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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. OK - I can see a few uses for this kind of iteration - the best solution for you depends on what you are actually going to output info - but lets go on the basis you just want to show if the week is in the database... first you need the query result in an array so... <?php $qry = "SELECT * FROM `urtable`"; // swap this for your query string. $qry = mysql_query($qry); if (mysql_num_rows($qry) > 0) { $dataarr = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) { foreach($row as $key => $val) { $dataarr[$key][] = $val; } } } ?> OK so we no have an array of all the results (hope its not MASSIVE!!!!) now all we need to do is see if the current weeknumber is in the corresponding array... <?php // $number_weeks = weeks in chosen year for($i = 1;$i <= $number_weeks;$i++) { if (array_keys($dataarr['week'],$i)) { echo "Exsisting in database!"; } } ?>
  2. only thing I can think of - and its probably not ideal but still fairly simple.... <ul> <li class="live">1 <ul> <li class="live">1.1 <ul> <li>1.1.1</li> </ul> </li> <li>1.2</li> </ul> </li> <li>2</li> </ul> ul { border-left: 1px dotted #666; } li.live { background: transparent url(path/to/closed/image) no-repeat 0 10px; } ul li ul { display: none; } li.live { li.live { background: transparent url(path/to/open/image) no-repeat 0 10px; } li.live ul { display: block; } Have a play around with that - and create images that you want to show the item is open...
  3. this line font: "Pristina" cursive try font-family: "Pristina", cursive; you shouldn't need the quotes around pristina - its only when a space is in the font name that it is required...
  4. href is not a css selector - replace them with a as that is the tag name....
  5. for those who have upgraded to ie7 and need older versions to test on... http://tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE
  6. in css you can use the table { border-collapse: collapse; } this would ensure the formatting to empty cells is still applied - without the need for filling each empty cell with
  7. you could use ajax or just plain js to do this. JS would simply either change a z-index on elements or toggle divs. Ajax could be used to make everything faster by only loading up the content needed to display each tab... From an accessibility point of view though you should code you scripts so that this would work without js (a new page request using url paramerters to dsiplay approrpiate content) and then simply apply ajax wfterwards to make it nicer for the user....
  8. The biggest difference between IE and standards compliant browsers is the Box Model interpretation. Using a strict doctype (I use xhtml 1.1) forces even IE 6 to work in standards compliant mode - this doesn't solve EVERY layout problem you will have but it DOES solve most of them...
  9. http://elouai.com/force-download.php
  10. OH you want one of those links to a page online that shows the html email correctly!!! that is just a normal php page using the $_GET vars to construct content - millions of ways of doing this so I can't really tell you how to do it unless the only thing that changes on each page is the email that is displayed... In that bit if you pass the email address via the url (http://wwww.xyz.com/email.php?email=you@here.com) then simply put <?php echo $_GET['email']; ?> where you want the email to show up.
  11. if you mean you want to send a html formatted email then although you put the effort in and done a tableless design - you now gonna have to undo all your learning... the old awful inline formatting is the way to go - otherwise it won't display properly in many email apps - particularly web based. if you want to automate the sending then I suggest you google phpmailer - its dead easy to configureand will hadle allsorts for you.... won't go into more detail as I could write an essay - so go try and any probs post back in here or in teh php help section. Good luck and have fun!
  12. this is a pecl library thing - unless your host install it (which they probably won't) then you are unfortunately adrift in a sea of retarded adolescent sexuality.... Been on the Spinal Tap again - sorry.
  13. this is a setting in your php.ini file..... there is a line SMTP = xxxxx you need to put the xxxx to your service providers smtp server I am with virginmedia (formally telewest) so mine reads smtp.blueyonder.co.uk
  14. The amount of native support in the 'bog standard' php distribution via libraries is (certianly was) far greater than .net asp the liraries you don't have for the MS approach you must buy. what you don't have for php (which is rare) you can download for nowt. There is more support for php my way of sites like this - zend and few othe rcompanies so should you ever need it I suspect you'll get a much faster response for support too!!!! php is aparantly when compairng like for like faster and less resource hungry than .net asp too... will find a link for that - its here somewhere....
  15. straight after $value = curl_exec($ch); put echo $value; or print_r($value) should be echo!!!!
  16. echo out the raw result from your curl request... look at that result and check that the method used to extract the relevant data is correct...
  17. A really old one http://www.sitepoint.com/article/php-top-10-net-myths-exposed
  18. needs to be the other way around <?php $j=0; function shade($mode) { if ($mode == 1) { echo '</tr><tr style="background-color:#DDDDDD">'; $j = 0; } else { echo '</tr><tr>'; $j = 1; } }
  19. before you save it put a dark background on and see if that white stuff is still there - i suspect you have used the magic wand to select a shapd at some point - that sometimes won't give the desired affect you want. also check which type of png you are using i think is the 24xxx that you need...
  20. that is down to which ever app made the image for you...
  21. mate - are you just extracting urine now????? if that is a serious question may i suggest you give up web development - it is beyond your abilities....
  22. trigg - there are too many advantages of css layouts over tables to mention - there is NOTHING you can achieve with tables that you can't with div's - with divs having the enormous advantage of managability when it comes to updating your layout. Tables require you to manage things like colspans etc - that is never an issue with css layouts... anyway back to the OP have you validated your code? run it through http://validator.w3.org/. Try and section off each page area and use as little html as is possible. That will help begin eliminating any problems. Also switching to the xhtml1.1 doctype may help.....
  23. is the image going to be differet every single view? alternatively you can use the on-the fly method <img src="/path/to/image_script.php?anyvars=put-here" /> then in your image_script.php you can generate the image - that way it will never have to be saved on the server and anyone else viewing the page will not interfer with the image you are currently/about to display...
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