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Posts posted by ober

  1. Happy belated father's day to you all as well (as applicable).  Mine was spent chilling with my kids, working on my house, and not playing softball because of rain.  Oh, and I had to mow the grass.  I DID, however, get breakfast in bed.  :)  And my wife let me sleep in!

  2. Nope.  This is a help community based on the donation of time, not money.  Besides, I think, and I think the rest of the staff will agree with me, that our community works well and that type of incentive would only work to undermine that current spirit of help.  Because then you would have every poster with 5 min of PHP under their belt posting answers to questions hoping to get some kind of kick-back.


    Besides, PHPFreaks already takes donations and people rarely contribute to that, so what would make them more willing to contribute to a complete stranger?


    You want a community where you pay for answers?  Go to ExpertExchange or some other crappy website like that.

  3. It's not necessarily a nasty scar... but the place where the piercing was stretches out a bit and doesn't exactly go back to it's original shape.  And my wife took her belly button jewelry out before she got pregnant... so it had a chance to grow back but did not.  And age doesn't really matter.  My wife had hers done at 19 and we had our first kid when she was 25.

  4. I thought CakePHP has this option.  I'm not really sure that having the edit ability in the website interface is all that fantastic.  That pretty much means you're editing live.  Typically you want the ability to preview the output outside of the editor before publishing, which is what most CMS packages do.

  5. While I agree, you have to think like a poor person that would like the latest stuff... or someone that is too busy to actually upgrade when the final version is released.


    Trust me, I've had an audio card sitting on my desk that I plan to install in my computer when I get the free time.  The onboard audio gets me what I need for now and I really haven't had 5 free minutes in the past few months to actually install it.  So I get how it would be even harder to actually break down and go through a complete reinstall.  I'm just saying... it happens.

  6. Google "CMS".  (Content Management System).  There are several varieties, some that do the same as that product or some that handle it differently.  You could also google the name of the product that appears at the beginning of the video.

  7. I have that problem with my Vista install as well, but for all folders. It only happens after I've put my laptop in sleep mode. When it wakes up it'll do that until I reboot and then everything is fine again.

    I have similar problems on my work laptop, but it's random and only on the desktop.  Like I'll save a file to the desktop and when I go there it isn't there.  I hit F5 and it shows up.  I read somewhere that this is an ATI bug, but I haven't confirmed it and I haven't upgraded my video drivers.


    I do not have this issue on my home 64 bit Vista installs on my laptop or desktop. 


    Another note, it only seems to happen after my laptop has been on for a few days.  A reboot always fixes it for me.

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