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Everything posted by ober

  1. Oddly enough, I actually got an email from a blind person not too long ago asking about something for a specific website.  So they're out there... but who knows what their numbers are.
  2. Daniel is correct.  This doesn't have anything to do with braille.  You need to build your site so it can be navigated by a screen reader.  If you're not doing things like this already, you should really do some research on accessability on the web.
  3. Thanks for the kind words!  We hope you stick around and are able to help others we helped you!
  4. Excellent.  That might be just what I'm looking for :)  Damn FCKEditors don't offer near the support or features.
  5. Uhh.. ya.  Thanks for the clarification obsidian ;)
  6. I haven't used that... is it any good?
  7. So... i've been trying to get FCKEditor to work and not having much success.  It doesn't like Opera a whole lot and I'm having alignment issues in other browsers. So I want to explore other editors. Can anyone recommend one?
  8. You can do it all in one page... there's no reason against doing this. BUT, if you wanted to use 2, you could easily do your validiation on mailer.php and if the validation failes, simply use the header() function to redirect them.  You still have to change the form page to a php page and include the error messages in case you have to go back and so on and so on.  Long story short, it's easier to do it all within the same page and leave the validation to PHP.
  9. Why not just put this in a seperate file and just have a spot on those pages where you include it?
  10. I don't either.  But damn near everyone else I know has one.  It's sick.  And it's surprising how little taste people have. 
  11. Added Zend... I assume the other person that voted may have wanted that too, so I put both of those votes on Zend.
  12. True, but that wasn't my point.
  13. See, I think a lot of the things that people find "wrong" with Opera is the interface.  And I think the biggest thing they're missing is the skin-ability of it.  Allow me to post a screenshot of mine. EDIT: Geez... I had to modify some board settings to even make this happen and that didn't go well and ... AHHHHHHH! [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. You can look on the paypal site for ways to integrate with their site.  As far as the quote/order forms, that's as simple as generating a number based off of what currently exists in your database.  If you're completely unsure and haven't started any coding, I'd suggest looking around on the main site (www.phpfreaks.com) at some of the tutorials.
  15. Why would you want to use the image functions in PHP to create something like on the fly when you rarely need to do it?  Unless you're creating a lot of them?
  16. uhh... dude.. there were options before. Polls got screwed up when we converted from IPB to SMF.
  17. Why is that wrong?  What kind of logic leads you to think that something should not be parsed if you leave off the end tag?
  18. I'm going to guess the first one is a result of a bug in the AJAX code. As far as the second... most people probably want it parsed without the end tag because they're lazy.  It's kind of a catch all.
  19. I can post those... but it won't let me edit.  Weird.
  20. Put it on pastebin.com.  We do have an active system here that will stop you from posting certain portions of code.  There is a thread in the FAQ board about it.  I could see it throwing that error if you've tripped that system.
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