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Everything posted by ober

  1. I may be a little confused, by if you don't want that status to change, why not just comment out that first if/else block?
  2. They must be getting smarter if they can read and manipulate the captcha.  That account has been deleted.  Thanks for the heads up!
  3. Thanks wildteen... that's very true and some sweeping changes are coming.  Stay tuned!
  4. Thank you!  We try to do our best around here, and things are only going to get better with enhancements that are planned.  You are what makes us a great community!
  5. Johan, thanks.  There has been a lull in the programming and updates to the main website.  That is being changed.  There are going to be some enhancements and changes to the main site and a LOT of fixes.  Please stay tuned over the next few weeks/months.
  6. Just a thought... there MIGHT be a thread at the top of the misc board that could help you in your quest.
  7. I'm going to have to agree with wildteen on this.  That's kind of a bloated idea for this size of a forum. 
  8. Yeah... that's a known issue that I've reported to them before.  I don't know the status of it.
  9. [quote]I think that the reputation of security/stability has been the biggest thing for me to make me consider a switch[/quote] Honestly, I don't think that's a valid argument for switching.  If you're using XP, when was the last time you actually had a crash or a reason to restart that wasn't because of an install/uninstall.  I can also leave XP up for extended periods of time without problems. And as far as security... I've been using my current installation of XP for close to 2 years now without ANY kind of anti-virus.  I have yet to have any kind of security issues. I honestly think MS has evolved for the most part that people can't really use that excuse for switching if they're keeping up with patches and using their computer with a little common sense.
  10. I might have a look at it over the weekend myself.
  11. chr() edit: well damn... I thought that got carried over.
  12. It will not be new if you created it or if you have read it.
  13. We have a script that checks for certain functions.  If your script has one of those functions in it, it will fail the parser. More here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,96050.0.html
  14. I added code tags to your post.  Your end pre tag wasn't a closing tag. Do this on your processing page: print_r($_REQUEST); And see if it's actually missing.  I'm guessing you're just not processing it correctly.
  15. You can remove cookies via 2 methods: using a short timeout, or setting the cookie timeout value to some time in the past at some point during the traversal of your site. All this and more is in the manual... which can be found in my signature.  Go there, and do a search for 'setcookie'. eh, I'll just give you the link: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php
  16. ober

    php mail

    If you are running this on your personal computer, you need to install a mail server.  If this is running on a site hosted by someone else, they don't have a mailserver installed or configured correctly. If this is your own computer, I suggest: http://www.postcastserver.com/
  17. Mine is the first four letters of my last name, by the way.
  18. ober


    From what I understand... and what little CF I've seen, it basically programs like XML.  It's rather bloated and not as easy to use as PHP, hence why I've never really learned it.  Unless they're willing to pay a lot, I'd pass.
  19. Actually... nevermind.  I had it setup to ID as IE.  That's probably what threw it off.
  20. Have you started any of this?  Can you post some code?  Do you have the approval part done or any of the admin panel?
  21. .... do you want to tell us what that error was??
  22. Loading a page through an IFRAME should work the same as if you loaded the page by refreshing the browser.
  23. Please use the Questions/Comments/Suggestions board ONLY for questions specifically about these forums and their functionality.  Thanks!
  24. Your loss.  Foreach is a godsend in your situation.
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