
  4. Closed per request from OP.
  5. I'll have a look later tonight.
  6. Easy fellas... I'm not actually sure about the download portion myself.  It was just a suggestion... I was hoping you'd go do your own research ;)
  7. There is no way we can answer your questions without knowing the structure of your files and where the items are.  You're just going to have to go through the files yourself and find out where the information is being pulled from.
  8. Make sure you read through the manual to verify that you've taken all the necessary steps to enable the mssql functions.  There are some dlls and other items that need to be setup properly.
  9. SELECT * FROM usersscores ORDER BY score LIMIT 1,5; That would list them in order (1-5).
  10. As far as time consuming, I think PHP/MySQL is probably the least time consuming compared to other alternatives. I would definately suggest going that route if the company plans to grow... I assume the other option you're looking at is using flat files or something? As far as the "user-specific" price sheet... that all depends on the complexity of it and how you gather the data.  It could be something that you could create in a few hours or a few weeks.  Your post is a teeeeeeeeny bit vague on the depth of the project.
  11. Unless the scanner is connected directly to the server, you can't do it.  You'll have to use some form of client-side scripting/programming.
  12. My opinion would be that you move the files temporarily to an accessible location and then force them to use your downloading interface to get the file.  That way you can track the number of bytes that are passed as they download the file.  Once the entire file is downloaded, you remove it.  Either that, or you give them 24 hours to download the file.  (they can copy it once it's downloaded, so I don't think it matters if they download it more than once.... plus this saves you the headache of dealing with customers that had issues with the file when they first downloaded it. Also, I'm going to edit your signature to make the link work... that's been bugging me.
  13. I'm not quite sure why you're posting instead of emailing him.  Also, if you want to make the grid editable, I'm not sure how that has anything to do with his scripts.  That is functionality beyond what he has provided and should be directed to those who can help with code you might have already begun to work with.
  14. Just setup a PHP script to grab the emails and process them.  Then make the cron job call that script instead of whatever you're using to mail right now. I'm not sure if you had thought of that or not... your post is a little vague on how you're actually doing the mailing currently.
  15. I'm sure he can handle it, but I'll remind him.
  16. Not when you know the host almost personally ;)
  17. Where are you getting the files from?
  18. I would have to agree with that.  I think web design/programming is an extension of other languages.  I personally would never hire someone that ONLY knew HTML/PHP/SQL.  You need a firm grasp of programming basics and things like relational database design.
  19. No offense, but this stuff isn't for newbies.  Newbies don't know the reasons why things are the way they are.  That's why it's a skilled field. What if I built a machine that could be put in an auto factory where all you had to do was push a button and the engine popped out.  And then I put this engine in your car and then one day it breaks.  You can't bring it back to me to fix it because all I did was push a button.  I don't know how the machine works so I have no idea what might be wrong with your engine. See where I'm going with this?
  20. In Opera: Tools->Preferences->Advanced->Check Documents->Always.  That should make sure that the most up to date version is loaded on a refresh. I went to http://www.thomashostings.net/support/testChat.html in Opera and your little waiting thing never stops spinning.  What is it waiting for? Also, I don't think you want to start the timer in your handling function.  You should probably start/stop the timer outside of that.
  21. ... and how do we go about doing that?
  22. I wish I could remember what the "runtime error" thing was caused by in a script of mine once.  Drove me insane for a few days.  I think it may have had something to do with how I was creating the object or something... And that's pretty slick what you did.  So is the problem fixed or are you trying to do something more?
  23. When you say it does nothing, can you verify that the function is called or is it a situation where the timer isn't being disabled?
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