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Everything posted by ober

  1. That's not a functionality of PHP.  You want Javascript.
  2. Yeah... you could use the curly brace method as well.
  3. I usually echo POSTed arrays like this: <?php foreach($_REQUEST['fields'] as $key2) {     $selectstr .= $key2 . ", "; } ?>
  4. Use substr(). http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.substr.php
  5. $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] should get you that info (my spelling might be a little off... check the manual).
  6. It's simple.  Too simple.  The text and layout is EXTREMLY basic.  The colors don't look good together, the layout is very boring, and worst of all, it doesn't look professional. 
  7. how do you secure email addresses and any personal information? I guess I have a few issues with the possibilities of a site like this: 1) Why track my stuff on your site when I can just login to my bank/credit card website and view the statement? 2) There are a lot of programs out there that sit on someone's PC (more secure) and do SO much more than what you're offering. 3) The biggest problem with all of these programs is that you have to be very dedicated to it.  The reason so many people suck at using these things is because they're not dedicated to it... so they get behind and they get to a point where they're so far behind there's no point in catching back up.
  8. To be more clear, ToonMariner meant this line: $query = "SELECT * FROM link_manager WHERE id <you are missing an ID value> ORDER BY id";
  9. Can I ask why?  Is this a configurable part of the site that you're pulling from a settings file or something? Either way: <a href="javascript:bookmark('http://<?=$w?>','Enter Your Title Here ....')";>Bookmark this Site</a>  By the way, you need to end it with </a> like I did.  You were using bbcode.
  10. I'm not sure that is really want you want to do.  What exactly do you want to do with the file?  Edit it?  Write to it? The best way to go about this (especially if you're editing) is to read the entire file into an array and then edit the various array elements and then write the array back to the file.
  11. Third party scripts... please only post PHP that you have written yourself.  MOVED.
  12. Are you getting the "Failed to Update" error or is the data just not changing? ALWAYS... let me repeat ALWAYS do the following: 1) build your query outside of the mysql_query function: <?php $query = "UPDATE tablexyz blah blah"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); ?> Right now, you're checking whether you have a valid result or not, but you're not displaying any error or even logging the error.  Mysql can provide you with some valuable troubleshooting information!
  13. So let me get this straight: Table 1: personid | athlete | sport | height | weight | etc You want to add Table 2: personid | injury | type_of_injury Correct? That's how it should be structured.  Then when you want to find out the people that have injuries, you can use a JOIN or a UNION between the tables to gather the information from both.  I suggest you read up on those two items on the mysql website to get a better understanding of how to join data.
  14. When you run the foreach loop... what does it print out?
  15. Doing the actual chat portion of it is going to require either AJAX or some other client side script along with some PHP or some kind of CGI scripting.  You cannot do something like this strictly in PHP.  As far as the other functions you're talking about, you're going to have to give us a little more than that.  Have you written any code?  We can't do this from scratch for you.  That's a lot of work.
  16. ober

    Edit a file

    I'm a little confused, but are you saying you need to edit the file to change the part where it says "NEED SOMETHING HERE"?? I don't really understand your code either.  What is the "build()" function?  what are the other functions?  They're not standard PHP.  If you're using some kind of 3rd party script, you need to identify it and post in the third party scripts board or ask me or one of the mods to move this thread there.
  17. I don't have much to say about the site.  It's very... green.  And only a handful of links have hover effects.  I think you could throw some different colors and actions in there and really make the site POP. I do have to complain though... NAlerter said I'm not using the latest version of Opera... despite the fact that I am... I'm actually using THE latest version... a weekly beta build in fact.
  18. Wow... all your finances on the web for the world to see and hack.  Sounds like a security nightmare to me.
  19. Looks pretty good... it's kind of bland and boring.  I don't have time for a full review, but it seems alright.
  20. ober

    Caching pics

    Can I ask why you would want to do this?  Most browsers automatically handle the cacheing of images for you.
  21. ober

    colour of text

    This is not a PHP question.  Moved to CSS.
  22. www.vbforums.com is a good resource.
  23. www.oswd.org
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