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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. set the folder and file permissions to 755. you may be able to do this with php chmod() function - be sure to look up umask() when you use this!!!
  2. data should be in tables not div tags - see if you can remove the divs... tr:hover { ... } is what you are after BUT this won't work in IE6 - for that you will need to use js and the onmouseover event handler in the tr tag to set different backgrounds etc.
  3. I think that is something you shoudl be doing in php... so before you use thjis file check if it exists - if it does unlink() that file... then carry on as normal and regenerate it.
  4. that date_ad function is a mysql function not php... to work with time zones in php it is best to reference everything to GMT then add/subtract hours from that
  5. if you did know (it just means adding the media="handheld" to the end of the <link tag!) then you will still only have to create one extra page to serve on small devices insetad of replicating the 10 pages of your small site. bottom line one extra css file is much less work than replication
  6. print 'alert('Hi there');'; should be print 'alert(\'Hi there\');'; or print "alert('Hi there');"; which is why that fails...
  7. I got it to work - but with the replacement string singled quoted (double quoted failed!) THANK YOU - you are a gentleman and a scholar.
  8. well somewere between hitting save and it being written to db or text file is where its happening - looks like javascript/ajax so if you aint adding it your self then that is.
  9. why did it not work???? apart from the delimiter I used ('#' - which you should have changed to what ever you use) then the code i gave would swap the info in the 3rd element with the last one....
  10. there will b some where... are you using a wysiwyg editor for the cms? it could be in there!
  11. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG Imagine a 2,000 page website - that becomes a 4,000 page website meaning you have to code twice as many pages.... 2,000 pages and just a different style sheet for each media type ( so just 2 for screen and handheld)... MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH.......... MUCH less work...
  12. $data = explode('#',$str); $tmp = $data[2]; $data[2] = $data[count($data) -1]; $data[count($data) -1] = $tmp;
  13. can you post the html is generating...
  14. look in the script that is called in your ajax and find wher it adds the linkindex - and remove it.
  15. <THIS is the content i want to appear when i open test_1.php?option=1> <?php switch($_GET['option']) { case 1: // content for 1. break; case 2: // content for 2. break; .... default: // default content when no option is defined. } ?>
  16. nope the only element that allows that is the <input type="file" .... which you would use to slect a file for uploading etc...
  17. I love the 'one site fits all' approach... with some good semantic html, media specific style sheets and some agent detection (for serving different sized images) you can serve mobiles with the same site that servers the 'normal' web
  18. that is the backgorund images that you need to create...
  19. I suspect this is down to the cascade.... #nav a { background: yellow; color: black; font-size: 0.75em; font-family: Pristina, cursive; } (the #nav href will never work - remember href is not a selector!!!!) define all the elements that nav is in (don't know what they are called so I am just giving example) div#wrapper div#nav a ..... try that or try putting this declaration right at the bottom of your css.
  20. Done this before and can't bloody replicate it... I have a string that contains place holders like so... Hello #name# and welcome to playgroup. You are #age# and have #limbs#. I have an array like so.. <?php $data['name'] = 'George'; $data['age'] = 3; $data['limbs'] = 4; ?> so I want to replace #XX# with the corresponding index in the array... something like... preg_replace('/#(.)*?#/',$data['$1'],$str); but I just can't get it... Please help before my monitor takes a hit.
  21. you need to have a field called 'week' in the result set - if its called something else change the $dataarr['week'] to what ever it is....
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