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Everything posted by ober

  1. Yeah... to say the least, he's been dragging his feet.  Maybe we can just get ronald to stop mentioning it?  ;)
  2. Ok, just wanted to make sure we were clear.
  3. You can use the <?php ?> inside the code blocks... so I guess I'm not sure what the problem is. [code] <?php echo "test"; ?> [/code]
  4. As far as the first one, I get some of the same issues when I try to do a quick edit.  If I do a full edit, it works fine, and saving it like that seems to work ok as well. As far as the second issue, it may help if you use the actual bb code blocks instead of just using the <?php ?> wrappers.
  5. Simple, clean, easy to navigate.  Check, check, check.  Now, you need some color and something that makes it look not so bleak.
  6. I think it's a very clean, professional looking site.  I only have a few complaints: 1) your mouse-over effect on the left side nav is pretty weak.  The underline color is so close to the background color that you barely notice the effect.  Having an image pop-up beside the link isn't the only way to go about it.  You can change the background color, change the text color, even use CSS to throw up a square to the right or left of the nav you roll over. 2) While it's pretty clean, I think it wouldn't hurt to throw an actual photo in there to give it some life.  Right now it's pretty bland and simple.  Consulting makes me think of working with people, signing contracts, one on one meetings... you need to capture that in a picture.
  7. Hmm... I didn't see any part of that first post that was actually asking for a critique.  I just see an ad and a request for new members.  Until we get the PMs working again, email me at bennet at whproductions dot com if you have a valid reason for me to reopen this thread.
  8. Please use an appropriate board next time!
  9. The poll didn't convert when we moved from IPB to SMF. Thread closed to avoid further discussion on invalid results.
  10. This topic is done... there is no need for repitition of points made in the other thread.  I'm sick of hearing and talking about it.  It's removed, that's it.  Topic closed.
  11. steelman changed it yesterday to see how long it would take someone to notice.  Apparently the answer is about 15 hours. It's been changed back.
  12. You can check the Resources thread at the top of this board for some good links, but I always use www.sxc.hu for a good picture resource.
  13. I don't personally see the bug.  Is this a bug you're noticing WHILE testing?  Could it be that a web crawler finds your site randomly and is increasing the counter?
  14. Well, you could remove one piece of the puzzle by modifying your SQL: mysql_query("UPDATE wow_items SET hits=hits+1 WHERE id=$id"); That way you do your math based off of what is in the database and not by what junk might be sitting in the $hits variable.
  15. Might I suggest the following: [code] <?php switch($dbexpaccuracy) {   case ($dbexpaccuracy < 500) :       $accuracy = 10;   case ($dbexpaccuracy < 450) :       $accuracy = 9;   ...   default :       $accuracy = 1; } ?> [/code] It basically falls through the switch until it finds what it's looking for.  Keep in mind, I didn't test this, but it should work in theory.  You may have to adjust it or flip it so that it goes up instead of down.
  16. Ok... let's see... where to begin: 1) Your header image is kind of jagged and the moving background isn't really fluid.  It's very choppy.  Nice idea... bad implementation. 2) All the other graphics (down the left side) are very canned and boring.  It looks like they came directly out of some cheesy 90's pamphlet.  Try for an updated look with the pics and consider linking them as well.  The links are nice, but people like to click on pictures too.  It might not hurt to put the wording right in the graphic too. 3) Font.  Just a personal preference, but Arial isn't very appealing to read.  Try sans-serif or Tahoma. 4) Layout.  A few things: your content area could use a little more left and right padding, your nav could be a little less image based and still be effective, and it wouldn't hurt to throw some different content in the left panel between pages... maybe even make it random.   5) Design.  Move the CSS outside of the actual page (use a reference link or import it), drop the table design, and don't forget to validate! Hope that helps.
  17. Sounds like a plan... never hurts to give a client options!
  18. I edited your post to show the tag you were talking about... And if you look at the source, the tag shows up as "<br" and that's it, right before the opening div.
  19. Yeah... sorry, I should have pointed that out.
  20. No... I meant what I said.  Nonspammer is a group that everyone is in once they post 10 times.  That group is allowed to use the PM system.  Unfortunately, our main admin edited the PM file so we can't enable it via the admin panel, but as soon as I get FTP access (this week, hopefully), I can change that.
  21. I don't know... I kinda like the login tab colored different... it's a completely different function.  If you were to do anything there, I'd move the login to somewhere else, but I think it's different and kinda nice as-is.
  22. Oh wow... i'm with moberemk on this one.
  23. I'm using Opera 9 and getting the same issues as the others.  Your photo in the yellow part is also VERY fuzzy... i'd try to sharpen that up or find a different one.  Other than that, I'd say you've got a nice looking site. I like the logo too.
  24. I like the new design... my only complaint is that the background is a little boring.  Might look better with a gradient or maybe a darker color? 
  25. I personally liked A4... the big orange doesn't look as crisp and the groups of slices look a little more ornate. Just my 2c.
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