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Everything posted by ober

  1. Well, it's $_GET['varname'], first of all.  Secondly, you really need to change all your pages to reflect this.  If you don't it's just poor coding and insecure. Also, if you've made the change, make sure you restart your webserver.
  2. We will look into that.  In the mean time, there is a thread in the FAQ section about this.
  3. businessman, keep in mind that it is just PHP.  The JS part came from a variety of js files.  It was basically just a bunch of functions (28 if I recall correctly) that I called from a TON of different locations within a piece of my application suite. Damn I miss that job :(
  4. One of my pages for an AJAX backend was over 1400 lines.
  5. I'm not sure why it was attached twice.  I've removed one of them.
  6. echo out the string you're creating to make sure that it is correct.
  7. ober

    php and wap

    PHP is completely unaware of the viewing device.
  8. Welcome to the forums :)
  9. 1) Almost all hosting companies offer dedicated servers 2) I'd say about 75% of hosting companies offer something like cpanel that allows you to create subdomains 3) Define "high version"...
  10. You could use a simple if/else and this function: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.is-array.php to determine if it is an array or not and how you should process it.
  11. 2 cookies is the way to go.  Cookies are set and read by the domain they're created from.
  12. What exactly isn't working.  The code looks good to me.
  13. Remove the \n within the table.  You can't have any characters outside of the table/td/tr tags within a table.
  14. And one more thing... "sessions in all it's colors and flavors" doesn't make any sense either.  Sessions are sesssions.  It's an object.  How can it have more than one color or flavor?!?!
  15. No, no, and no. You can properly identify a client within a database.  You don't have to have people registered in your database to generate a random ID and tie it to a specific person. [quote]Even if you could determin a clients identity by some other factor than a tradional session id being passed by a cookie, request variable or hidden form field, it would still be a session.[/quote] That doesn't make any sense.  [quote]Sessions in all it's colours and flavors, are the only way to properly maintain state. Even with Ajax applications.[/quote]That'd a bold statement, and it's wrong.  Look, you can think what you want, but there are plenty of ways besides sessions to "maintain state".  Some would argue that sessions aren't even secure, and I would tend to agree with them.  You need to stop thinking in absolutes and start realizing that there is a variety of ways to attack a problem and some may be better than what you currently use.
  16. So you're saying you can't ID an individual with a database record or a entry in a flat file?  Wrong again.  The session doesn't know what state the client is in any better than a database or a flat file would.
  17. I don't understand the confusion.  A database or a flat file could be used to implement a "state" management system.  I already said that.
  18. uhh... yeah, we know WHY it's helpful.  And we know how to do it. 
  19. I hadn't really thought about adding that back in.  It is possible though and we will look into it.
  20. And you can do all of that with a database or a flat file.  Sessions have their vulerabilities and you're really stretching the intent of AJAX if you're trying to maintain state through sessions.  Hell, most major applications don't even use sessions to maintain state.  They store the values on the backend and retrieve them as needed. You're obviously entitled to your opinion, but you're wrong.
  21. There is also a "profile" tab at the top in the links to the various parts of the forums.
  22. ober


    It doesn't look blank to me.
  23. [code] <?php mysql_select_db($database_pms, $pms); $query = sprintf("SELECT email FROM access"); $em = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $myarray = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($em))   $myarray[] = $row['email']; $comma_seperated = implode(",", $myarray); echo $comma_separated; ?> [/code] Kind of a mixture of the two that you had.
  24. I'm a fan of the PC arena too, but since we're talking about consoles I'd go with the Wii if I was in the market for one.  It sounds like the most interesting out of the bunch plus I don't need an entire media center... I already have all that other stuff.
  25. Keep in mind that AJAX is not a cure-all solution.  I personally would never use SESSIONS in conjunction with AJAX.  The whole point of using AJAX is to be able to talk to objects on the server like XML files, databases, and text files.  And I'm sure someone is going to pipe up and say "but a session is an object!"... DUH. The whole point of sessions is to have data persist from page to page.  You're working on one page with AJAX, so you use other things that work with that medium. Get my point?
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