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Everything posted by ober

  1. I've seen several attachments.  I will check the permissions though. EDIT: Oddly enough, global mods like yourself did not have the power to view or post attachments.  Everyone else did ;)  That has been changed.
  2. I think you can get the information you want out of the cookie tutorials.  You could also do this with text files, and again, I think there are tutorials for that there as well.
  3. SMF would be the only one I'd give to my customers.  PHPBB is widely known, but very poorly designed.
  4. If you go beyond the available frequency, you won't be able to see anything.  You will need to hook it up to something that can view it at that frequency to find the screen controls to reduce it.  I don't recommend pushing it anywhere close to that high. The whole point of the frequency is to avoid screen flicker.  The human eye cannot notice the differences above something like 70Hz.  I'm not even sure it's that high.  Most monitors only go up to 85Hz, and that's even too high.  You're only going to burn the equipment out faster using refresh rates that high.
  5. Your site looked interesting, so I signed up.  When I got the confirmation email this is the link it gave me: http://www.http.com//thesportingedge.matrixcs.biz/index.php  You have too many http's in there.  Might want to fix that. EDIT: actually, that was after it confirmed me.  It forwarded me to that.  The link in the email is OK. Also, you may want to put on the form what your limitations are.  I put in a 4 character username and had to redo that part of the form.  EDIT2: it won't do the confirmation based off of the link I got in the email!!
  6. If it's in the DNS servers to find it, why not?  It's just a name that's a pointer to an IP.
  7. ober


    That's correct.  And you could do this with the first releases of GTK.  That was the purpose then and is the same now.
  8. I personally just use whatever I need.  I build my own and if I end up using the same ones throughout my site, I throw them all into one JS file and include it at the top of every page or in my index.  So I guess you could call that my own personal library, but I think that's a stretch.  Keep in mind that every piece of JS code you include in a page has to be downloaded by the user.  I try to keep mine as trim and clean as possible.
  9. I'm so far out of the Linux loop that I haven't personally ran one since I ran Mandrake back in '99.  This is why I let someone else manage my web hosting.  I voted FreeBSD, because I think that's what my current webhost uses, but whatever.  Pretty much anything but MS for server OS.
  10. For one, vBulletin is not free.  For another, it is purely your opinion that it is the "best forum possible", and that opinion is not shared by many of us here.
  11. Thanks guys.  We appreciate the comments and we strive to make this place as friendly as possible for everyone!
  12. That's actually a very good explanation, Bane ;)  Thanks.
  13. In most cases I've heard of, everything is kept in a database and all your content/menu/whatever grabs are done with WHERE clauses like " WHERE lang = 'en' " or something like that.
  14. ober


    *sigh*... GTK is on release 2.  Trust me.  It's been around for a long time.
  15. ober


    GTK has been out for QUITE some time.  It will never be as big as .NET.  You're out of your mind.
  16. OMG... can we drop this already?  I don't know what is taking him so long.  He either doesnt' want to give it to us or he's busy.  Ron, please stop giving that as an excuse.  Just say we're working on it.  %$#@$
  17. Sorry, we don't critique forums here.  This is for main websites only.  And please don't ask for new members.  Thread closed.
  18. I'm not quite sure what the hell you're loading, but I watched at least 1.2mb fly by on the initial page load.  The header image didn't show up until after that was done, and even then it wasn't all that impressive. Ok, so I looked at your source and got the size of your header image.... 900KB!!!!!!  Are you out of your mind?  That image shouldn't be anymore than 100kb tops!  Do some optomization! The rest of the site looks pretty good... my only other complaint would be that you should probably think about putting a line under the horizontal nav at the top... it kind of rolls over into the 'user login' and 'latest headlines' areas.  It looks a little weird.
  19. You don't have to be an expert at Gimp to throw images on the site.  As long as you know how to crop and optomize (reducing file size without reducing quality), that's all you really need to get the basics out of the pictures you add to a site. As far as the changes... I'm not crazy about them.  The thing at the top is very blurry and doesn't really match the rest of the site.  You need something that blends with the color scheme a little better.  As far as the picture in the content on the main page... you might want to consider going with something that's a little more artistic.  That looks like a shot you might have taken in your office.  No offense, but I should be seeing faces or at least some office space with a little more decoration.  No one wants to see a bare-bones office with nothing but your docking station and extra monitor.  It screams "boring"!
  20. While I know we're a big community and we need to do our best to respect our members, I don't think a little fun is going to do much harm. I wouldn't have done it myself, but I didn't stop him either.  I will shoulder some of the blame if someone was offended.
  21. Thanks... this has already been suggested by someone else.  There are a lot of changes that need to be made to get us back up to the links and resource we had before we switched to SMF.
  22. I think most of that makes sense. Your require call is a little off however.  Try: <div class="body"><?php @require_once ("page.php"); ?></div> If you're including a dynamic page, you can do this: <div class="body"><?php @require_once ($page . ".php"); ?></div>
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